If you are so miserable why don't you get divorced?
OK, so this is going to open a can of worms but I HAVE to say this.
As step parents we have all made a conscious decision to be involved with a man who was previously married and who may also have children from said marriage. We ALL knew this coming into our relationships. Unless your husband had a love child crrawl out of the woodwork years after you union YOU KNEW THIS!
Most of us (I assume) dated our husbands long enough to get a good feel of the family dynamics BEFORE we married them. If the kids were nightmares, if BM was crazy, if dad was aa PAS/guilty parent....WE KNEW THIS! But we married our DH's anyway. Basically we have all made our beds.
BM is a pain. She is an addict. She is nuts. But I KNEW this. I stay because I choose too and while I may come here and ask for advice and occasionally do some mild venting I don't come here and tear her totally to peices. I GUARANTEE you that she has done some trully horrible things to me that would justify any slandering. I also stay because I have a fabulous DH who is a spectacular dad and the girls are sweet as pie and they need me. I have nothing bad to say about any of my kids or DH.
What I can not understand is those who do NOTHING but talk trash about the Skids, BM AND the DH. If there is nothing good there why would you stay? When the venting and bitter posts far out number the positive and advice seeking posts maybe it's time to call it a day. If I couldn't stand my skids and DH stayed on my nerves I would not put up with BM. I'd have no reason to stick aorund.
At what point is the issue not everyone else but rather our own innability to see the situation for what it is and count our loses? Basically you have two choices, deal or leave. Also, at what point does "venting" go over the line into flat out b*tchy? A vent is an occasional let off of steam, if you are her "venting" five times a day perhaps you are one of the ones who need to re-evaluate your situation.
And I will say right now that there is ABSOLUTELY NO EXCUSE FOR PURPOSELY TRYING TO ALIENATE A CHILD FROM THEIR PARENT. NONE. That is sick and it's unexceptable on any level you try to sale it from. If you have no options other than this left to save your marriage you need to make like Dorothy and move on down the road.
Sorry about the "vent" but some things just need to be said.
- goodmom's blog
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I think you have
I think you have misunderstood what THIS website is for....VENTING for Stepparents. If you don't like that then why do you stay? I think I can speak for a lot of step parents here that things changed AFTER we got married. In my case the BM wasn't crazy and the skids weren't little brats when I met DH, it wasn't until after I married him that BM lost her mind and is telling the skids that everything is my fault. So before you start posting stupid nonsense maybe you should take a look back at everyone's posting and find out the truth. And your question about why we stay...maybe you should ask it yourself. You saw what our posts consist of before you joined and it didn't change afterwards and if you don't like them and have to post you own posts about them...then why don't you leave!
I'm sorry justb
I can't say calling 4,5 and 6 year olds names is an adult way to vent. I just can not agree with that. There are more ladies on this site than you think who feel the way I do. They are just scared to speak up for fear they will get called names and attacked like so many do their skids on here.
I stay here because there are, like in my marriage and relationship with my children, POSITIVE aspects/posters on this site who may vent but ULTIMATELY they have something REAL to say. A good number of ladies on here also offer really good advice. If all posters did nothing but bitch and moan on every post I wouldn't stay. I'd roll my eyes and leave and think exactly what I posted "Then why don't you get a divorce".
You still didn't answer my question though. If you are miserable with your lot in life then why would you stay when you cuold wash your hands of it and leave? It makes no sense.
Having a baby does not make you a mother.
Did it ever occur to you
Did it ever occur to you that some of us use this site to just vent. I am very happy in my life but sometimes something happens that drives me to come to this site. Something either DH did, SS is doing or BM has done that I can't talk to anybody else about because they do not understand. A lot of people do not understand how I can not love my SS, after he is a child. Which is why I come here to vent my issues. I don't even need feedback from people it just feels good to get out what I am feeling and it is nice to know that I am not crazy or nuts because other people feel similar at times. I don't see a point in broadcasting all the good things that happen in my life it just causes me to spend more time on the computer than necessary. So just because someone is venting here and it seems harsh then it doesn't mean anyone is truly miserable in there lives and needs to move on. It just means some people have a bad day and need to talk to other people who understand what they are feeling. Would you rather I tell my SS who is 9 that sometimes I can't stand the sight of him because he has done something that is pissing me off? or because I am so angry I come here and tell everyone else what happened and instantly feel better because I got it off my chest. I don't need to tell people about all the wonderful things we do as a family.
I understand the need to vent
but what we say is who we are...even when we vent. The way we word things sometimes could be done in a more constructive way. You could get the same message across and vent away without calling the child one single name. Why not do it then? Why take the middle school route?
Having a baby does not make you a mother.
When did this post turn from
When did this post turn from "why do we stay" to "why do we call skids names"? And what we say isn't who we ARE it is how we feel at the time. I agree that some times people do get a little harsh on what they refer to their skids as but it really isn't for me to decide, I am sure they don't call them that to there faces which should make you feel a little better. If you don't like what they vent about or how they refer to their skids then easy answer is to avoid their posts, I think you have a pretty good idea about who you are referring to so just ignore what they are venting about. Now I agree with a lot of people on this site and thank god I found it. I mostly read what everyone is dealing with and I am thankful that my situation isn't nearly as bad and some people here. No one says you can't offer advice that someone may not want to hear, however when you are offering advice to someone who is venting and most likely completely pissed off you need to take care in your own wording. Offer advice but don't attack someone because of what they called their child or because they wish their Skids would just give up a parent. Saying something and doing something are 2 COMPLETELY different things. I may wish I could tell my SS all the awful things his mother has done but I don't however it is ok for her to make up stuff about his father and I. Just remember if you don't like it ignore it, and if you MUST say something keep things calm, do not attack someone for what they are feeling at the moment.
Giggle, your oviously a very judgemental and angry person, and its kind of funny. It's funny because while people on here are venting their healthy concerns over their family life.. along comes the self titled "good mom" criticizing. I wouldn't be suprised if you and your husband are on the rocks and your miserable!
"Having a baby does not make you a mother."
Writing a post doesn't make you an expert.
""Then why don't you get a divorce"."
Some WOMEN are committed to their families and marriages and are looking for help, its women like you who contribute to the divorce rate because you dont have enough values to keep your family together. You dont just walk, that's what a coward would do.
I think I'll go chuckle my pregnant a*s down the hall and get in bed with my honey now...
You're funny.
I giggle when I hear grown women resort to calling a 6 year old nasty names.
To each theri own I guess. I am not angry. Just disgusted at how low some will go in their so called "vents".
Having a baby does not make you a mother.
Then go to ivillage. You
Then go to ivillage. You would fit in perfectly there.
I stay b/c the kids will be grown and gone someday and I want to grow old with my BF. He is great BF/DH material but a lousy dad b/c he is too easy on the kids (don't give me grief, but I am an adult and know how to act).
Having a marriage doesn't make you an expert on all marriages.
Why would I fit in
at Ivillage? Because people there have some morals? Honestly all I ma saying is that some folks go toooo far. Venting is OK and eveennecessary at times but to call a child a fat tub of lard and such is out of line. I don't care how many people have been mean to you or hurt your feelings...it's just wrong.
Having a baby does not make you a mother.
I can only speak from my perspective...I come here and I vent, yes even occasionally bitch. I, like many others, have my moments where I want to throw in the towel and run like the wind. I have not left because it is not that simple. I don't believe it is black or white. I have a BD to think about, and yes I do love my husband very much. Sometimes when I post these vents, I do so because I want some support. I want to know I'm not nuts. I want someone to say, "hang in there.." and offer something positive in return to get me "refocused" if you will.
Did I know My DH had kids, yes. But some of us have dynamics within our relationships with the skids/BM/in laws/DH that come up after the "I do's" are said. Things changed for me after I got married, the skids behaviors escalated, and DH and my life were riddled with many challenges that I never saw coming prior to our marriage.
The point is, I have made a commitment and am doing my damnedest to stick it out and be a better person. By bitching to my DH instead of here.....I am only contributing to the demise of my marriage, and I need a safe spot to voice my vents so I can let them go...process them or whatever. I think that people that choose to stand and fight for something are much courageous than those that cut their losses.
"Just because I'm paranoid doesn't mean people aren't out to get me"
But fight for what
The only answer to some posters complaint is if Skids dissapeared or BM dropped dead. If you have to literally fight for sanity in your marriage isn't that a red flag?
It's one thing to vent now and again but to constantly rip a child apart online doesn't say much for the venter.
Having a baby does not make you a mother.
Well said - thank you
I think the point was missed
Yes, people come here to vent, but like Goodmom said, if you are venting about your SKids or SO several times a day, then maybe being a Step Parent or being in a relationship with someone who has kids, isn't for you.
We all have days where we struggle, sometimes weeks, but the ones that aren't venting all the time, are doing something to change their situations. There are people that have been members of this site for several years, and they are still complaining about the same issues they were in the beginning. That doesn't seem healthy for them.
You are making a lot of assumptions
Here you say:
Most of us (I assume) dated our husbands long enough to get a good feel of the family dynamics BEFORE we married them. If the kids were nightmares, if BM was crazy, if dad was aa PAS/guilty parent....WE KNEW THIS! But we married our DH's anyway. Basically we have all made our beds.
I for one, was blind sided. I live 20 miles away and had no true understanding of BM's interference. I saw DH mostly when he didn't have the skids but some times when he did. The boy was sweet and the girl was a bratty 14 year old. Having 2 daughters of my own, I thought she was within the normal range, albeit, the high end. I met BM and she wasn't friendly but she did say hello and since I didn't expect to be her best friend, as long as she was polite, I was fine. She was dating a man at the time and had 2 other children so I figured she had a life of her own. DH never had a serious live in girl friend or wife for the 15 years they were divorced and never thought there would be a problem. I am a BM and my ex and I get along fine so why would I think there would be a problem???
We got married and all was relatively fine for about 3 months. All the sudden she launches her little sneak attack. PAS's the skids and goes crazy contacting the relatives, etc. Believe me, if I'd had any inkling that she was a nutcase and her kids were brainwashed, I would have left rubber marks on the driveway long before the wedding. Which is part of my problem with DH. I told him I didn't like conflict and he promised me that "everyone got along just fine."
So, you think I made my own bed, eh? Just like everyone else that knows nothing about my situation. Well, I disagree.
Maybe you think I should just leave now that I know. Well, we're married now which I take very seriously. I am a Christian and made a promise before God. I'm sticking it out and doing my best to make things better. I thought that was what this site was for, to help people who are struggling. Not to sit in judgement.
I really like you from what I have read and I think you are one of the more rational posters. You vent but I don't think you ever cross the line into nasty.
That being said I still think there are warning signs to potential nuttiness in every second mariage. If you some of these BM's and SKIDS are as horrible as SOME (not necessarily YOU) posters make them out to be, there is no way in un-holy hell they didn't see it coming.
People do not change. You may be oblivious to it but the behavior was always there. Especially when dealing with an adult (BM) whoes personality is totally established. The crazy may not of been directed at you but it was there. You can't just turn crazy on and off.
Having a baby does not make you a mother.
I guess what I'm saying is
I have said some pretty nasty things on this site. Things I couldn't/wouldn't say and so much anger built up after constant abuse in my own home.
You have a good relationship with your Skids so I don't think you can understand. I didn't either until it happend to me. People had complained to me that were in it but I didn't get either. I really don't think you can understand how nasty or hateful a young adult/teenager can be that has been PAS'd until you live with one. And I don't think you can understand how distructive it is to a woman's self esteem living with one or more.
You get so beat down living with hateful people. Costantly being attacked by BM and skids--all of it unjustifed that you need a safe place to vent. I've come on here and said nasty things I would never say anywhere and I've got to tell you, now that I got it all out, I'm not angry anymore. (not much anyway.)
After what I've been through and what these ladies have done for me, I would to be that person for someboday else. Yes, some people may be trapped in a vicious cycle but I always went to be a good friend encouraging someone to do the right thing. And I think some of these people care more than you think. It's better they rage here than at skids or DH. At least it was for me. If I didn't have this site, I don't know what I would have done.
So please give people grace and kindness. Some of them have been so hurt. Hurt people hurt others. If something I say or just listen to helps even one person on this site get better and/or or salvages the wreckage of their home, I will feel happy to know I helped someone.
"Evil Stepmothers aren't born, it comes with the territory"
I didn't see it coming
I didn't see it coming either! Everything was great until my sd hit the teenage years. Then all heck broke lose and she became a total monster! She caused more trouble than I would ever have thought she was capable of. She truly became a b****! My dh and I almost didn't make it. We still have issues because of my skids even though they are out of the house now. I do believe that my sd would love to see me gone! I didn't have this site to vent on when my sd was home. If I had of, I probably would have called my sd several choice names just because of the anger I was feeling. I don't have a relationship with her now and probably never will because I couldn't trust her as far as I can throw her! My point is this sight is for venting. Maybe some people really don't want their marriage to end and can see that it is good without the skids or bm. Hard to say for sure. Maybe these people that go to the extreme in venting are just not wanting to give up and hoping that the venting makes them feel better. No one really wants to see their marriage end. I had reached a point during my sd's teenage years where I wasn't sure if I was staying because I loved my dh or because I didn't want to fail again as this was my 2nd marriage. I stuck it out though and now have it better so it paid off for me. I still have trouble from time to time because of the skids, but nothing compared to what it was before. So, I don't think that I would knock others who are in different stages of acceptance, realization or denial of what their relationship is or is not ever going to be. Also, when people are angry, they say things that they don't mean just because they are angry. I think that if they come here and say it and don't take it out on the skids then they are showing some control and should not be critized about it. Sometimes you just gotta get the words out when and where it will do the least damage and this is the place for it! What difference does it make to any of us if they need to come here and vent several times a day. What difference does it make to ANY of us if they NEED it because they are in a tough spot and don't want to give up yet! No one likes to fail! Let's just allow them what they need to feel better and maybe help them to move along to a better place instead of critizing them. I'm sure they are having to deal with enough garbage in their lives. This site is meant for helping them, not making them feel like they have no where to turn for a shoulder to cry on or vent on!
i can say that yes our bm has always been a bitch, but it was mainly because she cant stand the fact that my dh moved on and she doesn't get to run his life anymore. She actually told me that she was sorry once because she was trying to cope with another woman being in her childs life. In past posts, there have been many women who did NOT know what they were in for, the bm didn't start going crazy until they were married. I honestly thinks this stems from the bm issues with the exH having someone new and using the kids to control the situation. I would say that most men, before they meet their new spouse, pretty much let bm do what ever she wants because hes living the bachelor lifestyle, and when he establishes a family and would like to establish structure, the bm refuses to the acknowledge the father as an equal parent because lets face it, most of these women want it there way and they want it all at everyone elses expense. REGAURDLESS, we are we at fault when these nut cases in reality should be the ones put in the looney bin?
i stay because my husband is the most amazing man! I love my ss, but we do have our issues thanks to bm brain washing/PAS him. I would say that many women come here to vent because its the only place they can safely let out all the negativity that is created by bm/skids/and in some cases dh.
as far as being bitchy...well that's a little judgmental dont you think? because i have class and dont want to look like a pathetic piece of crap like bm, I hold my tongue at all times...so since she is stealing from us, too lazy to work, brain washing her child, harassing us, stalking me, etc, why shouldnt i be able to come here and call her all the names that she truly deserves to be called?
I most certainly agree that some of these posters really do need to call it quits! but there is something making them stay...they fell in love with this man, and promised forever...why should they not suffer and pull through this and then once the skids are grown, grow old with the one they love.
as far as alienating a child from their parent....i dont care where/who/what a child is, THEY SHOULD NOT FEEL FREE TO BE RUDE AND DISRESPECTFUL TO ANY ADULT! I welcome my ss in to my home with open arms I love him immensely and most people that see us think he is mine, i clean his room, i make him all his meals/grocery shop, buy all his clothes, teach him letter and numbers because his bio parents do not, on and on and on...BUT it is very clear in my house that once ss is 8, if he chooses to be rude or disrespectful HE WILL BE LIVING AT HIS MOTHERS FULL TIME! if he ever makes a threat to my future baby or children, he will also no longer be welcome in our house. Look at missangie for example and her devil ss, in what universe does this woman not have the right to not allow this child in her home?
I think there is no excuse for alienating a child. Yes, I think the mere thought of trying to so is b*tchy. I also think calling a kid mean names is immature and b*tchy.
Having a baby does not make you a mother.
to each their own
i happy for you that your skids respect you and are not horrible to you because bm has brain washed them that you are a bad person. I think that there are cases where a child should be kept from an environment...a couple months back there was a child who was so evil the bm didnt want him and he broke the arm of the baby sister, beat himself up and called cps on the sm...there truly are some kids heck adults too, that are born with a pure evil in them...i feel sorry for you that you are so naive to think that your expertise fits all the members here.
I DO NOT call my ss any names i would not call my own child (obviously these are not things said in front of him) for example, "oh ss is acting like an idiot at tball because bm was encouraging him to not play with the team, i was so embarrassed, non of the other kids were acting like this."
As far as calling bm names, sweetheart call it what you will venting/bitchy blah blah blah....This low life piece of shit deserves to be called names for the things she is doing, mainly for the fact that HER child is going through so much because of HER actions, she doesnt care about her son, she just wants to do what makes her happy...
I am a mother to that child, who knows how far behind that child would be if it weren't for me....I bite my tongue in life and carry on with a smile and nurture my ss as much as possible when he is in my home, if you want to put me down for calling this nasty bitch names, thats your choice but im sure youre no saint...there are many more constructive places your judgment could be used.
i want to add..
mainly my issues with your post is that you say because we call bm names we are being bitchy....im so sick of this! our bm plays the victim to everyone and they believe all her lies and cant understand why im not kissing her ass for the sake of ss. It makes me want to barf! Bm is a thief, drunk, mentally abusing her child etc..and for us there is no recourse as the courts protect the mom, we watch these kids we care about become unstable because the bm only cares about herself, yet because i come here to vent and i call her names im bitchy?
If you aren't
calling your ss names or threatening to try and force him out of your DH's liofe then this message didn't even ever apply to you. My entire issue is with what some peopple here say about children and how cold, nasty and vicious they can be towarads THE CHILDREN.
What you call BM is you own call. As long as you arn't doing it in front of the kids of course.
Having a baby does not make you a mother.
Yes GOODMOM, I want to push
Yes GOODMOM, I want to push my SD13 out because first she's manipulative...only proved by what I read in her diary...and two her BM has an 18 month year old and another on the way so maybe she will learn that having a kid at her age isn't so smart. I know for a fact that she is forced to babysit her 18 month old brother all the time when she is with her mom and she hates it....so maybe if she is over at her mother's house more often she will learn that she isn't old enough or mature enough to have a kid. Maybe she will realize that she needs to grow up more and take on more responsibility to be treated like an adult like she wants to be treated.
One SM here lost her own
One SM here lost her own child because the SK and BM filed FALSE abuse charges. She eventually got him back, but it took a couple months while it was investigated. I'm sorry, but if that were me, no way would that SK come anywhere near me or my kid again. If thats alienating, so be it! But I don't blame her one bit!
"I child proofed my whole house, but they STILL get in!"
I think that's enough.
This blog is a clear attack on crayon. She isn't getting divorced because she doesn't want to.
If we are her friends here at ST then we can respond to her, if not then I suggest that you ignore her.
It's a simple solution.
I think the attacking is hurtful though. If you took enough time to get to know her you'd see side that you wouldn't want to hurt.
Please stop...........I'm asking you to please stop with this blog. Its hurtful.
~all you need is Faith, Trust, and a little bit of Pixie Dust...and sometimes a machine gun~
step mom jen
Nope. It honestly is not directed at any particular poster but there are an awful lot of posters who fit the bill.
I can not under any circumstances condone alienation of a child. I can't I can't condone calling a child names or picking on the child or wishing the child ill. I can't. I'm sorry. If it just so happens that some of ou feel offended by this...oh well. I am offended by some of the outright horrible things said about children...CHILDREN on this site.
Like I said, some have trully good advice to offer and seem relatively level headed and when you vent it is wiithin reason. I will n apologize though becuas eI think there is an equall number who say some pretty vile things. Why can't we "vent" without acting like pack animals?
I stick by what I said that if you are soooo miserable you have nothing positive to say about any aspect of your marriage...the issues is you and your inability to see reality.
Having a baby does not make you a mother.
I don't think this is an "attack" on Crayon. Maybe Crayo's blog spurned the idea for it, but to say it's an "attack" is unfair to Goodmom.
It's an open question, and one that I have raised on here before. If you are Unhappy, why stay?
And for the record, last time I knew, Crayon isn't married to her SO, so obviously she can't divorce him. Break up, yes. Divorce, no. Since you obviously know her so well, you should have known that.
I've been reading blogs here for almost a year (joined several months later) and I have seen nothing change. So the only part of Crayon (since you brought her up specifically) I get to see and "know" is the person she puts in her blogs. And she seems to me to be unhappy and bitter about her situation.
There are LOTS of times i ignore people and their blogs, but some things are hard for me to let go. Like the lady who wished her DH dead so she wouldn't have to deal with SD.
If you are THAT UNHAPPY and upset about your situation, do SOMETHING about it.
So, in conclusion, do I hate Crayon, no. Do I think she is miserable in her situation, yes. Do I think some of the things she says are out of line and ridiculous, hell yes. But I do NOT hate her.
Actually LAB, I don't know her that well!
I just know from reading what she writes that she's in alot of pain. I know she's stuck in a situation and due to her giving nature has dug her self a hole that she can't escape right now. I knew he was her BF, I don't know why I put divorce. I should have written leave him, something like that. My bad.
Sometimes it's hard to get out of situations like this.
She comes here to vent......I think we should let her do that without telling her how wrong she is to do so, and to tell her what she is and isn't allowed to vent about.
That's all I'm saying.
~all you need is Faith, Trust, and a little bit of Pixie Dust...and sometimes a machine gun~
I gotta say...
I kind of think it was an attack on a few posters here, but Crayon was the last person that come to my mind!
I've said this before, on a blog like this...
So it's deja vu... But basically, my thought on this is...
Venting is great!! Healthy! Good, get it out, so it doesn't poison you. But unchecked venting is not good. When there are no checks and balances, or, if the only responses allowed are those that agree with the "vent" then that's dangerous. Because then, the reinforcement leads to the perception becoming the reality. And that's not always healthy, or good, and sometimes not even close to reality!
I believe, we owe it to each other to give each other opposing opinions and a reality check now and again.
I also believe that there are those on this site who want the help and those who don't. They just want to vent and don't care what others think or feel if they disagree, they are handling it the best they can. So butt out, thank you very much!!
It's very hard to sit back and "watch" people say things that could be construed as hurtful, or even worse - HATEFUL - toward children. It's very difficult to swallow, even if it is a vent. I get it. Believe me, there are things that I could say or write about SD, but I don't allow myself too. That's my other thought on this. I don't allow myself to indulge that negativity. Because I don't see it as helping that relationship. Yeah, once in a while... fine, great. It's nice to know there are others out there experiencing it. And maybe, that makes me a coward because I won't allow myself to go that far. But if you do allow yourself to go that far... and we don't see you pulling yourself back in... then what?
Open forum? So what says, goes? Or, do we step in and say "Hey....think about this.... Think about where you are"... Is this good for you??? Is this good for them?
I love this site. I love it for the support and commiseration. But I love it even more when someone presents something I didn't think about, or realize, or know. I love it when someone says, my marriage was hurting and this place helped. It helped because we are all able to express what we are going through.
I won't ever condone calling a child a name. I won't ever condone encouraging a child to disengage from their parent. But I will encourage 1 adult to leave a situation from another adult when they are the ones in control. Not the children. And I'm guessing that is what Goodmom is also trying to say.
Best wishes ladies!!!
Yet again you have managed to say what I mean more effectively then I ever could.
Venting is a good thing. NO it's a GREAT thing but spewing venom is not venting...it's spewing venom. There is a very obvious difference.
Some of the ladies who have replied to me about this post need to understand that they may be healthy venters and this post is not directed at ANYONE. I am trully sorry if it came across that way. I have just noticed some pretty harsh posts popping up and trully all I could think was "why do these women stay in the relationship if they are so miserable? I would have ran for the hills."
And like Stick, I also can not be OK with any venting that demolishes a child. If there is so much animosity towards the kid then I think the step parent needs to either get counseling and learn to deal or bow out. To stay and rake the child across the coals is just ridiculous.
Having a baby does not make you a mother.
I too will speak from my perspective only...Before yesterday I had no knowledge of this site. And it has proven invaluable to me because like Catlover stated, if I can vent here, I can save DH from hearing my raging mad rants.
Despite knowing that BM was a nutjob and that being a SM was not going to be an easy task, I chose to stick by my man. I wasn't going to hold it against him that when he was 21 years old he made the mistake of picking such an unstable person to have kids with.
It is not easy, it will never be easy. But when I look at my SS, and I see what a difference I have made in this boys life in only 9 months of him living under my roof, I understand that it is all worth it.
And having a place to swap stories is such a bonus.
At least you
are seeing some positives. I am more or less refering to the posters who openly HATE their skids and complain constantly abouthe DH and still they choose to stay in the relationship and stay miserable. I am guessing you would never call your ss a nasty name just in the way you presented yourself in your response.
You were calm and adult. You never got overly defensive with me. You spoke your mind with out acting the fool. WHY CAN'T WE ALL DO THAT!
Having a baby does not make you a mother.
Sia posted an article today
Sia posted an article today about the amount of complaining people do. It's pretty interesting. Maybe we should all read it and in Sita true fashion, learn some inner zen from it?
To every thing there is a season.
I think we
could all benefit from some Zen.
Having a baby does not make you a mother.
I'm in on that
"Just because I'm paranoid doesn't mean people aren't out to get me"
I was hoping to inspire Sita
to write something about it.....
Well, she always tells me
Well, she always tells me I'm wise beyond my years (although, I'm really not that young). I wrote in true ana fashion on it. It sounds like me talking. Picture me saying that with a jello shot in one hand and a glass of bitch wine in the other near a campfire as we make inappropriate references to hot dogs on sticks.
To every thing there is a season.
thank you for
making me laugh today!
*Polishing nails on my
*Polishing nails on my shirt* I do what I can.
To every thing there is a season.
Oh Matty....
I LOVE inappropriate references to hot dogs on sticks! haha
"I child proofed my whole house, but they STILL get in!"
I haven't been on consistently anymore
But I'm home alone for a few more mins and will check it out Sia.
Ahh Ana....
You made my day. I have been really torn at how many people I love and care about complain about everything, everyone, and in very judgmental and negative ways.
I do think this site is a sanctuary. I don't agree with everyone on here. I don't have to. I have let go of trying to "enlighten" as I finally realized I have no business trying to show people a way I believe to be the best. Because...we all must find our own way, and a way to own our individual understanding. It is best for me, but that doesn't mean it is for anyone else.
If I feel someone on here is whiny, bitchy, lazy, etc...I try to take into account that I have no idea why they are coming across that way and that it could very likely have more to do with my mood, tolerance, understanding, perspective.
Goodmom, you raised a question for whatever reason - to get an answer, to insinuate others are less advanced, to encourage the discourse you knew would follow.
It matters not to me anymore why anyone posts these blogs. Perhaps I have truly lost my own grip with sanity to the degree that I don't want to debate it all out. Everyone has their own perspective and there is little anyone will ever do to change the core of someone's views of the world.
Maybe I'm just so very tired after being baited into borderline debates with SD daily throughout the summer, that I realize I am easily baited now and am no longer going to bite wherever I can help it.
C'est la vie.
I think that the side that many people show on here is only one
My FH and I have a good relationship. I love my family (bs and skids). But sometimes, someone will do something that reeeaaalllyy gets under my skin. So I come here to vent about it, because its not that big of a deal that I need to rant and complain at home about. 9 times out of 10 after I type all that out, I feel better.
If you judge me just by my posts you wouldn't get the full picture of who I am. But the truth is, I want to be in my relationship, and part of being in that relationship is accpeting the package, which includes BMs, skids, inlaws, etc.
It hasn't been easy. I have been at the end of my rope sometimes and I know that FH has been so fustrated, but we get through. Sometimes it is difficult because you love the man but have a hard time dealing with all that the "package" brings along.
I feel for the people that have really horribly behaved skids. The drama, the strife, the tension, the marital issues, they all come along with it. And that sux.
Do I think the name calling is right? No, not really. I think I would be hurt if I knew FH was talking about my BS like that. But he has every right to vent and be fustrated and talk to whomever he trusts or post wherever it is. But the bottom line is still the same, at the end of the day we are a family and will get through it as one.
Maybe we should all make a decision right now to post more positives! If we could put just a little focus on some of the good aspects of our relationships with Dh and the skids the little vents wouldn't seem so attacky.
The name calling has to go though and I am glad you agree with that. I hear a kid called "mini skank" and I just shut down and anything I would of said to offer encouragment flies out the window. It just isn't constructive at all. We would ALL be hurt and very angry if someone spoke about OUR children like that.
Having a baby does not make you a mother.
Maybe we should all make a decision right now to post more positives! If we could put just a little focus on some of the good aspects of our relationships with Dh and the skids the little vents wouldn't seem so attacky.
The name calling has to go though and I am glad you agree with that. I hear a kid called "mini skank" and I just shut down and anything I would of said to offer encouragment flies out the window. It just isn't constructive at all. We would ALL be hurt and very angry if someone spoke about OUR children like that.
Having a baby does not make you a mother.
I think your intention was good, I think it just came off wrong. However, I do think that sometimes we get a little too into our situations, and have trouble seeing a way out. Sometimes the problem overwhelms us and we cant find a way out of it, can't see the forrest for the trees, ya know?
I personally have called my SDs (bitches), b/c that is what they were acting like. However, they are practically adults, not really children in my eyes. I wont get into my entire story, but I do love my SD17 very much. I have even had much compassion for the BM in my situation lately. This has not always been the case, but I felt like the situation has warranted it.
Honestly, I dont care for the statement you made about us "knowing what we were getting ourselves into". That's unfair to a lot of us. I responded yesterday on someones blog about how I honestly believed we'd all be one big happy family when I first married DH. Yes, the signs of BM being crazy were there, but if you have blinders on, you dont see it. I wanted it all to work out sooo badly that I think I actually turned a blind eye to it. Hindsight is 20/20. It's really not so cut and dry.
IMHO, I think you are in for more than you can handle with your BM. She is very similar to ours, and I see where you are headed with her. The skids are great now, mostly b/c she is out of the picture, but so were mine. They were great until BM showed back up..then it all went to hell in a handbasket pretty darn quickly. I didnt search for this site until I started having real problems with SD17 a couple of yrs ago. Before that, everything wasn't great, but doable.
Divorce is not something that can be taken so lightly. I once considered divorcing my DH to get away from the BM. However, I stayed b/c we had two boys together and did NOT want to screw up their lives just b/c I couldn't deal with the BM. So, I got counseling and found this place. Actually, my friends here (especially stepwitch) saved me from divorce on MORE than one occassion. If they hadn't have been my friends, I would be another statistic and so would our boys. Not exactly fair to just tell people to get a divorce.
I do understand your frustration though. Some people DO just want to be miserable, and they want commiseration. Sometimes they will repeadetly post the same thing over and over again trying to get it. I want to be stepwitch for someone else, that's why I am here, and occassionally to bitch about my SD. Someone else said that you are only getting one side of someone here. That is true. Having met a lot of these ladies in person, I can attest to the fact that sometimes what we post isn't who we really are.
I can handle BM. I have handle her for over four years already. The girls very well might get harder to handle but I am ready for that also. DH is very supportive also so I know we will all survive. I am braced for it either way. By the time the girls are ten BM will most likely be dead. BM has Hep C and she refuses to stop using and drinking even though the Doctors have told her she is going to die.
Divorce isn't so much a light topic and I don't mean to make it sound as such but neither is hatred towards a child and some posters seem to genuinly HATE their skids. The Dh's won't be supportive in correcting the bad behavior but the spouse stays and just takes it out on the kid. I think it's an unhealthy situation for all involved once it has hit that point.
"Yes, the signs of BM being crazy were there, but if you have blinders on, you dont see it."
You pretty much said exactly what I said except you worded it different. The problems were always there but we pick and choose which ones we want to see.
Having a baby does not make you a mother.
Many do not call their Skids anything but Skids.
In most cases the vent has nothing to do with slander. Recounting a factual situation or expressing opinions is not slanderous it is just ......... the truth or a Constitutionally protected right. This falls under that Free Speech thing in the Constitution.
That said, saying that a kid "has their head up their butt" is not calling a kid names or un-adult it is just a statement indicative of a kid's behavior. Calling the opposition BioParent a "dip-shit" or a "moral-less toothless moron" is one of those situations where I have to say ........the truth hurts those it applies to wether a comment is figurative or litteral.
I recommend that you take a look more closely at the issues that are discussed. At the core you will find that the motivator is far more often than not, how do we look out for the best interests of the kids (bio or step) and how to we protect our marriages.
Of course at the get-go the name of the site is extremely clear.
StepTalk ....... Where Step Parents come to "VENT"!
Lighten up a bit.
Best regards,
Success is rarely final. Failure is rarely fatal. It is character, courage and consistency of effort that count. Vince Lombardi (with some minor Rags modifications) To each according to their performance, screw Karl Marx. (Rags)
I know the issues very well.
I know the issues very well. I have neem through a good number of them myself. I guess my idea of venting is a little more mature than others.
Freedom of Speech doesn't cover bad mouthing a child. Go into a court of law and admit to the judge that you call a child horrible names and see what happens. See how far freedom gets you on that one. Department of Children and Families would be involved so fast your head would spin.
If your Bm's got ahold of some of the things said on here they would go right to court and it would not be pretty. How many here would openly take their posts made on this site to their BM's lawyer? Would you be ashamed at all if it fell in a judges hand and your DH had to deal with the pitfall? Would it embarass you to hear some of your statements made about a child read back to you infornt of a room full of educated adults....if the answer is yes you have gone too far.
Having a baby does not make you a mother.
Nicely said. Thank you for
Nicely said. Thank you for speaking the words that I was thinking!
I here absolutely nothing you have to say. You are so opposite me it isn't even funny....especially tragic for your skids.
Having a baby does not make you a mother.
I here absolutely nothing you have to say. You are so opposite me it isn't even funny....especially tragic for your skids.
Having a baby does not make you a mother.
Sorry if I exhaust you
but since I actually work for Human resources it is very hard for me to ignore soem of the things I read on here. Some of it is border line menal/emotional abuse and it DEFFINATLY falls under PAS which in my state is not tolerated.
Sorry if I'm too passionate about fair and decent treatment of children for some to get. It's my job so I can't just shut it off....even on a "venting" site.
Having a baby does not make you a mother.
Sorry if I exhaust you
but since I actually work for Human resources it is verhard for me to ignore soem of the things I read on here. Some of it is border line menal/emotional abuse and it DEFFINATLY falls under PAS which in my state is not tolerated.
Sorry if I'm too passionate about fair and decent treatment of children for some to get. It's my job so I can't just shut it off....even on a "venting" site.
Having a baby does not make you a mother.
I for one present the same message here as I would in court ...
If this was Court I would run my comments through a Thesaurus and word my message in a manner appropriate to the audience. I might not choose the exact wording to recount in court but the message would be the same.
On S-Talk I might refer to BioDad as a "toothless idiot" or "SpermDad' in reference to his behavior or relative quality of his contribution to my Son's (SS's) life.....
In court I would refer to his behavior as "indicative of someone of no character and limited intellectual ability with extremely poor judgement as evidenced by the recorded conversation X,Y and Z and Private Investigator video clips L, M, N O & P ......." and refer to his contribution to my SS's life as "detrimental to the child's well being and nothing of value beyond half of my SS's genetic make up".
As for BioDad's lawyer, he was an idiot too. As with most things, you get what you pay for. I would have no problem giving the toothless attorney the same messages face to face in a court of law. IMHO.
I look at this as being roughly akin to Dustin Hoffman winning an Oscar for his roles in Tootsie and in Rain Man. One was an entertaining goofy movie the other very serious. Both performances won him an Oscar ........ not that I am comparing myself to Dustin Hoffman. I am taller!
S-Talk allows Sparents to "let their hair down" and work through issues without having to worry about anything but the cathartic vent rather than the seriousness of presenting the same message while on the witness stand next to the usual Family Law Court idiots in the black robes.
Just my thoughts of course.
Best regards,
P.S. Please do not interpret my responses to you as negative. You bring a ton of value to the S-Talk community and process. Opinions are like the individuals that have them. Some are well thought out, some are not and many change with how good or bad of a day the poster is having. Hang in there.
Success is rarely final. Failure is rarely fatal. It is character, courage and consistency of effort that count. Vince Lombardi (with some minor Rags modifications) To each according to their performance, screw Karl Marx. (Rags)
Every thing you say is hillarious. You word things so well:)
Thanks for seeing the positive in a different view and expressing your own view without sounding psychotic.
Having a baby does not make you a mother.
GM, Okay, Now you have offended me!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Who ever said I was NOT psychotic. I have worked very hard my entire adult live to develop this psychosis and I am proud of it.
Mwwwaaaaahhhhhaaaaaaahhhhhaaaaaaa!!!!!!!!!!!! }:)
Best regards,
Success is rarely final. Failure is rarely fatal. It is character, courage and consistency of effort that count. Vince Lombardi (with some minor Rags modifications) To each according to their performance, screw Karl Marx. (Rags)
Since we're all being honest
Goodmom, I like you from your posts. I don't know how old you are but I get the impression quite a bit younger than I am (under 30) and wise beyond your years.
I think you are doing something younger people (including myself) tend to do. They think that they got it right (I think you do too) and can't understand other people that don't. But you have a DH that supports your decisions and not everyone here does.
I would like you to think about something. I would prefer all SM's to stay on this site (even imperfect ones.) They are not going to leave their DH just because you critisize but they may leave the site. Isn't it better if they are here to vent and we can calm each other down and encourage each other to do the right thing???
And there is something else I think you should consider. Unemployment rate is 10% and about 20% of the houses in the US are not worth what we paid for them. Some fo the women on these sites have lost jobs, relocated and will lose money if they sell their homes etc. Some of them are truly stuck. Some don't know how to get out. I think it's better for them to be here than not and will continue to try and help people when I can.
"Evil Stepmothers aren't born, it comes with the territory"
Thanks for the compliments and I do agree the economy does make things harder right now. You are right about that for sure and I will admit that openly. I did not take that into consideration as far as divorce goes.
Having a baby does not make you a mother.
For all of those
who think this site is just for venting, the tag line at the top also says the following:
"This site provides a place for stepparents to talk about their issues, offer support, provide solutions, give helpful advice, ask questions on step parenting and blended families and vent."
Venting is only part of it. Offering advice and support are so much more important IMO. That is why I came here, to know I wasn't the only one dealing with a mentally ill BM and sometimes frustrating Skids. But I can't remember calling my SD's mean names. They are kids. Can they be brats, yes. But does that give me the right to call them nasty names, no.
Do I call BM Beast Bitch and Spawn of Satan, yes, because she is. And I would call her those things to her face and she would deserve it.
I don't think you understand
I don't think you understand the point of this site. Your comment about getting involved with a SO with kids somehow discounts the frustration and greif that it causes doesn't wash. We as adults do alot of things that don't turn out the way we thought. Taking a job, having a bio child, making a move etc... I find it hard to believe that you never complain about anything in your life and if someone's response to you was "well you went in with your eyes open and knew what you were getting into" I don't think you would appreciate it. Why do you have to make judgements? Can't you just enjoy the site for what you get out of it and leave it at that. People are on here because they are having a tough time and don't need you to be yet one more person to tell them how their wrong.
Just my opinion.
Not everyone knew what they were getting into
SS was living with BM full-time when we got married and SS wasn't all that bad until we got married and I got pregnant.
Yes I do vent about SS and wish he'd go away but that wasn't always the case, when you have a child in your home threatening to kill your unborn child I think venting is the least I could do.
Yes most of us knew that our SO's had children but alot of the issues we have with the children and their BM usually don't show up until after you say "I do" SS was actually a sweet kid up until we got pregnant and he just had the basic annoying issues most kids do until of course we got pregnant. Yes I know he's jealous but a 10 year old knows better then to desroy a bedroom and threaten to kill his unborn brother.
And yes DH annoys me right now with his not standing up to SS's behavior but I give him a little break on that because he is a guilty parent because he wasn't in SS's life until he as 4 years old (BM didn't tell him he had a son) and he's trying to get better but honestly if I didn't have the ability to vent here DH and SS would be shit out of luck and be living on the streets.
i mentioned you
in my reply to this blog...how this poster should not be generalizing everyone on here. Like in your case, you have every right to take necessary steps to remove ss from your home!
It's just the coming of the tides.
I surround myself by good things, good people.
Goodmom, I understand your frustration. I get upset when I see an injustice, something I don't believe to be right.
I applaud your honesty and I embrace many of your thoughts. I, also, accept the diverse group that resonates here. Some of us ARE stuck by our own accord continuing to resist the inevitable, and some of us are lost souls seeking for something better, while others have found a path and are executing the right to purge a bit.
I'm miserable in my marriage. I come here to vent about the heartache that I endure and you, my friend, are absolutely correct in your thoughts towards the obvious solution. I envy your convictions and hope that as you continue on your path realize that I'm attempting to find mine... but try to have compassion for those of us who are still lost.
"For every ailment under the sun....There is a remedy, or there is none;
If there be one, try to find it; If there be none, never mind it." ~ W.W. Bartley
Can I just say my friend
How much I've seen you, as well as myself and many friends on here grow to this grounded place from which you speak?
colorado girl
You sound like a lady who would never call your skids names no matter how upset or frustrated you became. Even though you are having issues you sound like you are trying to work through them while maintaining decency and not stooping to the low level of taking out stress on children.
More step parents should be like you and I trully do hope everything works out for you and yours:)
Having a baby does not make you a mother.
Step parenting is an awkward situation for everyone involved. Sometimes we say mean things, and we shouldn't.
Some people have a sarcastic blogging style where they call the children negative nicknames and things like that, but I am pretty sure this is not how they interract with the children at all in real life. They are kind of using twisted humor to vent, and THAT I get. And I enjoy it. It makes a difficult situation lighthearted. But there are definitely some things people say that take things too far. Rarely will I ever judge them, though, b/c stepparenting is an amazingly difficult task that one can never be prepared for. And it is constantly changing and growing, and sometimes it grows in a good direction and sometimes it doesn't.
If I were you, I would just ignore the ones who go a little overboard. I know we all get upset with our DHs b/c they could definitely make our SM role a little easier at times, but I agree with you particularly in the fact that if you are bashing your DH CONSISTENTLY....that's when I wonder why you are there. Very often, some of the more negative bloggers HAVE ended up in divorce or separation if you follow this website long enough.
LOVE it or HATE it, this website is the best thing ever. You learn great ideas, tips, and get great REALITY checks. Sometimes, I appreciate the most negative bloggers the very most, b/c then I realize I don't have it THAT bad when I think things are tough.
Anyway, I hope you stick around.
You are another poster who I have never seen cross the line. You are always gentle in your maer and even when you are venting about a certain situation you never cross over into nasty. Posters like you that can honestly and decently vent AND give good advice are the reason why I will stick around.
Having a baby does not make you a mother.
That's what I was about to say vickmeister
Some people may say things on here to just get the anger off their chests. And maybe, just maybe, by doing it on here they won't do it face to face. I know I feel tons better after letting people know why I am upset and then just having support after. People jump to your defense and sometimes a person just needs someone on their side.
"If your going through hell, keep on going, don't slow down, if you're scared, don't show it, you might get out before the devil even knows you're there" -Rodney Atkins
This is true
to an extent but by how spiteful some posters are i doubt it gets turned off at home. I think we may be shocked at how many of the skids are seriously treated poorly by the step parent.
Having a baby does not make you a mother.
I totally agree vick...I
I totally agree vick...I NEVER call the skids bad names....to their face or to their dad. I only VENT on this website and thank GOD for it because some days I don't know how I'd get through! Thank you to all the ladies that truly understand and give great advice!
After reading through all of these...
posts, I understand both sides. Each person is responsible for their own post, and has to deal with the results of said posts. Every once in a while, I get an overwhelming urge to create an unhealthy vent, but I allow myself (most of the time) to step back and assess the situation. Some people have difficulty achieving that goal and need somewhere go: they aren't thinking (or caring about) of how it sounds. What we need to understand here is that everyone has different ways of dealing with difficult people or difficult situations. That comes from our enculturated biases, and plays a huge part of who we are inside and out. If someone is having problems, and vents frequently, or in an offensive manner, it could be a cry for help. Maybe that person is so stuck, they don't know which direction to turn. It's not that they are horrible people and need to call their SK's names to feel better, it's that they don't have the same coping skills that you may have, or like me, the coping skills sometimes get overshadowed by anger.
Over the past four years, I have had to deal with someone hating me for no reason. A woman I never met calling me names and teaching her children to do the same. I made a choice, I could stoop to their level and do the same, or I could rise above it. That was the HARDEST thing I have ever done, because I was not going to turn into a bitter woman like BM.
I have a SD, 13, who is becoming more and more like her mother every day. Lying, stealing, abusive, promiscuous, you name it. I can't stand her, however, I know who I am and who I'm not, and calling a kid names only dents my ethics and morality. Although, when I read some of the names some SM's give their SK's I giggle and totally understand where they are coming from. I don't think any less of them, I don't judge them, I just move on. And, I honestly don't have the time to pick apart each post that irks me, that energy is best spent on more positive aspects of life.
Time is a great teacher, but unfortunately it kills all its pupils ... - Louis Hector Berlioz
I am so sick of the preaching and judgement on here-!!
If I had a dollar for every self-righteous, sanctimonius person who gets on here to say, blah blah blah, you are all horrible people, we would all be millionaires. I for one will say whatever I need to say and I don't give a good GD what you think of it-!
I seriously think people write posts like this for attention and to feel like you are 'a good person' and superior somehow - well a truly good person doesn't judge others! and all the similar hateful witches join in. Take a hike-! none of us need this and I feel no need to explain ANYTHING to you about ANYTHING, because you know NOTHING about any of our real lives. I don't need your approval and neither do any of the people you are judging.
Wah, they're being mean-!! that's what you sound like. And very unoriginal - just read back for the other 9,999,999 wizards before you who we have to stop to explain this to for the umpteenth time.
So take your judgement somewhere else - why are you here if things are so great? oh wait, don't answer, it will only prolong the BOREDOM these posts generate-!
Age cannot wither her, nor custom stale
Her infinite variety.
William Shakespeare, "Antony and Cleopatra", Act 2 scene 2
I haven't seen you in a while
Is it because I'm not reading as much on here, or have you been quiet?
Good to hear from you again. Still miss that profile pic of the belly dancer. Wasn't that one yours?
Hi honey
I am here, just don't have much to offer lately since SD no longer speaks to us. I try to help where I can though. I guess you can tell, I am also OTR! LOL but I mean it!
Thanks for reaching out dear. I am going to make a drink-! p.s. I will put up a really cool dancer pic this weekend, thanks for remembering
Age cannot wither her, nor custom stale
Her infinite variety.
William Shakespeare, "Antony and Cleopatra", Act 2 scene 2
I'm a name caller. You
I'm a name caller. You betcha. You should hear the strings of obscenities I can spew when the situation occurs. I'll call poor FH names to his face that he'll later quote back to my shame. I have been known to toss out a few names at my own kid as well, especially when she's behaving like a lazy, mouthy brat. She can dish it right back sometimes. The BM in our case is a selfish, twisted Edith Bunker with a mean streak. She's a downright bitch. One of her children possesses that same desire to hurt others. That makes her, at times, the Spawn of Satan.
So I have to ask you, what makes children so special that they're exempt from being called on their behaviour? Children exhibit human nature in its baser form. Human beings, especially children, can be complete and utter assholes, jerks, dickheads, idiots and bastards.
I stay with him because he's worth it. I love him beyond measure and I'm grateful he's in my life. But he sure can be a dick sometimes. So can his kids. But since I don't have a relationship where I can be completely honest with them, I have to call them names here instead. I haven't felt creative enough to make up names for them yet but I do intend to someday.
As for you, Goodmom, at the risk of sounding even bitchier, here's another response I HAVE to say. In my opinion, there is nothing more rude than pointing out another's rudeness. Since I'm a name caller, I think that makes you a poohead. If you have enough time to turn to critiquing and censoring others' opinions and expressions, you need a hobby.
Oh Selkie!
I had a whole response typed out but the Pinot Grigio made me hit the "X" on the window instead of bringing the window back to me!
I just have to say that this has so inspired a monologue for my play about how we women treat, judge, etc each other. It was absolutely delightful to read!
That part about "The BM in our case is a selfish, twisted Edith Bunker with a mean streak" had me laughing as well as this one "Since I'm a name caller, I think that makes you a poohead. If you have enough time to turn to critiquing and censoring others' opinions and expressions, you need a hobby."
Some of this ditty is making into my play on women's issues if you don't mind.
LOL Sita
Glad to make you laugh! I'd be honoured for you to use my words in your play! I'd also love to read it when it's done!
Hey, I am not even a Woman and it made me laugh!
Maybe I just in close contact with my feminine side.
Best regards,
Success is rarely final. Failure is rarely fatal. It is character, courage and consistency of effort that count. Vince Lombardi (with some minor Rags modifications) To each according to their performance, screw Karl Marx. (Rags)
We have started rubbing off on you Rags!
Your "feminine" side. STOP it! You're crackin' me UP!
Can of worms? More like snakes
Good lord!
"Most of us (I assume) dated our husbands long enough to get a good feel of the family dynamics BEFORE we married them. If the kids were nightmares, if BM was crazy, if dad was aa PAS/guilty parent....WE KNEW THIS! But we married our DH's anyway. Basically we have all made our beds."
So wrong, so so wrong. I knew his ex-wife was a bitch, and yes she is a true-to-form BITCH, but I never knew she was the type of woman who would choose her child-molesting boyfriend over her daughters and leave them high and dry. I have never held that against DH or held him responsible. I have always come to his defense regarding that.
HOWEVER, I did not know his children were "nightmares". They only came to see us EOW and I THOUGHT I knew them pretty well until he gained custody of them after their piece of shit mother abandoned them for her boyfriend who molested them.
Yes, I do call names ON HERE, but it is only ON HERE. I have called them liars, manipulators, and ungrateful. But they ARE. When they moved in here I stepped up and made sure they had beds, clothes, etc. Anything I could think of to help them feel at home. Because this IS their home now. I even gave them our bedroom. Not DH's idea, it was mine. And what did I get in return? Lies told about me and my children on several occasions among other things. Other stuff on my blogs. But my biggest issue in this whole ordeal isn't so much the skids misbehaving, but his lack of discipline. I know kids aren't perfect and I know they will make mistakes. Hell, we all do, but how in the world was I supposed to know he was going to be like this. They didn't live with us BEFORE and they didn't show their true colors until they came to live with us.
So, you see, I never KNEW I would be mistreated in my own home only to watch the wrong-doers get no consequences. I never KNEW my husband would be such a panty-waist when it came to his kids and their behavior.
I don't think it is fair to call people out on their different styles of venting. Some people have it much worse than others and some have a shorter threshold for stress. While I wouldn't necessarily "vent" the same way others do it is not my call to make on what is okay and what isn't. If I read one I don't like, I simply don't finish reading it or respond.
Phew! Girl, you sparked some fires with this one!
"If your going through hell, keep on going, don't slow down, if you're scared, don't show it, you might get out before the devil even knows you're there" -Rodney Atkins
"Maybe we should all make a decision right now to post more positives!"
Maybe I don't like to be told what to do! Man/child is a good name, one his father uses too!! You are only one person on this site. Last I heard, this is an open & free blog site.
I want to write about things in my life and how I see them, and not have to worry about one person taking offense.
While I agree with many of your points, the way you try to shut people down by putting their point of view down is not helpful.
Now, let's get on with venting and being free to express ourselves ladies.
I'll post in 2 places to make sure you get it :)
Giggle, your oviously a very judgemental and angry person, and its kind of funny. It's funny because while people on here are venting their healthy concerns over their family life.. along comes the self titled "good mom" criticizing. I wouldn't be suprised if you and your husband are on the rocks and your miserable, actually -he's probably miserable.
"Having a baby does not make you a mother."
Writing a post doesn't make you an expert.
""Then why don't you get a divorce"."
Some WOMEN are committed to their families and marriages and are looking for help, its women like you who contribute to the divorce rate because you dont have enough values to keep your family together. You dont just walk, that's what a coward would do.
Why don't you spend less time reading everyones business just so you can have something to comment on, or would that take away your sense of importance>? Must not have anyone to talk to.. hmm. You can email me if your lonely
I think I'll go chuckle my pregnant a*s down the hall and get in bed with my honey now...
You're funny.
I'm not saying this lightly - you should read what Goodmom deals with before you criticize her as well.
This was mean... and directed at her. And uncalled for.
anyone wanna talk politics???
Health care anyone?? Tee hee
"Given the right reasons and the right two people, marriage is a wonderful way of experiencing your life."
~the late great George Carlin
You're so funny...
I just love you to pieces.
"For every ailment under the sun....There is a remedy, or there is none;
If there be one, try to find it; If there be none, never mind it." ~ W.W. Bartley
rite back atcha babe ;)
seriously, i think i would almost rather sit here and debate politics than go thru all this again. y'all know how i feel after my last blog. we NEED each other AND this site. just bc someone doesnt use it in the same way you do doesnt make it rite or wrong. stop judging each other. PLEASE. nuff said.
"Given the right reasons and the right two people, marriage is a wonderful way of experiencing your life."
~the late great George Carlin
Oh F! Don't get me started
Oh F! Don't get me started on health care! Just cause you're carrying an adorable baby boy doesn't mean you get to bring up ever subject you want!
To every thing there is a season.
sorry i'm using my wifes
sorry i'm using my wifes thing here but this so called...GOOD MOM... is driving me nuts i'm the DH and she has to
deal with my BM and it sux for her having to put up with my kids coming here to visit after there BM puts in their
head that shes a bad person and shes not.... people like so called GOODMOM need to stop being so judgmental.
when my kids are brats there brats.. i know it. and if she can come on here and vent and get a little advice......
thank you all...... we dont have the kids you do or the BM so maybe you should find a site better suited for you.
this one has helped me and mine alot..
Well said, DH
This is a great perspective - from a DH no less! And thank you for supporting your wife's right to get it off her chest and seek advice.
We come here to vent, fret, or complain so that when we step away from the computer we can fix our crooked smile and go back to the "privilege" of parenting a child that isn't ours even if that child is monster of their parent's own making.
My DH would agree
We had one of the three arguments/voices raised we've had in 5 years today because...
We have to lock our bedroom door as SD is always taking my stuff as her own, and when we take away things from her they go in our room too, AND we have RXs in there as well as OTC meds that she will abuse.
So this morning, I'm getting ready to go teach theatre students, and DH needs in our room. I have the key. He has to run back to the basement to get it off of me. He then asks where the other new door knobs/lock sets are b/c he wants another key. I tell him I don't know right now b/c I have to get ready to go and the argument ensues with him pulling out things from the shelves, me knowing he may not even be in the right place (they might be in the garage) etc. So I start digging through desperately so I can finish getting ready for class etc etc.
Voices raised.
He pulled it back in quickly though and apologized. He said, "I am SORRY that we have to live this way, locking our doors, having keys, etc. ALL because of my DAUGHTER's illness."
It does suck. And I don't envy DH that it's SD bringing 99 percent of the drama and chaos into our lives. I wouldn't do as well as he does if it were my sons doing it.
oh please
This was not a DH. This was a SM posing as a DH adn I would hope no parent would be OK with another adult calling their flesh and blood disgusting names. I know my DH would not tolerate it for even a nano-second...that's why I had kids with him. He's a damn good daddy who has his priorities in line.
Having a baby does not make you a mother.
Oh Please?
Hmmmm.... starting to see that Principalist may have had the right idea.
I complain about school all the time. I bitch and moan about tuition... I loathe the stupid subjects that I have to take for general education... I cry about all the homework I have to do.
I rarely say good things about my college experience.
Are you going to tell me: "Why don't you just quit school if you hate it so much?"
I do understand your frustration... but telling someone to just leave their marriage is not helpful.
There are people on here that have hit rock bottom. I don't blame them for venting the way they do. Sure, it may seem bad that all they do is complain, but telling them to just give up is not cool. I hate people who tell me to divorce my husband. But it's probably my fault for not sharing the good things that he does do. I guess I get in the moment with all the BS in my life that I don't take the time to tell everyone that despite it all, my husband is a good guy. There was only one person that I have ever told that she would be better off divorced, but I have listened to her story... this guy was beyond help... it was obvious that he would not change his awful ways. She had to leave. She was being abused emotionally. That is no way to live.
But for the most of us, we are married with good men... they just have moments like we have ours... but that does not mean that we should just leave.
"Don't cry because it's over. Smile because it happened." Dr. Seuss
Ok, so open a can of worms
Ok, so open a can of worms but I haven't seen "goodmom" respond lately... Has she not been online lately or does she not have a comeback for everyone's comments?
I say vent!
I say vent, however the venting comes out, all emotions and everything, let it come out. Granted we do not know what each stepparent encounters everyday...that's life, until you've walked my shoes, shut the hell up!. I truly feel for them for some of these stepparent... I really do, these skids, kids period....lawddd don't get me started on them there is always going to be some kind of conflict, that's life..... maybe some of the stepparent says things kinda raw on here, but hey let them vent.... I do chuckle at most of the stuff I read, cuz I relate to it... maybe its just one of those things where maybe this not the site for you, especially if you can't be real about what's really real!
I'm assuming because I've nicknamed my stepdaughter snowshyte(snowwhite for pure innocence,shy bc she can't look any adult in the eye,shyte for sometimes being a manipulative lil shit...just like MY SON.)then I should be hanging my head with shame for this post MUST be talking about me as well as many others. I guess my nickname for my child should be changed also I should just refer to him as bs7...choochoo is derogatory as well since it refers to his RIDICULOUS hyperactivity.
*sigh* I'm not sure what is going on around here lately. I thought we were here to help each other...but more and more it seems we're not here to really help, we're here to say that what WE would do would be better than what the person is doing. I'm sorry it's like this now.
The thing that impresses me most about America is the way parents obey their children. ~Edward, Duke of Windsor, Look, 5 March 1957
Thats all well and good
but this:
"If you don't like what you are reading, simply "turn the channel" and look at something else."
can easily translate to this:
"If you don't like the relationship you are living, simply "turn the channel" and go find someone else."
Having a baby does not make you a mother.
As far as Saintly goes
I wouldn't go that far. I have been through far more than a PAS parent or sloppy step child and I still have never resorted to bashing the kids. Even so I would not even refer to MYSELF as saintly and it's a bit of a strech for anyone else on here to.
Having a baby does not make you a mother.
Goodmom, Have you or your
Goodmom, Have you or your skids actually been the victim of PAS? If so, are they even old enough for them to remember? Last I heard, they were being very sheltered in the safety of your home. Do your skids look at you with rage, disgust, manipulation, hatred, spewing vile to you and about you to anyone that would listen?... Are you skids being completely ill parented by your DH and yet you can do nothing about it in your own home?... Are your skids absolute brats to you, ignore you, disrespect you and you can do nothing about it? No? If not, you have no business telling someone else how they SHOULD respond in their situation when they ARE experiencing these things. You are not walking in their shoes, you are purely judging them on what you THINK you would do in that situation but I can tell you, you never really know until you are in it.
Goodmom, you have had great advice to give. I really admire you and feel for your situation. You DO have it bad. BUT, you have not experienced some of what these other women have experienced and therefore, have no business telling them in those situations that they are wrong for responding as they do.
Feel free to give advice but telling them they are wrong for handling the situation as they are is judging them. THAT IS WRONG! As someone has said, we all respond differently to our situations. Respect those differences. If you don't feel they have your same moral character, lot GOD judge that. Not you.
Excellent post
LovingLife... Excellent post!!!
Yes we have
BM was the custodial parent for four yes of their lives. They are sheltered NOW but they and WE have been through alot of harsh shit. There isn't a cruddy situation that we have not been in. Been there done that. It didn't get better untill BM dissapeared and left the girls with us and even then there have been some horrible situations to come up.
Having a baby does not make you a mother.
Thank you lovingeye!! Your
Thank you lovingeye!! Your words are my words...you don't know what someone else is going through until you walk in their shoes! Judge them after you've had to put up with the bullshit they've been through.
Crayon's comments
are meant to be sarcastic-----she doesn't get it Crayon. SARCASTIC AND FUNNY.