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A little poetry

GoodbyeNormaJean's picture

Roses are red
Violets are blue
Expecting BM to act like a human being is a waste of my time and yours too.


imthewife's picture


knucklehead's picture

Blum 3

BSgoinon's picture

Roses are Red
Violets are blue
BM is looking for a job? That can't be true.
Her boyfriend is lazy, her house is a mess
She collects foodstamps, anything she can to do that much less.
Spends days in her robe, and night on her back
hey she's a "single mom" cut her some slack!

bi's picture

when she was younger she was a snot and ran her mouth a whole whole lot.

a few years later she had a bigger tude, and always wanted to be in the ass of her dude.

now she's pregnant on purpose and wants me to be her mom, that's cuz she sucks and knows i'm the bomb.

in a few years he'll leave her, a single mom all alone, she can kiss my ass if she thinks she's moving into my home!