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LOL crazy Biodad

GoinNutz's picture

The other evening at dinner my Dh was eating a hot pepper wtih his meal, as he does almost every evening, and SD6 said "daddy can I have one?" he said "Sure, they are kinda hot" she says "Its ok, I like them!" so he gave her one, she ate it, and all was fine. So my BS8 being big guy " Oh yeah, i want one to, if she can eat one it cant be that hot!" well my BS8 has eaten hot stuff "occassionally' at his bio dads, but for some reason this itty bitty pepper set his mouth on fire, we gotta giggle out of it , and did all we could to make him feel better, however, the only thing that makes it better is TIME. anyway, got over that, and all was well... everyone lived happily ever after LOL

Wellllll, yesterday my BD9 came home, and she was acting goofy, and she was in the fridge, kinda humming, picking up stuff and looking at it, I asked her what she was doing, she said oh just looking.. then she picked up the peppers, read it, and walked away. i stopped her, and said "Did your daddy ask you to find out what kind of peppers BS8 was given?" she just looked at me " I said what happened this morning that you are snoopin at the peppers" she said "Well *BS8* told daddy that SDad gave him TABACCO peppers" lol !!!

My EXH believed this, and DEMANDED BD9 to find out what kind of peppers Sdad was giving him, and it better NOT be any form of TABACCO!! ... omg, i died in laughter.
I called him today and said "So, have you ever even HEARD of a Tabacco Pepper?" He said "NO" i said "soooooo, why is our BD snoopin in my fridge for you?" he said "Because....well.......Ummmmm......" I said " You can chill out, no one is feeding him TABACCO peppers!".....

its not the point that he is being like this, but he pulled my daughter into it to be his snoop... grrrrr


GoinNutz's picture

What I find IRONIC is when I POST about BIODAD i get good reasons "why" the Sm's/Bdads, on THIS board would do if, StepMom, Posts that BM had kids snooping......oooh lordy mercy, this board would be nuts.

it is a double standard. I DO understand prying for info if something doesn't sound right, a little off, Johnny punched sally, Johnny inappropriately Touched Sally, MsStepmom Spanked Little BellaLou.. i get it........

common sense, there is no such thing a Tabacco Pepper, & , if you wanna know what kind of pepper he ate, just call me. Good God, dont send a child to do your dirty work.

once again though, beacuse I said the BIODAD did it.. its ok. but if YOUR skids BM ask them to snoop because of a Tabacco pepper, this board would ream that BM up and down.

:::shakin my head:::

P.S. biodad and I are still good friends, and we get along well. We just talked today, cuz our house is finally on the market. So i have NO animosity towards him, nor do i wish for my kids to.. so dont go there

Willow2010's picture

its not the point that he is being like this, but he pulled my daughter into it to be his snoop
I have never understood this kind of thing. You may need to talk to your DD also about it not being a good thing to snoop like that at all. Did you ream bio dad? I would have!

Willow2010's picture

I jsut read your second post and I am confused. Did this really happen or were you just trying to make a point about BD vs BM?

GoinNutz's picture

No i wouldnt make a crazy point to do a one vs another. I have better things to do than to post something that would cause a ruckus. I was just stating a point of matter. Also speaking, I didnt really reem him out, but I let him know that I do not appreciate him putting out DD in the middle of such craziness. I dont rant about much. I dont see any need to bitch at him, granted though when needed, I can speak up, and say it how I think it should be said. Which isn't often.
He pays me zero child support, and i've never asked for a dime. If he can do SOMETHING he does..however, the only thing he's done is buy the kids shoes, and paid for one $15 prescripton.

I've not barked over $$, its a tough economy we are all struggling and trying. As long as he provides for the the kids there, I will take care of them here.

I'm not a gold diggin mean EW.