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Thank You to BM's Husband a.k.a. Awesome SDad!

BettyRay's picture

SS20 was doing his laundry at BM's over the weekend.  His GF was there (aka Sponge Bob).  BM and SDad were in the basement family room and overheard Sponge Bob and SS20.  SS20 had stuffed his dirty clothes into the washer and it was packed tight.  Sponge Bob told SS20 that he needed to take some of the clothes out of the washer or nothing would get clean.  Sponge Bob then made the comment that when they live together she will have to do the laundry.  After SDad heard this he butted in and told her point blank:

"DO NOT DO THE LAUNDRY FOR SS20! He wants you to think he's incapable of doing his own laundry so you will do it for him.  He is manipulating you.  He will use this tactic for as long as you let him get away with it.  Your life will be doing every chore for him and he will do nothing around the house."*dance4*

Thank you SDad!!!! Glad he said it and glad BM was there to witness it. 

Don't know what happened after as BM told DH the about it yesterday.  But way to go SDad!



StepUltimate's picture

That's all I got. Nice you got the scoop.

thinkthrice's picture

NIce to know there are a few stepdads around that aren't just toadies for the GUBM!!!  (Gir's StepDaddyBigBucks isn't one of them *sigh*)

ESMOD's picture

HA.. nice one SF.  I'm sure that the GF was doing the typical "wife interview" stuff.  I see my YSD do it with her BF's.. she will cook for them.. clean... laundry.. etc.. on her own?  A bit of a slob. lol.  A nice slob... but a slob.