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Did this just happen

going_to_kill_someone's picture

I am amazed how this just work out.
DH is in the shower SD15 is downstairs playing with Wii. BS5 wants to go to toilet so I send him downstairs. Then 2 min after him I go downstairs to check up on him as the last time he went there there was a big mess. So we talk while he is busy with number 2s. Then wash hands. Lately he has this thing of taking his trousers of when he pops. So then he starts getting dressed and we talk about the spider on the ceiling. SD15 shouts that he should get out of the bathroom so she can cary on playing. As I do instead of shouting I go to her and ask why? She says that he's Been there so long maybe he shouldn't be there that long and when I say it shouldn't stop her playing. She is adamant that he should stop talking about spider and get out although while we were talking he was getting dressed. I am like "well maybe you shouldn't play wii." And she is of course not backing down. So I turn it off.
5 min into this that DH is screaming at me that the house doesn't evolve around BS5 and I should decide family or BS5


going_to_kill_someone's picture

Yes, but wii is mine. I bought it, paid for it etc. Breaking that would mean everyone including DS losing it. I could always put it away for 2 years which hopefully by then she'll move out.

DH says I am at fault getting involved that DS wouldn't have been effected by it. I say that I will not let her bully him. and if she does I will give her her own medicine (which she says as a defence for hitting DS) Grrrr

I am really not happy of this.

StepKat's picture


going_to_kill_someone's picture

Oh no, no punishments on her. Even when she called me a B.tch I had to put up a fight

And I know she is jealous, the attention he gets from me. I promise I tried that with her. I asked how she is every day. I tiptoed around her. Bought her treats, clothes out of the blue just to make her feel better. Cook the food she loves when she was having her period, or when she is sad.

DH says that I list everything that I do for her, that I shouldn't have to. Well I feel like being slapped in the face all the time I do things and then blamed not doing anything much. So I do say these things to remind them.
and also when I do things for her benefit she says she doesn't need to say thank you because she didn't ask me to.

going_to_kill_someone's picture

He walked away and went out.
When he came back "I said I am happy to move out as I will never over look her bullying DS"
DH (although right now I don't feel like putting the "D" on DH) says I treat him he is above anyone else, to the point that I think she is exactly behaving the way he is telling me.
We have no resolve so far. He thinks that I am being unreasonable. I told him to discuss what he wants with her and I am happy to go if it comes to it. I have became house wife last 8 months to make sure DS5 and SD15 settle in their new school in a new city. Gave up my job to move here etc but I am sure if needed(have to) I can hide my engineering degree and work as a maid.

going_to_kill_someone's picture

I really do similar mistakes when I think someone needs protecting. Or stressed. So jumping on the gun as could be described. But choosing to come and bully me! This is exactly how I felf, and really not happy at all. The this is I wasn't scared of him at all even though he is 6'4" and I am 5'2".
This was still like that when SD was 6 and thrown/pushed out of the bunk bed by her older sibling and I told the older sister 'not Blood related to us at all' that under no circumstances she should not harm her sibling. Now it is my own son is bullied by her and I will not take it lightly.
Could I have handled the situation better? Yes of course I could, if there wasn't constant problems between us. Would I have tolerated her behaviour yes I might have if she wasn't disowning her half brother. The other day she was like 'he is not even my half half brother".
Re: DH I am not impressed by his attitude and if he pulls a stunt like that he will not even have time to say another word. the problem has not been resolved at all. We'll see what happens. Counselling would help if he wasn't away during the week and I have to deal with all this drama.

Maxwell09's picture

Hah! SS3 strips when he's on the potty too! I don't understand it since it doubles the work of putting everything back on but hey atleast I don't have to worry about him dirtying his pants while pottying!