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I don't want to miss out! (venting)

Ghost Rider's picture

I swear this woman has found ways to manipulate almost every single thing possible to get herself included into every situation.

The top excuse today is? My kids are going where? Well that sounds like fun I would like to go too.

Excuse me? Did you just invite yourself? We only invited the kids to go to a Western riding competition show and the BM wants to come alone.
What is her excuse? I would like to go too. I should be able to enjoy such stuff with my kids. This has always been mine the kids and EX interest and we all share the same interest! I should not have to be left out!

I’m sorry but this may have been the kids, yours and my husband’s interest but there is the reason why of a divorce! You lose privileges to enjoy things like a family!!!!!!!!!!!
She always plays this “there my kids too” and I would like to go! She does all this stuff right in front of the kids and the kids are jumping up and down saying daddy please can mom go?
I gave my husband a dirty look! He knew what it meant. “She has no place with us”
All I told my husband was he needs to get a back bone sit down with the children and tell them the truth why their mom will NEVER be involved with us like we are some damn threesome family

It is pathetically sad a woman will resort to such crap and she knows what she is doing!
But it is about time for the husband to face up to his children and quit treating this like some Disney land relationship. The whole “We don’t want to hurt the children has went too far” They are old enough to get to know why their mother does not get to be involved with us.

I did not like it because she uses the children to stay involved and connected into his family.

She tried to turn this situation around one time by saying it is only fair for her to go with us on some events because I get to come to some of the children events! Well that is not the same. I am married to him and he invites me alone as a wife!
When she has boyfriends they are invited alone because she invited them.

But this is the situation where she is inviting herself when she knows she is not invited!


12yrstepmonster's picture

As a divorced kid, as , CP and a NCP I am against family events as such.
It's confusing to the kids, and difficult to move forward.

Willow2010's picture

Are the kids competing or what? If not...she has some nerve. Does she not remember they are divorced?

Ghost Rider's picture

Nope kids are not competing. Just going to watch the show.

She has the nerve all right.

I don't think she wants to remember the divorce since she made a comment to his mom at one time that she was doing the divorce to give him a wake up call and all she had to do is snap her fingers and he would come running back to her. Of course this was all before I came in the picture.

PeanutandSons's picture

Both parents being at the same kid-event is very different than bm joining you on your family outtings.

NJStepmom's picture

It is not the kids who really need to change here, it is the DH and the BM. Have your husband send her something like an email which will document that he does not want her coming with him during his parenting time. That is why it is called HIS parenting time, not "exes together" parenting time. And for the record, it is silly to wonder why she is doing what she is, after all, you two are allowing her to get away with it. Of course she is going to continue to ask, she is getting the payoff. And part of that payoff is interjecting herself into your lives. This isn't about the kids, this is about a sick woman. Your husband should talk with the kids explaining that mommy and daddy don't do things together any more, but don't expect the kids to stop asking in front of her. They are kid and from what I understand you have given in so they will continue to ask until there is no payoff. But stand your ground and say firmly, "we have talked about this and we prefer to just have our family time, you will see your mom tomorrow" Then turn and walk away. What is up with the husband anyway???? This is his mess, have him clean it up. Tell him if she goes, you are staying home. And you are not going to be too friendly with him for a while if he chooses to spend time with his ex-wife over you.... not good....