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I pretty much cant stand my partners kids =/

gcbree's picture

Dont know what to do back in feb i fell pregnant with my partners baby i miscarried after he walked out on me n wished our baby away. He come back **silly me for taking him back but neways.. the night i miscarried he then took me to the place his ex n him got married ...ever since all that went down i cant stand his kids i have so much hate towards them theyre only 4,6 and 8 i also have 2 kids to a previous relationship and im now pregnant again ... i need to get ova this hate ... i resent him and his kids ive tried to like them it just doesnt work. ( Also didnt know where to write this =/)


overworkedmom's picture

I think it is pretty obvious what you need to do. Even without the disliking the kids part, you are not in a good relationship. I am not one to advocate leaving a partner but your situation is one in which I think you really need to...

msc1120's picture

I am very sorry to hear about your miscarriage, I've been through that myself. I miscarried at 25 weeks. Speaking from my personal experience I had a lot of resentment towards my stbx SS13 after I lost my baby. I was angry everytime I saw him because all that went through my head was "why can BM have a child with my husband and I can't?" I hated seeing my SS because all I could see when I looked at him was the son I lost. I'm not saying this is where your feelings are coming from because I don't know your situation with your skids but, it may be something to step back and think about. It took me a really long time to figure out where my resentment was coming from. That resentment lead to my husband and I splitting up, him sleeping with another woman, us getting back together for awhile and ultimately now to us in the process of getting divorced.

Helena.Handbasket's picture

His kids sound like the least of your problems.
I too am very sorry to hear about your miscarriage. That is very heartbreaking.