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Fruits's Blog

Ss and his xmas list

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Oh boy oh boy oh boy! The list reads like a gamestop xmas ad. All the newest video game systems and games galore. The kicker is the big screen tv that he wants from Walmart. Yes, he listed the places to get his honor his gifts from and what time the stores open. That boy will be lucky if he gets one damn video game. I am the shopper here and so far all i am planning on buying him is clothes. Cool clothes that he will like, like a pizza pull over hoodie. Stuff he needs but will also appricate the coolness of. I told dh fun stuff will need to be bought by him this year.

Dh paid out to settle

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I am so upset. Dh used our down payment on a house to settle ss stabbing that boy. He paid out almost $20,000 to that family. It was dh's money saved from his paycheck and savings, none of mine but still!! That was our buy a house money that he has been saving for 5 years and some stocks dh has had since he was a child. Bm was pissed that we settled and called dh stupid. When I asked ss what he thought of that money leaving our home and going to that kids home he just shook his head and said he wouldn't of paid it. I asked him to at least thank his dad and he said no.

We may have to pay!

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We met with our attorney yesterday and he said we may have to pay part of the medical bills when ss stabbed that boy. I could just cry and I am so angry! Our attorney didn't say how much but he wants to talk about a settlement to keep our portion low. Dh talked to bm yesterday and she said she wouldn't pay a cent and they need to bring it on. She doesn't care how much she racks up in attorneys fees. I have a bad feeling dh will be the one paying this! Dh is the breadwinner but I do work. I just don't make as much as him and things are tight right now. What do we do?

Your answers were rude and eye opening

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So I quit responding because no one was listening to what I was saying. I wasn't defending the other boy. I was upset that ss used a knife. If ss magically grew big enough and whipped the bullys butt, I would be okay with that. It was the fact that he used a knife knowing he could kill the boy. I don't think it was premeditated. SS is meek and quiet. He avoids conflict at all costs. He was at the skate park when the bully got there. The bully went there looking for him. I never asked ss why he didn't leave before I posted here but I did last night.

I'm new and my marriage is in trouble

Fruits's picture

Hi. I have a ss that is dangerous. He stabbed a kid with a knife. Dh excuses it since the kid was bullying him and he defended himself but I don't think it was necessary. The kid wasn't going to kill him. The kid almost died and spent 3 weeks in the hospital. We are being sued by the family but our home owners insurance is handling it. We have twins that are 3 and have been together for 5 years. SS is 14 and is 50/50 with dh/bm. Last night I mentioned something and he said he will defend himself no matter what he needs to do while staring at ME! I got a bad feeling.
