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Weekend 1 results...

Freedom2005's picture

Well, it was an interesting weekend at my house. It seems that Skids could do nothing to impress SO. I have noticed that since I am not saying much about them, he is noticing what they do more. I take care of mine, he does help, and I appreciate it. I do not parent his kids, I have just started asking them once to do something, say a chore, then if they don't do it, I tell their dad. He takes care of it.

He is staying steadfast in seeing SD11 for what she is. I still say she dresses like a harlot, but to him, she still dresses like a "little girl" The latest thing was she was caught letting her cousins 'draw' on her jeans. He asked if she was doing this and she said "yes, I am getting rid of them anyway." His answer, "Why get rid of them? They fit and they are in good shape? Don't draw on them.... oh and why have you been just doing whatever you want lately, with out asking me? I don't like it! Why don't you sit at the table while I think about what to do with you!"

I was not in the room but I could hear VERY clearly! I was laughing and cheering on the inside. He has gotten on her quite a few times this week, but this one took the cake. She had to do work the rest of the day while her cousins were there playing. I loved it.

Oddly enough, he even told me he thought these nieces of his were spoiled! These are the ones he always says, "they are so good and know how to clean!" We took them out Saturday night and they were snobs! These 2 always tease my oldest when they are around, SO even told me that they were doing it. I told him I know and that I tell my daughter not to play with them... to even tell them, "I don't want to play with people like you!"

So far I am still just watching. He is still not off the hook by any means. He is making progress though. I am sure that he will never parent SD11 the way I think she should be, but is making a start! She is a really sweet kid, and he is ruining her by treating her like a spouse. Funny thing, he is finally treating me like a spouse (we are not married) but ever since I moved in, she has stolen the show. He is making sure my girls, and I, get time in the limelight.

And!!!! We are sprucing up our room to the hilt! Flatscreen TV, our own XBox, surround sound.... and the laundry in it's own closet (it is in our room).

I am keeping my resolve, I am ready do leave at a moments notice.... but he is keeping his end of the bargain.
