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Biomom talks to me for over 45 minutes.....

FlaminMama's picture

Has this happened to anyone else.... Whenever my husband is not around, and we are at a sporting event, you would think that she is my best friend. Last night she talked to me for 45 minutes about anything and everything.... So for the kids I put on the show, talk and smile and blah blah.... But if the hubby is with my I am the enemy. Why is that we as women, I don't just blame her but me to, b/c if he is around, I purposely don't speak to her. Does this happen to anyone else


williteverend's picture

I don't speak to the EW, at all. It's not that I wouldn't, but I am just not sure that anything nice would come out. We aren't together frequently, but when we are around each other we keep a careful distance. I am always wondering if she is trying to find something out to use against us - not that there is anything. Also, she is the kind of person who is only nice when she wants something. The rest of the time, she acts like a dictator. Do you think the kids are aware that there is a strain between you two?

Sherrylyn's picture

These days I never see her face to face, all our communication is by telephone. Still every once in a while the ex wants to talk my ear off, & I can put up with it & who knows maybe even end up enjoying it.

When she used to pick up the boys I would see her. If hubby was around, a snide comment would come out. Sometimes directed at me, sometimes directed at my husband. When she came by, I made myself scarce.

FlaminMama's picture

The kids have voiced that they want us to be friends, and I try my best to put on the happy ever smiling she's the greatest thing since sliced bread face and attitude, but I am sure that they know something. I have sat both of the sk's down and let them know that the relationship between biomom and me and biodad and step dad is a touchy one. But that we all love them and want what is best for them. I also explained that if the make up lies, or stories that destroys whatever relationship could be there. I try not to ever lie to them about anything. I tell them, I am not your mother, I don't want to take you away from her, I am not trying to be anything more than your stepmom. I have told her that, I explained to all of them that I have a biochild and I don't want someone trying to move in on her so I would never to that. It's so hard I tell you, this is one of those jobs that is sooooo under appreciated.....

happy mom's picture

I can't seem to carry a converstation w/biomom when I see her. I guess cause I have nothing to say. She did try and talk to me that one time we were at swimming lessons w/the kids. She was talking about nonsense and I was thinking to myself, "what the heck is she talking about and why is she telling me that?" I guess she was trying to be close to me but I didn't really care to talk to her. It's not the same when you are talking to biomom and talking w/another woman. It seems like I can't or can't think of a thing to ask how's your love life doing???? That would be ackward. She probably only talks to you when husband is not around because she is uncomfortable when he is around. I feel that way too sometimes.