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Totally OT..... Really? Why am I mad?!

ecgirl's picture

Totally of topic, not about my skids at all. My FDH decided to go visit his friend Monday night, this friend is not in town a lot, and will be going out of town for work for the whole winter as he does every year, so I totally get that FDH wanted to hang out with him. HE assured me that he was just going to have a few beer and wouldn't be out too late (his friend has no concept of slowing down, usually they get totally out of hand together). Well, I called him at 10:30 to say goodnight, see if he would be home late (ok, I was fishing to see if I needed to get up in the middle of the night and pick his ass up), he said he was about to get out and get gas would call me right back. Well, I didn't hear from him again until he showed up at home at 5:30AM!!!! :jawdrop: (Also, please note, it's his second day Tuesday doing a new job at work and started work at 7, or should have, he was late, I woke him up at 7 when I got up) I was livid!!! I made him sleep on the couch. Actually I decided at midnight he was sleeping on the couch for telling me he'd call me back and not doing it (it's a pet peeve, he knows it). So his explination is, oh, I left my phone in the truck because it was ringing off the hook and then I passed out on the couch because I was drinking. Well, I finally got it out of him last night that he left his phone in the truck because he knew I would not like that he was out getting drunk till all hours on a week night and would call him. Then I said, well, how were you going to get home if you were getting drunk if not for me coming to get you? Oh, I didn't care, I wasn't worried about that he says. I flipped out, he would be SO mad at me if I did the same to him and he admitted it, so why on earth are you looking at me like I'm retarded for being mad?! I actually got to the point where I was getting concerned that he had been really stupid and decided to drive home and gotten arrested or in an accident. I think it was SO disrespectful to decide to ignore me just because you don't want to deal with me 'making a scene' as he calls it, I didn't know calling and saying hey, it's 2am, maybe you should come home because you have to work in 5 hours was making a scene. I could show him a scene, but I don't do that kind of $hit in front of people. I told him he needs to grow up, he's 32, he can't act like this anymore, especially when it could cost him his job. This is totally not like him, he always comes home, and calls when he needs a ride.

Anyway, end rant! Thanks for listening. Smile


Willow2010's picture

I would seriously rethink making him your DH. He sounds just like my EX. Ewwww. Brings back bad memories.

And sorry....they are up to no good if he was out until 5:30 in the morning. Sorry

ecgirl's picture

I hate to say it, but that is one thing that did cross my mind...... :? Where was he, what was he doing?

bearcub25's picture

My SO learned a lesson the hard way about not informing me of things...or treating me like his exwife who bitched if he went out with the guys.

He rode his motorcycle to work one nice spring day. When I went by a bar, I saw the bike and I was glad he was able to stop and see his buddies....we had had the skids for over a year at that point and went absolutely nowhere for a year. I would go out with my sister once in awhile, but SO literally hadn't went out with the boys in a year.

We had strong storms forcast so i watched the weather and texted and said 'bad storms coming, you may want to leave before they hit'..this was at 8pm, also I had my baby grandson and didn't want him woke up in middle of the night. No response.

At 2am, I hear a car in the driveway (he rode the bike) and then heard someone trying to break in our safe window (never locked if u get locked out). I see SO and I started bitching right away and then I see his face is bleeding and tore up. He didn't leave until after the rain, driving after drinking and wrecked the bike. B/c someone saw him, he took off running, fell down a steep hill into a creek and had to walk up a steep hill to get back to the bar. A buddy said he'd give him a ride home but didn't leave for 2 hours while SO was hurt and bleeding. He was very lucky in so many wasn't hurt bad, since he left he didn't get a DUI and he lived.

He did learn his lesson though, the hard way.

ecgirl's picture

:O This is the kind of thing I worry about my FDH doing. There is never any need to drink and drive, I would rather he stay where he was or call me. As annoyed as I'd be right that second to be woken up in the middle of the night, I'd be so much happier.

ecgirl's picture

lol, believe me, I wouldn't be if this were something he normally did. It's totally out of character for him.