What the fu*k is happening?!
What is happening here?! This 13 year old girl is on our site... I was pissed and made that clear!! Then I read along and see that we should not post and be mean cause she may do something to herself or whatever.. So then I feel like an ass for being a bitch to her! THEN ppl are pissed.. What are we doing here?! I did not want her on our site, I mis-typed something saying that she should tell her father they are married.. I DID NOT mean to type that, it was a mistake, I meant to type she should tell the woman her father is married to.. If she is concerned about her treatment or whatever! ANYWAY I was on this site to talk to my fellow adult STs on here, I'm sick of talking about her drama now!!!! She needs to be off the site!!! Any to anyone I accidently pissed off my by messed up sentence, I'm sorry! I am not on this girls side, as I said in the first place, WE CANNOT BELIEVE WHAT SHE SAYS!! SHE IS SAD CAUSE SHE CAN'T RIDE HORSES AT HER DADS HOUSE?! COME ON!!!! I'm SICK OF HER POST AND WE SHOULD IGNORE THEM ALL! AGREED! So hope I haven't lost friends on here cause this random intruder!!
- dguiwh2334's blog
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DG~don't let this
DG~don't let this misunderstanding upset you. I would have thought that most adults would realize it was a typo, just as I did when I read it. I knew immediately that you just made a mistake, for those who you thought were friends that would hold that against you...well...they weren't really friends. Some people love to wait for the first thing to pounce on..like a cat wiggling it's butt just waiting, and unfortunantly your typo gave them a toy for a few minutes. Let it go girl, it's isn't worth it.
I have reread the posts by
I have reread the posts by said girl and I'm sorry but I think its someone taking the p***...or maybe I am just a cynical old witch! }:)
HennyPen, thank you! I've
HennyPen, thank you! I've been waiting all day to talk to you!! Its just pissing me off that I posted something earlier today that I wanted some input and advice on, and this 13 year old who is jealous of her adult parents is taking up this whole damn site!! Ugh!! Dragondoo, I'm sorry I'm confused, what r u talking about??
I'm usually here in the
I'm usually here in the background, I just choose who I reply to or who I can honestly contribute to. I will go back and read your blog from today, and if you ever need me, just PM me.
It wasn't clear that it was a
It wasn't clear that it was a typo because of the story that followed the statement. But if it was a typo, then let it go.
However, I strongly suspect that the "13 year old" is probably a former member or just someone trying to ruffle some feathers. If it truly is a 13 year old, I'm sure their parents would pull the plug on the internet (or at least I would hope so).
This is a public site. Did
This is a public site. Did you really think a skid wasn't going to be smart enough to find this site and it's contents? Really??
If you don't like something, ignore it. Don't make such a big deal about it.
You might want to think about being a little more compassionate, too.
I'm very suspicious myself,
I'm very suspicious myself, D....
As a high school teacher and the mom of an 18 year old whose parents divorced when she was 3 (and she survived and thrived, although ours was NOTHING like described), I'd love to chime in and help this child.
However, given the tendency toward BMs finding SMs, prank posts, etc., I'm wondering if this is even a real "child" or some angry BM/troll just causing chaos (again) on this site.
My advice to that child would be to visit her GUIDANCE COUNSELOR in school to be referred to a support group/professional counselor who deals with these issues. If the parents are so dysfunctional, she's barking up the wrong tree thinking they are going to help her. She definitely needs some outside intervention, if, indeed, she is a 13 year old girl....
Only time will tell, I suppose...
Stepoff, I understand u
Stepoff, I understand u didn't realize it was a typo, obviously I didn't know I wrote that cause I was pissed that someone did when I asked lol... I would NEVER tell her to think that. I was simply telling her that I was in the same boat (father ignoring me) and I moved on!!!! I DO NOT want her on the site.. As I told Henny, I posted stuff today that I was waiting to talk about and I'm now so fucking irritated by all the posts about this "13 year old" who is now talking about her damn relationships with her BF! WHO CARES!
Lifeisshort, I have never
Lifeisshort, I have never talked to you on here, nor do I wish to now. I was simply appologising to the ppl I offended, and as "being more compassionate" GO READ WHAT I WROTE THE GIRL!!! I DIDN'T HAVE TO tell her a damn thing about my personal life, but I did.. Said I felt bad for this "girl". So please don't tell me I need to be compassionate, and I'm pissed cause people are wanting to argue on this site.. I'm here to talk and get input ON MY ISSUES... I'm not gonna cyber fight, so please don't comment on my blogs if you think I'm such a bitch
Yeah, and I guess you're the
Yeah, and I guess you're the only person on here who matters...
I have read the girl's blogs. And all the responses.
I couldn't care less if she's a troll or the real deal.
Being kind and understanding toward another is indicative of one's spirit and generosity of heart.
Being hurtful and cruel is indicative of the same.
I have been here a long time... almost three years. I understand that much of what you're experiencing makes you feel a great deal of urgency to get answers and feedback. But you're not the only one dealing with problems here. Try to let things roll off your back like water off a duck's. You cannot control others - you can only control how you act and react, and you are responsible for your choices.
Compassion is always better than cruelty.
I didn't take any offence.
I didn't take any offence. If it really is a 13 year old SD, she doesn't belong on here. I am surprised she hasn't been blocked yet. This is a place for Stepparents to vent. We need to feel we can do it here, since we can't do it at home. It doesn't hurt anyone specifically what we say here. It helps us so that we don't lose it on our spouses or the Skids that are making our life hell.
Let it go. Everyone needs to ignore her posts. Don't feed into it.
I assumed it was a typo too.
I assumed it was a typo too. I also agree that she needs to find another site. IF it is even for real.
Please tell me who this kid
Please tell me who this kid is as I can't find the blogs which relate to her....I would hate to cross swords with her myself... I may leave the site and I really don't want to, as i have just found it again! (And this has nothing to do with being compassionate or not....this is OUR SPACE!)
I think that if this girl is
I think that if this girl is indeed being mistreated, truly mistreated, then she needs to seek the help of professionals like a school guidance counslor, or Child protective services. I haven't read her posts, so I don't know her situation. We are annonymous users here who can't really help this child. We can listen. IMHO - If we don't like what she is saying, or if we don't believe it is true, then we can choose not to read her posts. If she is posting offensive remarks on some of our posts, then we can mark it as offensive.
I understand what you are saying, that this is an adult site that was intended for STEPPARENTS to vent. But as I have seen we occasionally get a few trolls or angry BMs. This could indeed be an angry BM posing as her disgruntled 13 year old daughter to try and gain some sympathy for the girl. Who knows...
Lifeisshort, I don't know who
Lifeisshort, I don't know who pissed in your lunch today, but it wasn't me.. If your so defensive about this girl, so be her friend, and get off my blogs. I am a compassionate person, as I said, and you can obviously read GO LOOK AT HER PAGE!!! AND NO, I DON'T THINK MY PROBLEMS ARE THE ONLY IMPORTANT ONES!!! I DON'T KNOW WHY YOU ARE TYRING TO START ISSUES WITH ME... I COMMENT ON POSTS MORE THEN I MAKE MY OWN BLOGS, TO HELP AND GIVE ADVICE TO OTHER PARENTS ON HERE! IF YOU HAVE ANYMORE NEGATIVE RESPONSES, GET OFF MY BLOGS!!! I'm NOT ON HERE TO TALK TO YOU!!! As for everyone else that commented, THANK YOU
D, please don't let some
D, please don't let some people get you upset...
Believe me, I understand your point of view as well. MANY CHILDREN who live with their BIOLOGICAL PARENTS suffer a fate worse than this "young lady". (I just think her responses are too rehearsed...I, too, have been on this site for 3 years as well as work with teens, and she doesn't sound like a typical troubled "teen" to me...)
My parents were together, and I remember how my brother, sister and I used to PRAY for them to get divorced. My dad was a major, narcissistic alcoholic, and our mom just bowed to his wished. There were PLENTY of times we kids "did without" so dad could have his BEER or his LOTTERY TICKETS, etc.
All three of us are now professionals and would NEVER repeat the mistakes with our kids that our parents did. That's why that "girl" needs PROFESSIONAL help....this site has nothing to offer her. She needs someone trained in dealing with adolescents and their issues.
Please don't worry about what others think. You're human, too, and entitled to YOUR feelings.
I second that KittyKat! Chin
I second that KittyKat! Chin up DG and don't sweat the small stuff! ♥
I didnt think you were out of
I didnt think you were out of line at all. Your response to her was a lot more kind than some of the responses you are getting. Please dont take what some people are saying to heart.
Thank you all!! I'm raging
Thank you all!! I'm raging with menopause hormones
and the slightest things set me off! But I'm not here to cyber fight with other "adults". And KittyKat, I agree! This is not the place for her.. I gave my inupt and haven't responded to her replies... She went from angry and bashing us, to talking about her jealousy to talking about her crush.. I don't trust it... WHATEVER! Thanks for backing me up tho ladies
much love! *HUGS*
Dabevans, thank you! *hugs*
Dabevans, thank you! *hugs* back
steperg, are u agreeing with me? Its so hard via internet to know these things.. Ur not saying I was bashing her are you? I was tryin to help everyone.. Tell her I empathized after I was being a bitch, but said this was not a site for her.. And yes, I stopped looking at anything she said after my response 
Wait, aren't you guilty of
Wait, aren't you guilty of bashing people here? Or did you turn over a new leaf?
Katrinkie, I am all for other
Katrinkie, I am all for other thoughts and opinions, but stepoff was basically attacking me for no reason... Anybody can disagree with what i have to say, but she was on a whole different level.
I was not attacking you. It
I was not attacking you. It seems that you could be reading posts with a tone of voice in your mind that puts you on the defensive.
We all have a right to post on any public board that we please. I am a COD and I have a child with step-parents. I can offer some insight and POV that others may not have. I come here to try and understand what my child's SM might be feeling or dealing with. At the core, I want my child to have a better life growing up in a blended family than I did. And if I can offer any insight or offer my experience in a situation, I will. I try very hard to see past the crap that offends me on here (and there's a LOT of it). I just feel that a little compassion would've been better than what was going on here yesterday. It gave me the mental picture of a pack of dogs marking territory: stuff like, "This is OUR site!" "Go somewhere ELSE!" "We don't want HER reading OUR posts!" That's what bothered me. A little kindness and compassion may have made all the difference. But we'll never know. The responses this kid got may have just cemented in her mind that most stepmoms really ARE bitches.