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DH Asks me why ss12 is crying!

decofru's picture

So it's been almost four months of living with SS full time 24/7 without even a day of break, to tell the truth it hasnt been bad as i expected. SS has been on his best behaviour, he seems to have grown and changed a lot, he no longer expects the world to revolve around him or to compete with me, he now knows his place as one of his father's children and not his father's Prince as he used to think. I think the fact that his mom is now far away has helped him behave as he has no other home he can go to now and he only has one parent around and the mother is not there to negatively influence him. Anyway SS12 is turning 13 this year, he is very much grown up and capable of helping out in the house but it seems like his dad prefers to see him doing nothing, when he sees him washing dishes he feels like SS is playing maid but if it's me cooking daily and doing house chores its no problem because im a woman so that makes me hard as steel! Sunday morning around quarter past eight i work up SS to help me clean the house, he was scrubbing the wooden floor using a brush that requires him to kneel down, the dad asked him why he doesn't use the brush with a long handle so he can do the job standing up to protect his knees, he said he is unable to use the long brush. I asked him why not. it's very simple, so i took the brush and showed him how and then i left to finish up cleaning outside.

DH then comes to me and asks why SS12 is crying, i did not even see him cry so i'm like i don't know why don't you ask him, he has a mouth to talk he is not a baby, DH says, you are the mother you should know. What the hell? Am i psychic now? I told him asking me makes it seem as if he is suspecting that i'm the reason he is crying as if i said something mean to him or i hit him. I told him to never ask me why a grown up boy who is not deaf or dumb is crying, he should go and ask him, i cannot read his mind and answer for him and asking me only makes me feel like he is indirectly accussing me. so he goes to ask him softly, "why are you crying son" and he says the most stupid thing ever, that he wants to be allowed to use what he is comfortable with!

Is that an acceptable reason for him to cry like literally shed tears as if he is being abused or something bad like that? DH doesn't seem upset at all and I'm like you need to talk to your son, he is 12 years old he is not a baby he should learn to communicate using words not tears, being soft on him will only make this cry baby behaviour of his continue. He shouldn't allow him to cry over nothing. What would people say if they walked in to our home to find SS crying, they would think the step mother is at fault she did something to him and DH himself obviously thinks the same thing every time SS crys, that is why he asks me why he is crying. Honestly SS's crying annoys and angers me. His father is the problem, he is too soft on him and he spoils him. This really builds resentment in me because i hate spoilt brats or kids who are treated as if they are royalty and more special than other kids in the world.


tog redux's picture

Well, this is a young man whose mother has abandoned him and now his father has turned over all parenting to the stepmother, and the two of them don't agree on how to raise him

Do I think it makes sense to cry over which scrubbing brush he's using?  No, but I'm guessing this isn't about that.

Maybe you should all go to family therapy.

thinkthrice's picture

distressed over his mother being unavailable especially if she is a Disney parent.

I think scrubbing floors is great for kids.  They are usually on their knees playing anyway.  I was scrubbing floors at gran's house age 10.

Monkeysee's picture

Why did your SS’s mother move away? That poor kid. You need to remind your DH that you are not the mother. If you were the mother, you’d have the authority to give him chores without being questioned about making the kid a maid. Chores are good for kids, your DH is being a Disney Dad. 

I agree with the counselling. Your SS needs his parents to actually be there & parent him, not pass him off they way they both have. This is why disengagement is such a good thing. It takes all the pressure off of you, puts it back where it belongs, and gives the skid what they really need, which is guidance and direction from their actual parent. Good for you for telling your DH to speak to his kid directly. Please remind him you are not the mother, and this kid needs his parents to step up. 

ETA I just read your last blog. If BM isn’t paying CS your DH needs to have this enforced. I feel really badly for this poor kid. 

decofru's picture

SS is spoilt, he has always been a cry baby because his father is too soft on him and he allows it, any small silly thing is enough to make him cry! SS is one lazy and irresponsible spoilt kid, i do not see a problem with getting him to help clean the house ONCE a week, saturdays he sleeps and wakes up at ten am, Sunday i had to wake him up at 8 am so he could finish in time to get ready for church that starts at 11. 

BM left last year October well because she has never wanted to live with her son, the only way for her to escape was moving to another country. Now she is free of all physical and financial obligations towards her child and what upsets me the most is that DH allows it! Its like he doesn't mind financing his son alone but when it comes to our son he makes sure we split the costs, it really causes me to be resentful because i don't understand what that means, is he saying it pains him to financial support our child alone or he just doesn't want to fight with BM over child support? He hasnt spoken to her ever since she left the child with us.@ FUTURO you are damn right, why should DH ask me why his kid is crying instead of asking his son since he can talk and he only knows the true reason why he is crying. Believe me guys that's the reason he was crying, like i told DH nobody would believe he was crying over that but that's how spoilt and babyish SS is, he cries over silly stupid things, it's so annoying!