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danielsj2's Blog

Text Conversations with BM--it was actually quite entertaining

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This morning I am sitting on a conference call at work when my phone pings... it BM. I had to admit my curiosity was peaked as we hardly ever exchange texts unless theres a last minute request for pick up/drop off. So I thought "ok--that must be what this is" and I look at the message.. the following conversation ensued.

Bring the popcorn... it's about to go down with the BM.. in court

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So after much deliberation DH has had enough of BM not sticking to the CO. We are only supposed to have the kids two overnights (weekends) in the CO. But BM says she cannot find daycare for SD where she lives and refuses to rearrange her bar-tending schedule so we have SD for 5 days a week and SS on the weekends. He pays her full child support since she is the "custodial parent" AND we pay $500 a month for SD's daycare. We met with a lawyer today and she was shocked.

Wanting perspective.. and some hard liquor

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So I have no children of my own. I wanted to do the career thing first and I have no regrets. I always knew I would eventually like to have a child or two, but haven not been in any big hurry to do so. However lately I have been getting asked a lot "can you have children?" which is slightly annoying in and of itself since it implies that since I am in my 30's with no kids of my own it must be because I can't conceive. SMH.. but anyway i digress.

Brain/Mouth Filter Fail- I regret NOTHING

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Don't you just loves those moments when karma lines up perfectly? DH and I were picking up SD last night. While transferring everything to our car BM makes a comment about how she is super annoyed because her new boyfriend's ex wife is being and i quote "a raging psychotic b*tch about us going away on vacation to Germany. She won't stop calling and texting and causing drama."

HELP--Before I go postal on BM

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Ok so I am so livid I am shaking. The crazy has hit a whole new level. I receive various angry texts from BM today where she is demanding to know my financial contributions of the household because somehow she got wind of how much money I make at my current job. Mind you I am not rolling in the dough by any stretch of the imagination, I am comfortable. She has it in her head that if I make all this money DH has to pay her more and threatening to take us both to court in order to accomplish this.

Any one know the legality portion of this? Please help!!

A bee is willing to end its life to cause you one hour of discomfort-- right now I can relate to that level of pettiness.

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Ok, as preface, BM's always been crazy.. like Gone Girl crazy.. so usually I just roll with it since I can't empathize with that level of insanity but it's getting harder and harder to hold my tongue.

Custody is as follows: BM is supposed to have both kids during the week and we get them Friday through Sunday's. However, she refuses to pay for daycare up where she lives (1 1/2 hours from us) so we have the 1 year old Wednesday through Sunday and the 6 year old Friday through Sunday. Yet DH still pays full child support even though we have the youngest on two of her days.

Ugh and double ugh

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So i recently committed to quitting smoking. I started this bad habit only due to the extreme stress of my job and it was an instant relief. I am only two weeks in... doing somewhat ok except this Saturday is SD's 1st birthday. One that will be held at BM's house and we are invited to attend. I would like to go as I am close with the kids. But the stress of being around the BM for half a day has caused massive stress levels and I relapsed today and had a cigarette. I feel so awful about it.. but I was also instantly relieved.

Help!! BM Holiday Drama

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Ok I know I am new on here but I was hoping that someone could help with this. Per the custody agreement, DH gets the kids Thursday through Sunday although we usually have to keep them till Monday. BM is now refusing to allow DH to get the kids next weekend due to Christmas. The before agreed upon arrangement was we take them Thursday and drop them off early Christmas morning so both parent get Christmas day with the kids. The kids will have to be at her dads house Thurs and Friday as she is a bartend and works doubles those days so she is only doing this to be spiteful.

The Realities of Being a Step Parent

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First let me kick this off with a reality check for all those who will undoubtedly pass critical judgement on this written piece.
As little girls, we dream of prince charming, our magical fairy tale wedding, our 2.5 kids that we will have with said prince charming and our white picket fence that we can proudly host holiday get togethers in. Nowhere (and I do mean nowhere) in this picture of perfection do we ever entertain the notion that we will fall stupidly in love with a man who has a ready-made family.
