daisy0202's Blog
Tomorrow is the big day!
Well tomorrow starts SD therapy session....Things have been real nice since new boyfriend has come into the picture. Last night saw her for dinner than up to her room she went. My DH says "wow she is really cracking the books". I just laughed and said yep...I'm loving this ALOT!!!!!!! Today she is going to BM for 2 days...OH PLEASE LET THIS CONTINUE!!!!
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So just found out BM's new boyfriend that she knew for 2 weeks before moving into her home and fought with SD16 about just moved out and BM is single again.....LMFAO......WOW that lasted a month. I dont get it lets just bring men after men into the home with a 16 year old girl who is there 2 days a week and everyother weekend...DH is going to love hearing this....Her sister called me to warn me....She thinks this might cause more drama for us....IT BETTER NOT!!!!!! :O
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So our New Years Eve went GREAT!!!! SD16 slept at a friends (guess her anxiety got better when daddy told her to cut the shit)....Then the best thing, to me, happened.....A guy asked her out and she said YES!!!! It is like she is not even there anymore...We picked her up from her friends at 11am on Sunday...She went to her room and stayed there all night long, all day Monday, and I only saw her for dinner.....My DH has no clue she is going out with a boy.
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Text from SD
SD16 just text me on, could I please change our plans so her and dad can go to her grandmothers, her anxiety is acting up (like usual) and she needs some daddy time, exact words, since she has not been with him for 2 days. I told her you will have to talk to your dad we made these plans awhile ago. Then she says why do you guys have to go out for new years? I told her I think you need to talk to your dad...She states I already did and got no where so i figured it was because of you.....
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SD comming back tonight....
So SD called last night on DH cell phone....I was sitting right next to him and could hear her talking. She told DH she will be comming home tomorrow night (tonight) then sleeping at a friends Sat. and Sunday not sure yet....What makes me laugh is she tells him what she is doing...No asking just tells him and dumb ass sits there and goes ahhhh OK durrrrr.......LOL It drives me crazy.
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Well yesterday BM called SD of course to tell her boyfriend of 2 weeks moved in....That went of with a bang....Big fight, blah blah blah....More drama.....Then about 20 minutes later BM called my cell phone...crying she misses SD wants her to come over blah blah blah...My responce was you really need to speak to DH or SD there is really nothing I can do. (sometimes she thinks were friends) So she calls SD again and they talk again and SD decides she is going to go for dinner with BM to talk. So already DH and I have our stomachs in our throat worried.
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The blow began!!!!
Well last night was our first real blow out....
Lets see my DH and I have been together for 5 years. We have been married for 2 of those 5. We argue, disagree, but never have we had a fight to the point where I have cried. I can honestly say that. Well now I can't.
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So proud right now
DH just called me again....took my advise from awhile ago and called for apt for SD to start some therapy....OMG its about time. I have been telling him for awhile with all her issues she is having, all the anxiety she says she is having, and all the illnesses which when goes to Dr. theres nothing wrong, she should be in some kind of therapy.
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and it begins...
Just got a call from DH that SD will not be going with us to dinner tonight with my parents....
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Xmas was OK
Well my Christmas went ok....It wasnt that bad...would of changed some things...had no time really with DH but overall it was not so bad. We had SD the whole time....she was attached to DH like clue and was mad when he went to bed....It was ridiculous!!! Our Xmas eve party went really well....I was a great host, didnt eat but drank plenty!!!! After hearing the night befor we will be having SD full time from now on I needed a few drinks...So, I DID!!!!
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