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BM drama

Crazysteplife12's picture

Ok so yesterday my SD makes a face at mo on the sly when I ask her if she did what I told her to do. I made her stay inside instead of out with her friends. She calls BM a tells her no telling what. Basically that I punished her for nothing. BM texts dh and asks what's going on and does she need to kick my ass! So I said to dh that you need to call her and explain the situation bc she only has was Sd12 said. Dh talks to BM and tells her that SD12 is out of control. She is always being disrespectful, getting into trouble, bad grades. Info: BM has left her children moves from one man to the next and haven't seen them in at least 6 months but just now moving back into town. Dh tells her that Sd12 does not have to like sm but does have to respect her and follow the rules, and that she needs to chill with threatening people. It made me happy to hear him stand up for me. This is just going to be one of many instances to come I'm afraid.


HadEnoughx5's picture

You are blessed to have a Dh that nips that bullshit in the bud. It reminds me of Stepmonster....the dad sets the tone in the home and has more power than he realizes.

If Dh's took the same stand and took action like your Dh did, I think a lot of issues SM face with skids and psychotic BM's would lessen.

KUDO's to your DH!!! Smile

Crazysteplife12's picture

I know I was kinda surprised by it. He has not always been supportive like that. Don't want to jinx it but it seems like his eyes are opened more to what I've been talking about and backing me up more.