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Really Pissed!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

cookie29's picture

So I recently found out that my husband's daughter (20) who lives with us with her baby is receiving assistance from the State. She receives $193 in link (food stamps). The baby will be 10 months old at the end of this month. So I had spoken with my husband about her donating a little towards food, as she eats and her baby eats more table food now. He had the nerve to tell me that the link that she's receiving is for her and her baby. WTF!!!! Ok, he pays the mortgage, taxes and insurance, but I buy ALL OF THE GROCERIES, SOAP, TOOTHPASTE, ETC FOR THE HOUSE, ALONG WITH PAYING THE UTILITIES. Hubby and I have two BIO kids together (16/17), so since he has that kind of an attitude, going forward I'm only buying/cooking food for me amd my kids, because that's all I can afford (LBVVS)! I couldn't believe he allowed that to come out of his mouth. Keep in mind, she doesn't pay any rent or clean up. She continues to put dirty pampers in the bathroom, and when I mentioned it to my so-called husband, she threw out the two pampers on the top. So a person with common sense would've taken the entire bag out, she grabbed the pampers from the top and left the remaining garbage, which I found out had 4 pampers at the bottom when I emptied it out. I am so freaking fed-up! Then his son (my stepson) has been here since Sunday, which is fine, however; once again he didn't mention that he'll be here for a couple of days, and nor did he buy any extra food. So my comment to him was on Friday when you get paid, you need to have some grocery money, and he had the nerve to tell me, well you need to have some rent money! This MF is crazy! You can allow your daughter and granddaughter to live here for free and when I ask you for a couple of dollars on groceries you have that kind of an attitude! He truly amazes me! Then he had the nerve to say to me, I think you have something personal against my daughter! Yes, because you are enabling her! He's totally pathetic!


cookie29's picture

Don't worry, I didnt pay our Cable Bill, so let's see what they watch now! You can't have your cake and eat it too! I can't feed your daughter/granddaughter and pay the cable bill! Going forward, groceries that I buy will be for three (me & my 2 kids).

LONGTIME SM's picture

}:) Yes it is unbelievable that H has such a double standard for you and SD and that he would dare to tell you that. Now that SDs baby is eating real food SD needs to help. SD is 20 why is she not paying something towards room and board to live there? If not SD at 20 needs to get her own place. Your H's reply seems to indicate that he looks at you somewhat as a paycheck and it is amazing to me how many entitled Hs there are out there who expect and demand that SMs help pay to raise their matter how old they get and then even the step kids children. It does make me wonder how many of these men remarried just for the comfort that the extra income thier new spouse could bring them.....

YOu may consider telling your H that his reply to your concerns makes you FEEL as though he married you only for your paycheck. This may make him back down somewhat.....and may make him think twice before he says something as stupid as this again.

cookie29's picture

Absolutely! So you mean to tell me it's ok that I buy groceries for the entire house, but she can't give, lets say $50 to $100 on food on a monthly basis? Unreal! He is so pathetic that he makes my stomach turn! I don't understand why he can't see right through her! She wants a free ride and she knows that daddy will give it to her, however; from now on, there will only be enough food for 3 ppl (me and my 2 kids) and I might even began to mark my refrigerator items saying "DON'T TOUCH, EAT OR DRINK"! I bet that will wake his crazy a*% up!

herewegoagain's picture

Truly amazing. Another welfare baby...just like my DHs stupid daughter and her baby...our tax dollars at the way, that money is for food for THEM...yep! Which means, you don't let them eat YOUR FOOD because they govt is already giving them food...sigh

skylarksms's picture

Another welfare baby...just like my DHs stupid daughter and her baby

Same here. Even better SD and grandbaby live with BM still and BM controls the cash so SD is worth TWO CS checks PLUS food stamps, etc. etc. etc. AND now BM has ANOTHER pawn to try to control my H with.

Which means, you don't let them eat YOUR FOOD because they govt is already giving them food

What a great response to this jackass of an enabling father!

cookie29's picture

Yep! Last time I checked, my tax dollars is one of the reasons she does receive the $193 in food stamps a month! I'm cool. It's called Karma and boy I can't wait!

cookie29's picture

Who knows. That was the question I asked my stupid husband. I told him that she could only be doing two things with her food stamps. 1)selling them & 2)giving them to her mother or someone else, as she doesn't buy any food for our house! Maybe one day he'll wake up and realized she was using him all this time! Karma will prevailed and I can't wait! It's always best to be in the drivers seat!

cookie29's picture

In Illinois, you can do whatever you like with your link card. So even if she wanted to go and buy food for the house, she could do that without giving me or her dad her card. I've done my HW, as my girlfriends daughter just had a baby a couple of months ago, and I asked her how much does she receive and she told me $318 in food stamps and $256 in cash. I flipped the email to dear husband and he thought nothing of it. Then he said his daughter doesn't ask him for nothing (meaning money)....Hmmmmmm, let's see now.....the Mortgage, Electricity, Heat, Gas, Food, Laundry and Cable all cost money, so although she's not asking you for actual money, she is! He's such and idiot!

newmom01's picture

First of all if she is staying there she should be helping out! and with 193 dollars in food stamps, what the heck is she buying ...Junk food? she has to be if she is not buying ANYTHING for the house..Even if she donated 60 bucks that could get veggies, milk bread, eggs, juice and other things that EVERYONE inthe house could benefit from. The stupid DH says it for her and the kid!!!! ok well this air, and these, lights, and water I pay for is for my kids!

cookie29's picture

Tell me about it! IMO, She's either selling her food stamps or providing for someone else household, as she hasn't bought any food for our household. Don't worry, going forward, all of the food that I buy for me and my two kids will be marked with "DO NOT TOUCH, EAT OR DRINK"!

oneoffour's picture

Take the trash and move it into her room. If she asks about it remind her she is respnosible for her child and their rubbish and would she kindly keep the used diapers in a container in her room and then she can remove them as she sees fit. She needs to separate her childs soiled diapers from the household rubbish.

Do not buy her items anymore. She can buy her own soap and shampoo and baby food. As your husband has said, this link is for her and her baby.

I would love to see his face the first time she comes to the dinner table with the baby on her hip and you sweetly turn and say "Oh, your Dad told me you had your own food now. So I assumed you were not eating with us anymore. But I can certainly make more if you pick up some additional items for me when you are out and about."

I suspect her father is under some illusion that she can ONLY spend the credit on herself and her child and not contribute to the rest of the household. There is nothing wrong with her picking up a 6 pack of toilet paper or a couple of gallons of milk or the odd frozen pizza for dinner and sharing with the rest of the family. Really, he thinks the Link Police will come knocking? Point out this will help her become a better mother than she already is. A little ego stroking will get you bonus points.

cookie29's picture

I'm still stunned by his reaction and what he said to me. So this morning, I hid all of the bottle water, pops & juices and all of the small boxed treats that I bought for my kids, and when I grocery shop this weekend, I will only be buying for my kids and when I buy food from the restaurant, it will only be enough for my kids, and let's see what they eat then!

cookie29's picture

Hubby didn't buy the beds my 2 kids sleep in, My Mother did; so let him try it! So what he pays the mortgage? I pay all of the utilities, food, etc, now what? Now, if he wants to feed the entire household, he can buy ALL THE GROCERIES! That's perfectly fine by me! At this point, I could care less about my so-called marriage! It's the principle! Honestly, the food stamps she's getting is not going to make me or break me, me and mine are going to eat! I don't know how you were raised, but i was raised that if I was still living with my parents after the age of 18 with our without a baby, that I help out financially. Period! No questions asked!

cookie29's picture

Your absolutely right! I'm sorry, but what is about girls vs. boys? I'm sorry, but there is such a thing called BC as well as the morning after pill! Unfortunately, everything thing in life isn't free and my food I buy is one of them!

Eyes Wide Open's picture

If she's getting food stamps, and she's not contributing, it may be time to "drop a dime" on her and let social services know that you think she's selling them. I mean, she's obviously not using them herself!

I, too, have a baby makin' SD25. We pay for her house, her food, her daycare (and she doesn't even work!) and anything else she needs. Baby daddy lives there and supposedly works, but even when I called the state she lives in and mentioned that it might be time for an investigation, nothing changed.

The karma bus is coming!