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Teaching SS6 SOME independence??

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If you havent read my other entries, SS6 has a CRAZY BM...

SS6 had been living primarly with BM his whole life until this year when we were granted temp full custody..

Am I wrong, but should a 6 year old be able to entertain themselves a LITTLE? It has been driving me CRAZY! SD4 has NO PROBLEM playing with her toys, creating stories, just being creative in general... When SS is at school, I can get SO MUCH accomplished around the house b/c I'm not having to entertain SS...

How do you keep BM from ruining SS?!

confusedmomma918's picture

SS6 comes home from BM house Sunday evening after being there all week. He, myself and SD4 are sitting down eating dinner and SS tells me that BM tells him all the time that SD is not really his sister. WTF!> Really? I asked him, do you and SD have the same daddy? SS: Yes. Ok then, even though you both have different mommas you still have 1/2 of the same parents, meaning you are sister and brother, just half. But still brother and sister.

Food suggestions for a picky eater...HELP!

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Hello mothers. I'm sure you all have gone thru this phase before, and I could use some suggestions or ideas.

My SS is the worlds WORST eater! He won't try anything that he doesn't know already that he likes... and the 2 things he likes, cheese pizza and chicken nuggets. Both of which are not the healthiest, in fact I personally would consider them more of a junk food (when they are eaten for EVERY meal)

The time has come to cross the bridge with SDs BM

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I have not posted much about my SD other then the fact that her BM has been out of the picture for about 3 years and that we did not know where she was... today we received a letter from her... oh yay...

Here is a little bit of history about my SD4 and her BM...

SD had not see my hubby for 9 mths (thanks to BM with-holding her from him) and then one afternoon BM and SD showed up on our doorstep. (SD was a little over a yr old at this time) BM said she could not care for her and left. That was it...

Poor SS has such a bad bug but wont lay low!

confusedmomma918's picture

My poor SS6 has such a bad cold! It started with a temp, thankfully that dropped within a few hours of reaching the high point. Last night he pooed in his bed b/c he was too tired to get up and go potty in the actual potty then today the poor thing threw up all over the floor of the family room.

He still just wants to play though! I tried explaining to him today that we need to get some good rest and relaxation so we can feel better but nope he just wants to party!

Any advice on how to get this little one rested??

SD with no BM

confusedmomma918's picture

My SD does not know her BM. Her BM left her when she was a little over a year old, and to her I am BM.

There is always the chance that BM will try to come back in the picture, and we will cross that road if we come to it, but then there's always the chance she won't. She has had no contact with SD for almost 3 years.

Life changing event for SS

confusedmomma918's picture

How/what do you say to a six year old boy (SS) that he will not be seeing his BM, but you do not know for how long?

My hubbys ex recently lost her visitation rights due to non-compliance with the court order. His son LOVES his momma and it is breaking out hearts that we do not know how to explain it to him. All we know to say is how much we love him and how much his momma loves him too, but he always comes back with, well when can I see her?