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SD15 Health FYI Side note

CLove's picture

She did go to a doctor, and she did get blood drawn. Nothing so far...

Toxic Troll just likes to make drama because the drama bucket is low.


Harry's picture

The crazy, lazy, 

Get get the giant bag of chips,  all will be well

JRI's picture

SD59 thrives on medical attention, emphasis on attention.  It never fails to deliver the drama she requires.  Back in the day, so often about 10pm, she would come to me with vague, but distressing, symptoms.  I'd worry all night, look up the symptoms, etc.  Next morning, instant healing.  I think it was a way to get individual attention in a busy 7-person home.

Rags's picture

I hate idiots who play the medical manipulation card. Whether they are actually ill or not. If their situation is legitimate, I am fully supportive, if not.....


I have lived with an autoimmune disease for 40+ years and have never used it as an excuse.  I was a high school and college athlete with this disease, I have worked in some of the most remote, desolate, and isolated areas of the world with this disease, I have worked off shifts with this disease, and I have watched a number of people with the disease use it to avoid shit they did not want to do but were perfectly capable of doing.

I have been part of management and HR teams trying to figure out what to do with people with the same condition who were playing the "I'm sick and cant do it" card and the "Here is my doctors orders saying I cannot work night shift.... etc...".  To which I countered with my own doctors orders saying anyone with this disease is fully capable......"

I will do anything and everything within my influence to bare the asses of these liars.  I have even motivated a company to withdraw a promotion for someone who was promoted into an available job when they refused a night shift assignment due to this disease. Get the promotion because you are the best person for the job, not because you are lying manipulative POS.

These characterless manipulate dick heads piss me off to no end.


CLove's picture

Toxic Troll has ALWAYS played the "Im sick with this or that" card. 

I told DH this morning that "too bad she wasnt nicer to us all along - we would be more sympathetic to her issues" this morning she supposedly couldnt bring SD15 to our house for school drop off, because the car "was dead". In reality there was a check engine light which DH has checked before. He knows there is oil in it. She simply partied her money away, so he wrote her child support check out a few days early, so she could do the dang drop off.

Its all just a stupid game.