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FAFSA Frustration

CLove's picture

I buried my frustration in my last post.

So - SD18 Princess Powersulk Do Nada is busily earning her moniker. Currently shes in her room all day today for her "visitation" and the few convos we have had during this sick day I am taking are about our new dog. She mentioned quickly and briefly her FAFSA adventures. She mentioned that she did not get her documents in on time because her mother Toxic Troll BM did not want to lose her low income subsidized housing of a 300$ 2 bedroom apartment in beach town. Shes applying for money to attend Community College (which is free, subsidised by US WORKERS) and wants to use it for a new laptop and dog training classes for her mothers little destroyer.

Can she do that? So far shes not been very forthcoming with helpfullness around our house, and no real discourse on what her future plans are (I dont ask) and no details on what and when on classes or this big FAFSA payout will be. I guess it doesnt really matter to me, WHAT she does with FAFSA or if she even gets it, the pure and simple truth is that shes living in my house parttime and not helping at all.

HOWEVER this points me to the newly realized truth that I am really against government subsidizing of able-bodied folks. I am disgusted by the fact that people in REAL need are being shut out of programs by people who just dont want to work! I am slogging myself to work each and every day to pay into this government system. I have been doing this all along and didnt really care that much, just kind of going along living day by day, but since its in my face - kiddo languishing while Im running out the door, coming home after a 45 minute communte and 8 hour day to dirty dishes and a still languishing able bodied 18 year old plus hearing of her non-working abusive mother who languishes along heavily subsidised, Im starting a slow burn kind of mad. And the only thing I can do about it is to work harder, make more money and maybe just get a divorce and cash out of the house so these subsidised hoohaws need to go elsewhere for their languishing time.


AlmostGone834's picture

So typically each school has a deadline for FAFSA. I don't know when her school deadline is. If she's going to community college, she may still have time to get it in. It would tell you on the schools website. Yes she will still be offered extra money even though the tuition is free. It is federal money for low income students. They always pay above and beyond the cost of tuition each semester. Ideally, the money is supposed to be used for things like books and a living arrangements, but they don't really enforce it or anything my stepdaughter, for example used all of hers to fun things like clothes, beauty treatments, DoorDash etc.

CLove's picture

I guess the silver lining here is SD wants training classes for her mothers dog. To help prevent future abuse.

Thats the system Im working to pay into. Dang.

Dollbabies's picture

received Pell grants and for five consecutive semesters received the $$$, withdrew from and/or flunked all classes and our community college didn't put any restrictions on continued enrollment, like probation. It was really weird. She got a fulltime job at Home Depot and stopped "going to college" so I have no idea how long she could have kept it going. I don't think that's how the program is supposed to work. 

Lillywy00's picture

 I am disgusted by the fact that people in REAL need are being shut out of programs by people who just dont want to work! I am slogging myself to work each and every day to pay into this government system

I feel ya

I remember - in one of the gazzilliom jobs I worked - a woman said she wanted a health plan like her friend who got free groceries, hella perks, etc too

I informed her those plans were for low income people

She was like "you know that does not seem fair ... kind wish I was poor" 

Its sad because some people with lower incomes could be more productive citizens but they'd rather stay doing just barely the minimum so they can continually work the system (that's the only "work" they're trying to do) to get their government subsidized freebies


powersulk and her breeder sound like "just barely bare minimum" type of people

CLove's picture

Toxic Troll has made a full time job out of learning ways to work the system so she doesnt have to work.

The past 10 years of watching her and crazy troll (formerly homeless troll), shes worked at getting money for nothing and the checks for free.

Sucks because Im tired. I need a vacation. I like sleeping in. And every time I leave the house, I think "wow" these people are still in bed all comfy.

thinkthrice's picture

Section 8 applicants completely able bodied, no mental health challenges,  purposely not work or work part time to stay on Section 8.   All four of them had bad landlord references.

notarelative's picture

Shes applying for money to attend Community College 

Silly question -- did she apply to the community college? 
Here it's free too, but you actually have to put in an application. It's not like high school where you show up and they find you a place. You have to let them know you are coming (here).

CLove's picture

To be honest - I dont know - I simply assumed.

She did not get her paperwork in because Toxoc Troll wouldnt do something, but once TT got an explanation from the folks at the CC she was convinced of something.

Then I asked what classes = "oh art, something something" no real answer.

So basically I have no answer and get to subsidize that too.

AlmostGone834's picture

She will have to keep her grades at a C (or 2.0) average. The first semester she falls below that, she will get put on academic probation and have 1 more semester to raise them above a C. Judging by her high school history, she better pick it up. 

Little Idiot has squandered new six years worth of Pell Grant money with nothing to show for it and finally it's running out. 

CLove's picture

EGADS I dont know if I can keep myself from going crazy that long.

AlmostGone834's picture

You're given 6 years of Pell Grant money (or 12 full-time semesters) to get a bachelor's degree. If the student goes every fall and spring semester, they can get 6 years of Pell Grant before they are cut off. If they go fall, spring AND take summer classes... that knocks the 6 years down a bit to about 5 years depending on how many summer classes they take. 

However... she has to keep her grades averaging a C... if she does that, it shouldn't take her all those years to get a 2 year degree anyway... but she can then continue on after to get a 4 year degree if she chooses

AlmostGone834's picture

ETA the maximum Pell Grant this year is $7395. Typically tuition takes a sizable chunk out of that but CA is a little strange in that community college is free, so the tuition is not taken out of that. How much she gets of that $7395 will depend basically on how poor her mother is. Your income and your DH's won't factor in, only TT's. 

Lillywy00's picture

I might be missing something but the fact CA gives money to go to a tuition free community college is wild!

What is that money supposed to go to then? It's not like they live in dorms and I know those textbooks don't cost 7k


AlmostGone834's picture

The Pell Grant is federal money. Everyone in the US can apply for it and poor people usually receive the full amount. Most states don't offer free college, but CA apparently has a state program where everyone gets their tuition waived (though it is only for community colleges and it might not be at EVERY community college, but most of them). So if you live in CA, and you go to one of those colleges, you can still apply for the federal money and tuition won't be taken out of it. 

As far as what it's then used for, the student gets to decide. Really is a very sweet deal and Little Idiot has been taking advantage of it for years

CLove's picture

shes not said anything about our income just her mothers, and her mother at first thought the grant money would affect her low income status subsidized life, so she at first refused to give information until "someone" in the cc explained it to her. But that prevented her from getting her paperwork in on time.

April was open registration for fall 2024, classes start August. Her FAFSA deadline was June 30. So now she can take classes for free, but no "living expenses" grant money for this year? Will be interesting to see what goes down. She cand lug around forever, eventually the slime dries up.

I did ask Husband if he thought she would be a dog sitter for a fee, he said no.

CajunMom's picture

I saw DHs oldest daughter "scam" the Federal Pell Grant system. Between that and her student loans, she stayed in school for 7 years, got a basic psyche degree and did not know she'd be graduating until 5 days before the ceremony. It was a moment in time I remember well. Here, my kids busting their butts in school for good grades and doing right by their scholarship and Pell funds and this woman is out buying cars, paying rent and living the life. Of course, today, my kids both have skills that get them places in life, both homeowners and doing well. Her? At 40+ years old, still renting rooms in people's homes. Not that anything is wrong with renting rooms but you'd think, after spending 7 years in college, she'd have a job that could afford her more. SMH

AlmostGone834's picture

Little Idiot is about out of money. She's almost received her lifetime limit. There's some left over but not enough to cover another year of tuition at her current school. Im not 100% sure but I think that and grades has caused her to drop out/be kicked out of her current college. 

Little Type Amy's picture

"HOWEVER this points me to the newly realized truth that I am really against government subsidizing of able-bodied folks. I am disgusted by the fact that people in REAL need are being shut out of programs by people who just dont want to work!" 

I hear you . My tolerance with this BS has been pretty low for years and now I am offically out of it! Especially, like you, I have experienced this just from dealing with BM and now the SD29 who are a couple of the Poster Children for milking the system out of making excuses just out being Lazy and Entitled..because the world ( well at least the welfare STate we live in , which isnt lost on them!) owes them for having such a rough life and because they have Anxiety so they cant do anything.  Knowing that I also have worked hard for years since I was a young age so that they can continue to have these handouts available to them at the ready. Make that makes sense!  I undestand that everyone could use a little help in life. However, I find it more hard to believe that an able bodied adult needs to be that  completely dependent as they are  on the system all the time for years if not permanently.  I got burned up ( and still do) remembering SD declaring  a "leave of absense, like a sabbatical" for herself. This was after just working one part time  gig in her life that didnt last. The rest of the time, and ( still is) just living off whatever she can from the Government. Gee, I didnt know being  a  mooching Welfare Queen was THAT exhausting!  Give me Break!  ANd dont get me wrong, this isnt to say that I have a problem with student loans and or money to go to college with..As long as its used for what it is intended for, however, as we all know, there are those people out there who always choose to abuse or squander that priviledge by taking too much advantage of these benefits, which isnt fair since it takes away from those folks out there who either need them more or would make good on being honest with their use of them 

Harry's picture

Why. Just why are you banning your head against wall.  That hold famiky is dysfunctional,  your SO giving his first family his money [ and yours too]. Keeps this group dysfunctional.  The SK do the talk, tell you what they think you want to here,  [ going to college. Make something of them self, break the cycle ]. But in fact it's just talk.  
'Yes, if she gets herself together, she will attend college, drop some courses, so only will go two days a week a keep a solid "C". With very little efford. 

You are wright, it's a clown show.  That how they get through life so far.  DH Balling them out, you balling them out.  And what do you get. The bottom of T.T. Shoes,   And a back stabbing P.P.   But she found out back stabbing is not the way to go.  
Give uo,  save your money,  take a vacation with that money. Maje good memories.   The SG will find a loser to marry, have a kid.break up and have a new circus for the newt 25 years.  Disengage..from the clown show

CLove's picture

It was a nice weekend, but stressful. New puppy dog and getting used to each other, and trying to get into a routine, without any help.

I finally this morning mentioned to husband that I need SD18 PPDN to help me out. Like walking the dog. She "decided she wanted to stay with us again" THIS week.

Meanwhile shes having fun and sleeping in.