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Paternity Testing

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I asked my DH today to get a paternity test. He basically said there is no point because he knows the kid (SD3) is definitely his. But if he never had a paternity test, how does he know for sure? & what is getting one going to hurt? The kid is too young to know why her blood is being taken so it's not like he will have to answer questions. & the BM doesn't even have to know about it. I know the chances are slim that she's not his, but I'm just thinking how great it would be if she's not!

BM threatening to take DH to court for custody

christinen's picture

Does anything actually work to stop the BM madness? She is threatening to take DH to court for custody of SD3 (they already have joint custody and he has SD every other week for the full week, so 50% of the time). The state we live in tends to side with the mother but BM is just a complete loser so they would be crazy to give her full custody.

SD3 still not sleeping through the night

christinen's picture

I have a 3 year old stepdaughter who still does not sleep through the night. She doesn't just wake up once, but several times throughout the night, the most I have counted has been 4 (& this is all at age 3). She doesn't just go back to sleep either, she SCREAMS bloody murder & won't tell us what she wants. We have considered night terrors, but I think she is just a spoiled brat. My DH has joint custody so he has her every other week for the full week. When she is at BM's, she sleeps in bed with BM.