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Surprise Surprise

christine77's picture

Well SD13 got her blackberry curve last night. And I came close to losing it, I was saying things out loud, I brought a lot of tension to the house last night and I DONT EVEN CARE!!! Im tired of sitting back and not saying anything, being careful as not to offend anyone. Im so sick of "waiting til later", you know what? If SD13 is treated like shes an adult well then she can listen in and take it like an adult. I DONT CARE ANYMORE. I want SD's to know just how others look at them, im DONE tip-toeing around trying not to hurt anyones feelings. THEY CAN ALL HEAR ME. Yes you, little child, got that 250 dollar phone for doing absolutely nothing but existing, yes you, little one, deserve it because you wake up every morning slightly better than the rest of us. So here you are, you are getting the praises nobody wants to say out loud, we see you as you are... the princesses of this domain and we shall never question it again. I told him this morning that im tired of explaining to my kids why skids get everything. They try to understand, but I know they cant fully comprehend. His response was "well we can get your kids something", seriously?? I said my kids do not NEED anything, that isnt my point. Im sure my sons would love a blackberry curve, theyve already expressed that, but they are 10 and 12.. wtf are they going to do with a curve??? Give me a break already!!! But now I have to explain to them that SD has one because, well, she walks and breathes the same as you, but she must be a tad better at it!!

I woke up this morning to daddy making their beds and cleaning up their rooms. He clearly knows his breathing, sperm-bots are not going to do it and after the blow up the other day he is going to make a point to me that their rooms stay clean, UNTIL my kids get to it. Yes, my kids get blamed for a lot around here and messing up his kids room is a big one. I no longer allow my kids to go in their rooms, its not worth it, plus when their rooms turn into one giant pile of shit then the next time nobody can blame mine. But that isnt going to happen now that daddy has turned into their personal slave. Which is fine, if he wants to then I cant stop him... im not even going to bring that battle up again. It just makes me want to puke.

Im sick of everywhere we go, H's dads or H's moms, the perfection of skids is thrown down everyone's throat. "they are such good girls", "they are so helpful", "they just make my world go 'round". Okay well, NEWSFLASH Grandma... these perfect little beings know you have hundreds of thousands of dollars and they know to appear helpful when around you.. it gets them some cash!! ARE PEOPLE REALLY THAT STUPID???? The Skids are constantly asking people how much money they have. It never fails, every year my H gets a check from a family trust fund, although its not alot, it sure helps.. but every year SD9 asks, as soon as he has check in hand, how much is it daddy? And he will tell her, as if her financial smarts mean something around here. She asks him all the time how much money he has... one time his dad gave him money for Christmas and of course she just had to know how much he gave him.. daddy tells her and the next words were "oh good, can you get me an ipod now" NOT KIDDING. She automatically thought that money belonged to her and her wants. Wanna know what daddy said? "ill think about it" with no intentions of buying it, he just didnt want to tell her no.

Needless to say, ive been planning my departure. Im done trying to talk sense into him and im done watching this pathetic form of "parenting" take place. I cant do it anymore. They can be his wives, they play the part real good anyway. Honestly I dont need to be here to take care of a man who allows his daughter to do my part. They make sure he has ate, he has a comfortable place to sit, they make sure he is feeling okay and they make sure he had a good day at work. Why do I need to be here?????


disgusted's picture

I feel ya...Stepbrat acts like a spoiled snot also and gets away with it..A Black berry for a 13 year old is just beyond ridiculous!!! Kids that are that "hooked" and "hung up" about Money obviousley have been raised to be materialistic brats..Wouldn't it be a shame if that fancy phone "accidently" ended up getting flushed down the toilet?? LOL..Just kiddin...well kinda kiddin..

In a perfect world their would be retroactive abortion capabilities. ~ disgusted

anita...sigh's picture

Stranger things have been accidently gone through the washing machine...............................

We all smile in the same language

spitfire's picture

But you hubby needs a F***ing wake up call. Honey I don't know how you do it. I'd be kicking AZZ and taken names. I wouldn't want those bad examples around my kids. I am going to send you all the good vibes I can collect. I feel for you and wish I could help. You could sent them my way, spitfire's boot camp for braty kids.

christine77's picture

Thanks so much!! But for real, Ill take you up on the boot camp thing.. OMG. Could you imagine these girls having to do SOMETHING????? Cause I sure cant. Youre right, I need to stop trying to change them, ill change my ways. Start making it real spectacular place to be... like maybe.. MAKE them take their clothes out of the bathroom when they are done showering and flooding the floor. Maybe ill remove the computers and tvs out of their rooms and take their phones without H even knowing and showing them what life is really like.

I dont know how I do it either. I dont think I can for too much longer.

Thanks for the vibes.


christine77's picture

We think along the same lines. Many times ive thought "it may just disappear, then what"? hahahahahhaha...

I wish their were a different word for spoiled, because they are beyond that word. Its a downright, disgusting display of daddy trying to buy them. And it works. Just wait for the day it doesnt work. He makes good money but not enough to keep this up! Then he will become the hated dad who doesnt do anything for the entitled brats he brought up. Hope its worth it to him.

I cant wait until they are running around this world without a clue. Everything is done for them, EVERYTHING. They have no idea how to handle conflict, cause they are never in one. Life is going to be hard for them.. but thats sure they will call daddy from their blackberrys to bail them out. Or more realistic I suppose would be, they will be here mooching off pops until they find a man to take his place. :jawdrop: Like mother like daughters!

secondwife20's picture

absolutely right. Because "daddy" gives them everything, those children won't know how to handle themselves in the real world. Get a job? No way! I'll just go to daddy. He'll give me money! Pregnant? That's okay! Daddy will help me take care of the child.

It's disgusting, but you know what? That's fine. DH will pay for it later. He may not see that now, but when the kids start getting older and start demanding for more stuff, he'll see the monsters they really are. Meanwhile you can be happy that you aren't raising your kids that way. It makes me sad though that they have to watch their step sisters get things that they don't deserve... very unfair to them.

christine77's picture

unfair. Completely. Thats why within the last couple of days I have been planning to get out of this mess. I wish I could just walk out of the door right now, but its not that easy, in the sense of, well you know, finding a place to go this minute, packing up and so on. Its not hard to leave here, just hard to get the plan in order. But im doing it. I need to be free, no more drama! And my kids..... they dont deserve to witness this anymore. They have seen enough, its time I get them away from it.

H said the other day "watch and see how our kids turn out in 20 years from now, you might be eating your words" HAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHA. I said why 20 years? Is that how long it will take to get your kids out of your wallet?? Make it 4 years, your youngest will be pregnant (she talks about sex ALL THE TIME, shes 9..good luck with that mr. denial) and you and bm will be raising it while she sleeps in and tries her hardest to finish highschool, if she hasnt already quit. LOL.. he didnt like that very much...oh well, truth hurts.

Elizabeth's picture

The entitlement and being given everything just drives me crazy! SD15 came down for Christmas with an iphone from BM. My nieces were at my parents' house and SD just shoved that phone in their faces, without a word. Oldest niece is 17 and she is the only one of the four who has a cell phone, and she has to pay for it herself! Here's SD with her second cell phone, an iphone no less, and she doesn't pay a penny on it.

The list of things SD has gotten without contributing a penny is staggering, and it began when she was 5!

Braces she didn't need (only two teeth you couldn't even see were out of alignment)
Contact lenses (when she wouldn't even wear her glasses regularly)
Cell phone
Digital camera
Another computer (yep!)
Two pairs of Nike Shox
Pumas (right after the Shox)

And BD5 told me the other day she needs a cell phone. I told her she'd be waiting until she was 16. SD got her cell phone at 13.

christine77's picture

Everything you listed, the SDs have them. 13 and 9.. they have all that. Now let me say, I wanted to get my sons some sort of game thing this year, for Christmas, not just because.. so I got them a playstation 2. BUT guess what?? I got them a used one from Game Stop for 50 bucks, instead of buying a new one.. because they could care less if its new or not, its something to do, and they havent ever had anything like that. And its not just get on it when you want to, they have to do certain things first, homework, clean their rooms if with dishes..they have to be a team player in the house before they get to waste time on that machine. And they get a certain amount of time at that.

The SD's each got a digital camera for Christmas, not one to share.. each got their own. The 9 year old got a blackberry pearl, which is why im guessing the 13 year old got that blackberry curve, so daddy wouldnt feel like he did more for one than the other. But did you hear that, the nine year old has one as well. Now tell me im crazy!! That is insane if you ask me. They got other stuff as well, but the computers and ipods and things came at different times for no apparent reason. 13 year old got braces, didnt need them and I know that cause I took her to the dentist who said she doesnt "need" them and if she got them it would be only because she wanted them. Yep, they each have a computer in their room, with highspeed internet with no limits.


now4teens's picture

than mine in spoiling his Princesses. But...DING DING DING...we have a winner!!!!

Blackberries for a 9 and 13 yr olds??? Are you F'n kidding me????
How important are their lives that they need 24/7 internet & email access??? What's next- a BMW for his precious when she turns 16? After all, she'll probably WANT ONE and he won't have the balls to say no to her!

I'm sorry you have to put up with nonsense. This guy is CLUELESS.

"If you have never been hated by a child, you have never been a parent."
-Bette Davis

christine77's picture

LOL. I feel like I have the worst!!

Oh, the 13 year old has already been told by grandma that she is getting her a car when she turns 16. Hope daddy is ready to pay the insurance.

now4teens's picture

When oldest SD turned 16, of course DH planned on getting her a car. In fact, he got it for her 6 months BEFORE she turned 16, so she could "practice" driving it while she had her learner's permit. At first, he actually considered getting her a luxury vehicle, until I threatened to file for divorce. No CHILD should be given a luxury vehicle, when chances are they're going to SPEED and have an accident in it within the first month. Are you kiddin me?????

What SD needed was a 4 cylinder car that had NO HP. Safe, relaiable and modestly-priced. And she should be GRATEFUL AS HELL that she has that.

I won that battle. SD got a cute Toyota Rav-4. Brand New. We paid for insurance, lease payments, & gas.

Guess what BM contributed to the car, even though SD was allowed to use it while at BMs house???? That's right...a big, fat ZERO.

So now #2, now 16, has her permit. And we got HER a car. Same deal. But a Mercury Mariner. We pay for insurance, lease payments, and gas. But she doesn't have her license-yet. But when she does get it, she'll be able to use it when she's at BMs house.
And guess how much BM contributed to SD #2's car??? That's Right!
A big fat ZERO!!!!


"If you have never been hated by a child, you have never been a parent."
-Bette Davis

The Principlist's picture

I have a friend who buys her BD any and everything. For her sweet 16 she got a brand new $30k fully loaded Mitsubishi Eclipse. Get this, she didn't even have a learner's permit!?! Then when said daughter graduated high school, Mom went out and bought her a $60k BMW two-seater. Yep. Didn't do anything fancy. Just graduated high school. Didn't graduate with honors with scholarships to some fancy school (not that that mattered), just graduated.

But then this is the same kid who wears Versace, Christian Audiger, Chanel, Gucci, Dior and every other designer brand to a PUBLIC high school in the inner city no less. Daughter said she didn't want to go to private school, so she didn't have to. I am surprised that she didn't get kidnapped or something flaunting her material wealth around to kids who couldn't afford knock-off designer duds or even a $2k car. I tell you, I really don't know what goes through people's heads.

Step Mother's Motto this week is:

You don't have to LOVE me, you don't even have to LIKE me... But you will RESPECT me.

nicole's picture

that your children have to see their step siblings get things like that....You said he didnt want to make a difference between his girls..didnt want to get one of them more than the other?? What about your Children.......I would be so pissed it wouldnt even be funny..He is making a difference between them, that will cause resentment between the kids and also with you..I have a 12 year old daughter she is an only child...FH has Ex step children well Grown ex step children 20 and 23...FH takes them to the movies, dinner, and pays the youngest cell bill.....He does nothing for my child so i know where you are coming from....

christine77's picture

You should see the back peddling going on tonight. I may do another blog in a little bit, but I dont want to be a blog hog...LOL. There is an absolute melt-down taking place as I type this..

Anyway... thats exactly what ive been trying to say. No rift between his two but who gives a rats ass when it comes to mine?? Only me, and I cant afford the same lifestyle he is providing for his, and even if I could I would still do it exactly as im doing it now. I just cannot for the life of me get through his thick skull the damage he is causing his daughters. Maybe not now, but their future will be a mess, and he will have no idea how to clean it up.

nicole's picture

now that you are married your lifestyle and his lifestyle should be the same...shouldnt it?? why should your kids do without and his get everything....Kids see this and there has to be really bad tension there...It will make your kids look at him as if he doesnt care for them....My daughter ask me once why Fh doesnt take us out to dinner and to the movies and i tried to tell her the best that i could that he doesnt see these grown ex step kids that much and he is trying to keep in touch...Which kids dont understand that and ya know what neither do i....I was raised that if you cant do for all you dont do at all.....

christine77's picture

I have talked to my kids, the older one mostly, about this so much. Im lucky that they havent shown any signs towards resenting me thus far. And I dont even want to chance it.. it isnt right, fair or anything else and they dont deserve it. I am making plans to depart from this. It will happen, ill make sure of it.

Sellissa's picture

His 15 y/d just got an Iphone (her 6th cell phone) she has all the other electronic crap, and all the attachments, bells and whistles, but, I just found out, her day (who says he broke) bought his 15 year old child a Mustang. A new one. And he parked it in his Xs garage. She has a flat screen t.v., we don't, laptop and desktop computer, $190 pair of jeans. $70 haircut and color, I have to color my own hair! He took his daughter and x-wife on a vacation to Florida because the SD did not WANT to leave mom at home. They "snuck" mom off with them. I found out. Kicked husband out, now he is begging to come back home. Haven't let him come back. Don't think I will.

christine77's picture

You win, hands down. I hope you never, ever take that man back. What a loser in every sense of the word. Maybe I shouldnt say that, im sorry, im not trying to offend you, but holy cow.. that is the lowest of the low. And you can bet SD is loving the fact that she gets to control how mom and dad visit each other. WOW.. im speechless. That almost never happens. Im so sorry that happened to you. You deserve better than that and I dont even know you!! *hugs* to you for kicking that slime out, and I wanna send you some strength as well, to stay strong and keep him out.

Funny how that always works out though, isnt it? They almost always beg to come back. Pathetic.