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Divorce rate?

cat1964's picture

I read somewhere, the divorce rate among second marriages/relationships where the man has daughter(s) and new wife/woman becomes a step-mother is somewhere around 80%, I told this to my SO and he said "what is it for second marriages/relationships where man has daughter(s) and the new wife/woman becomes a step-mother and has no children of her own". He seems to think it is higher; basically, because I have had no children, that is the problem we are having.


sonja's picture

Being the 3rd wheel is tough. Something about men and their daughters.. I was there too. They snuggle and she becomes the highlight of his life when shes there while you fade into the background in an instant.

I believe the rate is higher.. but for him to have that on his mind says something about him.. is he aware that you become that 3rd wheel so fast? Also because its just you and him when SD isnt there makes it that much harder for him to focus on you both when she is there.

I battled this same thing as my SD came EOW for almost 2 years before BS was born. FDH liked to act like I didnt know a damn thing about kids, and completely ignored me whenever SD was in the picture. (not that it has changed much, but at least I can be busy with BS now).

Id be curious to know what else he has to say.. might give me some insight on whats brewing in my FDHs head?

cat1964's picture

I don't think of myself as a 3rd wheel, mine and SO relationship is different than father and daughter's. But as an "outsider" I think I have a better perspective on what I see than the father, mother and grandmother. Because I don't wear loved-glazed glasses, I see her for what she is a mini-version of her mother, she proves this everyday in some way!!!!

sonja's picture

For a while I was the 'what do you think' person when it came to female issues. And then I became the potty person in public. I got really sick of that.. what was FDH going to do if I wasnt in the picture?

I also gave myself the role of telling him what was appropriate and what was not when it came to dads and their daughters.. Not that I think its ok for Dads to sleep in the beds with their kids of either gender..

Now that Im a Mom too, I think I balance out the discipline (not doing it, but putting my 2cents in) and the rules of the household. Im there to be sensitive when he is not (he expects both SD and our BS to be tough and not cry when they are hurt). Theres been times in the past that I have held SD because FDH almost didnt know how to be sensitive.

Weve had the talk of how things would be if SD was here full time. Its usually known that the wife's job is less important than the Husbands job. I told him about how many SMs on this site do the full-mom role (school/doctor/events, etc).

I told him I knew id be taking on that role if SD was ever to be here full time.. he looked clueless. I said can you take off work 2x a week for events? Get off early if shes sick? Go to the dentist in the middle of the week? He said no, and although I work full-time I truly seeing it as expected that I would take care of those things, just as I will with BS.

What do you think?

cat1964's picture

Sometimes I think they would just go find someone else but I think the same thing would happen they would get fed up and leave. I did it for 6 years with no tangible results, so my decision is now I don't need the stress or disrespect. But he has this uncanning ability to ignore her behavior, and this just pisses me off. How can you not see what she is becoming?

sonja's picture

Agree and agree to disagree on some points. It was very clear in the beginning of our relationship that my FDH had never had to balance the dad role with the husband role at the SAME time. In good healthy regular relationships does Dad ignore Wife when a child enters the room? No.

I have made the choice to work on the weekends that she is here (I work every other and switched my weekends when SD came into the picture). This promotes daddy/daughter time, but also seems to put it out there like Im choosing not to be involved when I give them their space. (They cuddle and watch tv in the living room before bed, while I usually am on the computer). SD has asked if Im going to watch tv with them, and he responded No SM doesnt watch tv with us... Uh ok!?

I think a lot of the added stress that comes into the Dad/SM relationship is that Dad has very little/no control on what goes on with skids when theyre not with them.. which is what 99% of the time? We hear way too much about BM and what theyre doing and where theyve been. Often that time that skids arent here, we're still having to deal with all the drama associated.

Another issue I would say is that when skids come before biokids shared by the dad/sm, skids are suddenly so important now (as if they have this instant competition). FDH never made a deal about doing things with SD, but now that BS is here and I want to do things with him, FDH is all worried about SD not getting to do this or that.. that just causes more resentment in my book.

cat1964's picture

I love the quote from Buddha, I have to let go of the resentment for SD, its hurting me more than anyone!

cat1964's picture

I am truly not envious of my SD, she is the child and I am the woman. Our relationships with SO/father are different. He is my friend/lover/equal. He is her unconditional love/guide/hero. but now it is time to start molding her into a responsible and acceptable adult. I don't think he has a clue how to balance this.

Most Evil's picture

I think any jealousy is from the skids, more than the stepmom.

These kids are raised to think they are the only people who matter, instead of one important part of an equally important group. So they hate to lose the spotlight, and are jealous.

There is no cleaning that up, it really is as selfish and unattractive as it sounds.

Both of their parents need to explain, respect for your elders and thinking of others, to make these skids decent, compassionate human beings.

Everyone seems to understand that and yet, believes that their own child is the exception. That is the real problem, the parents, no one else.

Both parents need to be parents and actually parent, not suck up to a child and be BFFs with them.

shielded2009's picture


That's a hard statistic...

I think our dynamic is different than others, (I hope). DH and BM were never married...Couple that with PAS from day one pretty much, and him having to fight all the time, he and his daughter aren't cuddly close at all...He loves her, but she's not the light of his world...Also, I came in to his life when she was 2 1/2 (didn't meet her until she was 3), so my place was established early...

I hope it stays that way...