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Casper3's picture

I totally got grossed out tonight when I went in the bathroom and found a HUGE log in the toilet and no toilet paper. Are all boys that gross?


Wicked.Step.Monster's picture

There's just nothing else to say except yes, they are, ALL of them.

lyndee's picture

yes they are grosssss!!!!!!!! i found a used condom in my ss dirty clothes didnt have no idea but i do now.....

Shaman29's picture

At least all you have to do is flush.....

Step-demon (sd-stb14)had/has the lovely habit of smearing her mentrual blood all over the seat, lid, sink, cabinets and TP roll. I make her or DH clean it up.

By the way, she has lived with UberSkank most of her life if this gives you any insight as to how Uber got her nickname from me. :evil:

Thank goodness she's living with UberSkank again! I can barely tolerate her presence in my home right this very minute. I've hardly said 10 words to her since she arrived (late) last night. Polite words, but keeping to myself.

“Be like a duck. Calm on the surface, but always paddling like the dickens underneath.”
Michael Caine

Amaurea's picture

I worked at an elementary school last year...and it would TOTALLY gross me out when I would go into the girls bathroom and I would find the same sight in the toilets. And I would find them waaaaay too often; like once every couple weeks :sick:

Manda's picture

So yes we ALL need to flush the toilet! Just think about it...especially ladies...there is someone else's piss and/or poop in the toilet and you really have to go and get a splash back from what's in the toilet already...who's germs are you getting?!? It's just a disgusting thought that anyone would want to go to relieve themself in the same stuff someone has left behind...skids do that all the time and I'm thinking the next time I have the runs I'm going in their bathroom and not flushing. Maybe after seeing that they may think twice about not flushing! Actually, the skids toilet paper roll ran out over a week ago and I refuse to change it because they are both old enough to change the TP roll without being told...not sure how they are wiping their asses or don't even know if SD is even wiping anything but maybe they will learn an even bigger lesson when they come down with an infection or smell like their poop at school and nobody wants to sit by them.

ceecee32's picture

Of course I saw gross and just had to read this. This seems to be a problem escpecially with boys. I have been blessed by the gift of unflushed turds so many times I can't even count. (althought there is tp in there too!) THis from bs, ss and bs friends yes they too bring the gift that keeps on giving.
I point blank embarrass them, friend or my kids asking "who left me that lovely present"? Please come meet the flusher on the side of the toliet, learn to use it or do your bussiness outside like sparky

StepMadre's picture

Oh yes, and much worse. I am SM to SKIDMARKS Skids. I do the laundry so this was a nasty surprise. When I first was married, I had fluffy-eyed happy bunny visions of doing cute little kids laundry and having my cute little step-sons cheerfully help me put away their clothes, Hahahahahaha. Once they had learned to wash their hands after using the bathroom (a priority in my mind!) and to not pee on the floor (Seriously! my SS10 would pee anywhere! Unfortunately the electric socket was out of his range. KIDDING!) I turned my attention to other stuff and I realized, sorry if this is gross, that their lovely mother had never taught them to wipe! It was so gross and in my opinion child neglect that I dropped off their unwashed stuff at her place with a note telling her to teach her kids how to wipe their butts unless she wanted me to drop off their laundry at her place permanently! This was not a mature move on my part, but was very satisfying at the time. She is very sensitive about what a crappy mother she is (no pun intended) and it enraged her to have me point it out (in a nasty immature way, unfortunately. I wouldn't do this now!) So anyway, the result was that she was supremely pissed at me (haha) but things got better, but not enough and so now DH is in charge of washing the skids clothes! I have worked with them on hygiene and cleanliness a lot, but it's a continuing effort. Respecting others by not leaving gross messes has not gotten through to them yet.

As a side note, my nephew does not have any of these problems. He toilet trained effortlessly and is clean and careful (and only three!). My sister taught him bathroom hygiene by numbers so he counts his way through it to make sure he doesn't forget anything (he thinks its fun). Washing hands is four, so he will know if he skipped or forgot anything if he tries to wash his hands before counting to four. It's really funny to hear him shouting out the numbers and giggling, but it's working really well for my sister. He then gets to pick out a sticker and put it on a sticker chart outside the bathroom. We always praise him for all of his stickers and he is so proud of it, it's really cute.

"A lot of people are afraid to tell the truth. That’s where toughness comes into play. Toughness isn’t being a bully, it’s having a backbone.” ~Robert Kiyosaki