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UPDATE: SD15 caught again!!!

canigetabm's picture

Thank you for your tips!! Sadly my SO took her door off and that was that and took her computer.....that's it no talking/no describing consequences...nothing. They ignored each other for the evening. To say the least I was disappointed as I felt it was a very important lesson to be taught.....Wow how sad especially when my SO rages when my BS15 leaves the light on or his clothes on the bathroom floor. Sigh I guess Disney Dad showed up last night instead....I am totally at a loss.


princessmofo's picture

I'd really twist the knife with this one and go so far as to get him a t-shirt that states, "World's Greatest Grandpa!" But hey, that's me...

Tuff Noogies's picture

well, actions speak louder than words, maybe he decided he was just past the talking point and went straight to the doing? i'm sure at her age she's WELL aware of the 'why'....

congrats on having a hubby that will enforce! your next step may be an alarm system, so she cant sneak out (or sneak someone in) when she thinks everyone else is sound asleep.

canigetabm's picture

Yes, this could be correct as he said he is tired of yelling and being angry but I still believe the consequences need to be laid out as well as the other items we discussed would be stripped from her room, revealing clothes, makeup, hair stuff etc. But he wants to wait until she's not home....excuse me? Are you afraid of her. No-i just don't want to argue....WTF? Cop out.

Jsmom's picture

This is step one. He needs to take everything away when she does something wrong again. And she will.

My dad took my door and my sisters door for several weeks for fighting. It worked...

canigetabm's picture

Unfortunately this is not step one. She has been caught sneaking out and sneaking in on several different occasions. So since he caught the boy in the garage this time...I thought a severe consequence would be served.....I unfortunately was mistaken!

canigetabm's picture

I wish my SO hit the roof when he found the kid hiding in the garage. He told him to get the f**k out of here without getting his name. SD15 refuses to provide her dad the information. He is a class A Disney dad and is OK with "oh she won't tell me".... So that's that!......its bad in this one. The Disney runs deep....