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Sd15 Caught Again!!!! This is getting old!

canigetabm's picture

So SD15 got caught sneaking a boy in @12:30am last night. Taking away the computer and phone are NOT working. She just got them back last night after her last "stunt". You ST'ers are awesome what are some different discipline ideas that will catch a teenagers attention?


HappyCow's picture

When we caught a boy in SD's room last year she was made to write a paper on STD's and had to read it aloud to DH and I in the living room. We also took her phone away and made her do a large amount of chores in the house. We told her that if it ever happened again she was going to loose everything, makeup, clothes, and I would be picking up her new outfits at Goodwill.

Tuff Noogies's picture

1st a good BCP. then removing her door. you could also install an alarm for doors and windows.

canigetabm's picture

We already have security camaras and now are putting double key locks on the side garage door.(her way of sneaking bcuz the camaras dont get the side door). We are doing everything we just need a good punishment that will "wake" her up!!

StepKat's picture

Computerized baby!!!! No joke! It's a doll that she would have to take care of and you can either program it or use a remote controller to set it off at any time day or night. She has to care for it like an actual baby. Once she learns what sex can cause I doubt she'll sneak in boys ever again.