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What a shame.

Butterfly45's picture

It's been 4 months since we have communicated or gone to a family event of my DH. For the most part our family is doing good!. But there are times I see on FB that brings sadness to me, I miss my DH family and  socializing with them.

What Kills me more is I have been with my husband for 16years and there were memories built, my inlaw and sister inlaw hasnt called to want to see my kids? and I havent even got a txt or anything to wish me or my family a happy Thanksgiving,  merry Christmas?.... 

On Thanksgiving I come to find out that DH cousin had the family Thanksgiving dinner at there house and of course the BM and kids were there... what made it More hurtful was I had to find out from my daughter asking me if we were going? Because her ss asked, I let my daughter know I was unaware and no. ( not like we would of attend)

Christmas was good we spent it together just us,  our kids were pleased with there gifts. My husband went on xmas eve to the skids house to drop off there gifts, the skids weren't  thier, the  skids grandma was there and toke the presents.

We went to my family house to have dinner/ presents, not one person of DH side txt me or him to wish us anything, once again my kids knew that DH family had a get together at the BM house for Christmas .

my inlaw fb my husband the NEXT DAY to get a hold of her she has our presents?... like wow... my husband got so upset he didn't respond. He daid yo me, that she would have to come over our house if she so wanted to give the kids anything, he wasn't going to get the presents from her, u would think she would have wanted to come to our house to see HER grandkids and give them the gifts herself wouldn't you think?. She never reached out to me or anything just that once... and no my kids didn't receive Anything from my DH family for Christmas... which has never been that way. My inlaw never reach out again or my sister inlaw at all...

I think to myself are they mad at me?. For my  decision not attend to the annual family Christmas party (which is held every 3rd week of dec) some days I can careless and other days I feel so  be traded or I guess never like at all geez. 

In October, The weird thing is that I bumped into  a family member that is married into the family, and when she saw me she just kept asking me if I was okay? I did let her know that she wont  be seeing us in any family events anymore. And I  briefly told her my reasons why.. she was shocked and l expressed my hurt from my sister inlaw. that told me she didn't want to hear what the BM did. I guess maybe this family member told his family what I have siad?... To be honest I purposely said that so my sister-in-law would know how hurt I was from her comment. 

I hope this year is a better year without this pain of drama. 






ESMOD's picture

Have you and your DH thought about proactively trying to make plans to see these relatives on your own terms and maybe not during these "mass events" that BM seems to still be welcome?

Like.. what about inviting a few of them to a cookout on a sunday etc..?  If you miss them.. and it's not animosity.. maybe you could still have some contact.  I don't think you need to back down on not wanting to attend when his EX is there.. but you could see them at other times..?

thinkthrice's picture

it won't be the first time that a biodad's family decides to side with the BM.  Actually it happens quite frequently.  Especially grandparents who want to "keep their grandchildren by the BM" (TM) so they placate the BM and if it makes said BM happy to shun biodad and his partner then so be it.

Good riddance to bad rubbish. 

tog redux's picture

I do not understand these families that hang onto a relationship with BM over one with their own SON.  All I can think is that they were toxic to begin with, and this is just an extension of that.

It's normal to feel sad and hurt when you decide to change a family dynamic and no one seems to care. But if overall you have more peace, then stick with it.