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SS3 pants on backwards???

buterfly_2011's picture

Just got SS3. They were three hours late. He arrives to us like this:

Pants on backwards
Shirt so big its to his knees
Filthy dirty face, hands, clothes
No socks.... wal mart shoes (meaning stinky dirty feet)
An entire bag of moldy smelling clothes and blankets.

Most of those I am use to. But come on. The kids pants are on backwards? You have got to be freaken kidding me. How damn lazy can a parent be?


rodgers6's picture

That is so sad! We deal with a similar situation every other weekend. How do these BM call themselves moms. How can you not take care of your children. It is sad and disgusting!

buterfly_2011's picture

It is disgusting. I feel bad because I wash his clothes every time he comes. But the smell is so soaked into them that that doesn't even help. So we have our own now. We just keep his stuff in the trunk of the car because the smell is so foul that it stinks up our house.


stepmomto3bioto1's picture

Thats horrible about his clothes stinking so bad. How could a mom be such a sorry excuse?!? Poor kid!! Parents like that just flat out shouldnt be parents!!

realitycheckmom's picture

Get some Odo-Ban from Sam's club and put some in the wash. It has a eucalyptus scent and kills everything. We use it on the dog beds and anything the kids get sick on.

Skidmarks's picture

We used to have the same problem when SD5 was about 2. BM would drop her off for the weekend and shed be in baby clothes atleast a full size too small and whatever "clothes " she would bring over wreaked of smoke and none of them fit let alone matched. We would get the whole " she's little its not like she's in a fashion show " response when we would bring it up. Her hair and face were always a hot mess and her legs and feet would be so dirty I would have to literally scrub her in the bath .

sammmx's picture

I kind of hope/wonder if those are exaggerations haha, speaking from the other side...

Last week when I dropped SS2 off for visitation with BM, when I came to pick him up she was complaining that his nails were "so long & dirty" that she had to spent 10min cutting them & he had a bug bite on his back that he scratched so bad it was bleeding. All of this was said infront of the social worker too, of course.

*insert HUGE eyeroll here*

First off, I had clipped his nails just the week before, but I didn't hack them down to the pinks & left a little, teeny, tiny bit of white (because I know it hurts if you cut them TOO short!) and second of all, when I took him home and looked at the bug bite, it was a little red and the size of a pimple. Shut up lady. =/