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Who to call for Child Welfare Check...?????????

buterfly_2011's picture

Can somebody let me know who we can call so we can send social services to BM #2's home to do a welfare check on SS3 and the other 5 children? Her mother gave info to SO that has disturbed us greatly. And I have noticed several "dirty" things when SS3 is able to visit us. Himself, his clothes and bruising on his bottom. He said it was his dog who bruised him but for the sake of my sanity I would like to know who to call. I tried my local DHS office but of course they are closed today. And I think we also need to do this for the fact that we can never reach her. She moved. Gave us no new address. And from what her mother told us it just seems like it would be a good idea to make sure ALL the kids are ok. That the living conditions are ok. And that the husband in her life is aware they are being watched. Control FREAK!


DaizyDuke's picture

You didn't get an automated message with an emergency contact # when you called DHS? I know in my state there is an 800 number that can be called 24 hours a day to report such things. I would guess that every state has one. I mean these freaks don't stop neglecting and abusing kids just because it's a Holiday or a Sunday right?

buterfly_2011's picture

No no automated message. Other than if this is a emergency call 911. No 800 number or anything. And they are in a different county than us. Maybe if I call the county they live in?

buterfly_2011's picture

All we know is the name of the town they reside in? All of her information I know the state has because she is on welfare and get CS through the state.

BSgoinon's picture

That is exactly what I was thinking... I would go to the sheriffs station and talk to someone there. Or call at least.

buterfly_2011's picture

The mother told us that she feared if she called that the Husband would cut off all contact with her too. Then she would not be able to see the children. That her daughter is being controlled.

hismineandours's picture

Are these bruises on your ss's bottom recent? If they were in the past-even a few weeks ago and your other concern is the cleanliness of the kids-I'm going to guess that DCS is not going to provide you with an immediate response. In our state, we call a 1-800 that is a clearinghouse for all counties. They decide, at that level, whether they are even going to investigate your concern or whether they are going to screen it out. It is a misassumption that they have to investigate all reports. If they do investigate it may take days simply because this will not be seen as an emergency.

I think your best bet is to call local law enforcement. Say you cant get ahold of the bm, you are considered about the welfare of the children becasue of what you are seeing or hearing and just ask if there is any way that they can check on safety.

buterfly_2011's picture

Thank you for the link. I called them. I guess it's up to them to make sure SS3 is ok. Not very comforting from where we sit.