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Who Deals With Tantrums From SC

BurnedOut's picture

Ok I understand a child having temper tantrums but a 13 WTF. My SS is 13 and throws these fits where I basically have to get physical like I'm fighting a man. I am scared to tell DH because I don't want him to go to jail for hurting the boy. He has been known in the past to get CPS involved so to me he's like a ticking time bomb. I don't know what to do but I'm not going to let him think he can keep swelling up on me.


somerg's picture

get a home video cam like spunkie stated. adults have rights too, and if skid13 is doing this, they could do time too....PROTECT YOURSELF.

BurnedOut's picture

I know that the monster loves me. His mother doesn't want him, she said she would put him in a group home. He never pulls this crap on his dsd, but he talks a lot of shit. I think he just wants attention and with a child like him any attention is attention negative or posotive. I just hate the fact he does this in front of my other children. DH seems to be in denial until the day when SS gives him his ass to kiss. If I was DH I wouldn't be dealing with him now since he had the police at the house saying DH hit him. I just can't wait for this F***er to turn 18 and go away. At the rate he's going the jail system will probably take him off my hands in the next two years LOL

Tx mommy of 3's picture

Idk about your full situation, but could he purposely be provoking you to get physical with him so that he CAN call cps? I have NEVER laid a had in my ss or done anything to him and once he jokingly pulled the cps card. Um...ok. I figure it came from bm. But since your ss has pulled that before and prob knows more now on what can really get someone in trouble with cps, then maybe he is trying to get you in trouble?

I agree about alwayshaving someone around when he is with you. Turn the table and threaten to call police on him. Depending on where you lice, you could also remind him that he could be prosecuted as an adult, not a child at 13. And yes, you DO need to tell your dh.

oneoffour's picture

"If you don't stop this crap I will get you committed to a Psychiatric hospital for 72 hrs.NOW. I will tell the police you threatened to hurt me and yourself."

"Lay one hand on me and I am calling the cops."

And do it ALL.

michiel923's picture

The tantrums and never have them occur again. That is what you really want. It only takes 1 big proper tantrum to happen in your local superstore. Thanks for sharing the informative post.
Jack - stop tantrums