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Update to previous blog...(relationship drama) this is funny!

Brittany.P's picture

Like I talked about on my last blog my FH had several issues and he was driving me crazy with his constant calling and wanting to know everything I did and where I was all the time. Well I had been told that the guilty person always points the finger. Turns out that is so true. I had his passwords to some of his email accounts and things and for whatever reason the other day I decided to check his account...I just had a feeling. Well I get on there and see where he has been talking to some girl in a near by town. After I got the shock and anger and sadness outta my system, I went to plotting. I went back into his account got the password to his myspace (the site he was using to meet girls) and went into it. I deleted his messages to that girl and blocked her from talking to him again. I then made me an account identical to her account took her picture and then wrote him back from my new account as her. I set up a date with him for yesterday at 1:00pm. So after we are done talking I print out all our conversations and a short letter telling him I knew all about what he had been doing. I drive to the other town yesterday and sit in the parking lot waiting for him to come. He calls my phone as he is pulling in to tell me that he has made it to his hotel and is going to check in a take a nap. (He works in this town and its and hour n a half away so he stays up there during the days he works) Well I tell him ok and Ill see him soon. He gets out and goes in to meet this girl...only there I am instead. He was blown away. I only wish I had thought to bring a camera to capture the expression on his face. Priceless. I handed him the letter and conversations and walked out. He has of course called me and all constantly since then. He has offered me a 100 excuses. One was that he did love me and he knew he screwed up, he just wanted to make sure I was what he really wanted :jawdrop:....Umm I think he should have decided that BEFORE he proposed to me! It was just a lot to take in that here he was telling me how much he loved me and wanted to be with me but yet he is sneaking around behind my back. One thing is for sure, he wont cheat again the he wont think about how I caught his dumb@$$ read handed. Another funny thing is he will never figure out how I knew. I went back in and fixed everything back how I had found it. He had told the girl(me) that he had been out of the engagement for several months. That he was single and just wanted a good girl he could trust. I am just so happy to have found this out before I let myself get into this any further. I told him I got a good laugh out of all this cause he didn't have me anymore and he doesn't have some new chick either that he can keep on looking.


belleboudeuse's picture

What a hilarious story! You are a genius!

I'm sure this must have been painful, but wow, I'm sure glad you took his a** to the cleaners. I bet you are so glad you are rid of him so you can move on with your life!!!


- You are not second best, you are not second class. Do not ever let anyone make you feel that way. (2Bloved)

sarahbernheart's picture

that is probably one of the best stories about catching a cheater that I have heard in a long time

good for you!!
"Better a diamond with a flaw than a pebble without one."

sparky's picture

You could make a lot of money doing PI work. Good job and congratulations for getting rid of the loser.

Gia's picture

Something we all can learn from your story is the fact that when we find something we DO need to let the anger and everything out, and find ways to use the new information WISELY, you could have called him or waited for him at home to yell at him, maybe he could have convinced you about forgiving him since it was only a "myspace" thing, but what you did is an example of the opposite of impulsive behavior, that way you figured out what your man is really capable of doing, and how far he can go. Is better to think and let it all sink before we can come out (and there is always a way) with a GOOD plan, even if that means days or weeks of waiting.

It is all worth it!

By the way, hopefully you never ever forgive such thing from that scumbag Dirol

Brittany.P's picture

Haha no worries there I do not have any intentions of ever speaking to him again. I told him in the note I left that there was nothing he could ever say to justify what he was doing and that he didn't deserve me because he was so far beneath me. I have been through this type of thing before, the cheating and all but I never thought of anything to do at the time I always blew up right away. It makes a great story when people ask why I'm not engaged anymore lol. I don't know what he will tell people but he knows the truth.

Sasha's picture

I can't believe you actually did that! That took a lot of courage and I am so glad for you that you found out the truth about him before getting married to this loser!