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I'm afraid I'm setting myself up for failure.

BMJen's picture

Every year Juicey and I go to the same place for our anniversary. Well it's coming up, 38 days until we leave for our trip! YAY! I love it, it's what I look forward to all year long.

This year we've decided to take BS 14, SD 15, and BD 2. We're taking them all because we're staying for a whole week, and we havent got to do something like this with them in a long time. And last year we went alone and Juice and I missed our baby girl so bad we came home a day early. So after that we got to talking about how much better it would be with everyone there. SD 15 is a built in baby sitter!! She's going to be the biggest help in the world.

But I'm having flash backs of the "old hell" days. And I hope none of it rears it's ugly head. DH already said that he is going to shut off his county phone. We'll be on vacation, SD will have her cell, and we can leave mine on just incase. But if anyone, and by anyone I mean BM, starts acting stupid we'll just shut it off. Juice said we just aren't having any trouble, no matter what! So, looks good on that end. I do intend on giving her the name of the place, address, phone number, and our booking agent's info just incase something bad does happen.

So we should have BM squared away.....other than she's already saying SD might not be able to come. She isn't sure yet. It depends on her grades. DH says F that, she's coming, he's her father and he can make that decision. So we'll see. But Juice and I knew this would come up and we have a game plan. Anytime she mentions that she can't come we're going to act like it's no big deal, no skin off our nose, just one less mouth to feed. When she told me the night before last that SD might not make it I just said "Well that sucks, she would have fun. Let me know if you change your mind" Her response: "Well, I'm not sure yet! I'll keep you posted". Which means......I'm going to drive you batty until you guys leave because I know that you want SD there. Ugh, it's okay though, I can take it. Because I know her and I know by us acting like we don't care will drive her crazy and she'll think we're up to something and SD better come along to keep us in line! LOL!

SD. Here's something I haven't thought of in a long time. I used to have alot of the feelings alot of people on here get. I did have some jealousy......because it seemed as if he would catch his hair on fire for her but wouldn't for me. So that sucked. I didn't like it at first and it took some figuring out. Alot of it was him feeling guilty, so that all stopped when he realized that : Yes, he is still allowed to be a happy person! Smile

Now I get worried though. This is mine and his spot. Our little peice of heaven. I guess if she starts that stupid baby tone shit I'll just have to tell her to can it. I think I'll have that talk with her before we go actually. It'll go like this "Look SD, I can't wait for us to all go on this trip! I'm so stoked you are coming this year! But, when you do that baby winey daddy thing it drives me up the wall. So please keep the baby tude in the can until we get back home....well...get rid of it all together actually, but I especially don't want to hear the nonsense while we are vacation!"


Amazed's picture

I think you'll have a fabulous time:) And IF sd does the babybabycoochicoo like you said and tell her silence the babytalk (kinda like silencing your cell phone at the movies) OR everyone can start imitating her }:)

I think your approach for handling BM is a stroke of genius! Obviously,she's going to dangle SD like a little carrot to see if you react. No reaction is a good reaction:)

"Venting without the desire to look within and improve your situation is simply venting to hear yourself bitch."

..."I'm not mean, you're just a sissy."

Anon2009's picture

I think that is a great idea, and you're handling BM wonderfully. I think you all will have an awesome time! If I may ask, where are you going?

steppinginsf's picture

First, I want to say have a wonderful time! It sounds like you and DH have a really healthy way of communicating, work as a team, and are generous with all of the children in your family.
Question though: are two teenagers missing a week of school? I am a former teacher (now I teach people to be teachers)...I hope they come with the schoolwork they'll be missing for the week and that you and DH plan to have them spend time each day on school work, if so. One week is a lot to miss for kids in those grades.

BMJen's picture

I know......taking them out of school is risky, especially with how my son is doing this year. But we've got it okayed and are definatley taking the work with us and will most certainly make sure it is all done and done right!

"If you don’t adapt and look within yourself, you’ll just keep wading in that stagnant poisonous pool of stepparent hell." author: BitchBitchBarbie

steppinginsf's picture

I hope you have a great week together. As I said in my post, it sounds like you and DH have some very healthy ways of communicating and coming to understandings together.

Most Evil's picture

I hope it works out, but if not, that you get to have a great time with whoever does get to go.

I am also planning a 'fingers crossed, if nothing goes wrong' getaway later this year, so I know what you mean!

Somehow I have every faith you will work it out. Because that is just how you are! (compliment).

Congrats on your anniversary!
“Learn by practice.” - Martha Graham

BMJen's picture

Thank you Most Evil! That was such a sweet thing to say. **all warm and fuzzy inside now** LOL!

I'm just going to keep praying things go according to plan. I can't wait for the vacation. It's going to be great no matter what. If BM refuses to let SD go, then there's nothing I can do about it I guess. No matter what I'm going, DH is going, BS is going, and BD is going. I just will have to hope for the best with my SD because I really do want to spend that time with her also.

I'm sure it'll work out....I think I'm worrying for nothing. I hope! Smile

~~just because you married a man with kids doesn't mean that you are the better mom~~

Most Evil's picture

HUGS Smile
“Learn by practice.” - Martha Graham