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Tweens are the worst

SeeYouNever's picture

Is it just me or are tweens and young teens super annoying? they want to be taken seriously but everything that comes out of their mouth is just obnoxious nonsense. They still think that they are children so they tried to act cute to get their way but it really doesn't work. They like to play both sides of a situation and get out of responsibilities because they're still just kids but also get privileges because they are grown up. they act like they are independent but still want you to do everything for them

I think that SD12 is even more annoying because the pandemic and us having a baby has made her regress. 

Every time she walks past my baby daughter she will pick up her sippy cup and take a drink out of it. This absolutely infuriates me.

She also tries to put on my daughter's baby hats and stretches them out over her head.

She drank all of the tiny baby juice boxes while she was here last time. Why the heck did she have three 4 oz juice boxes (that are perfect for a baby when we're on the go) when she could have just had a glass of juice!?

SD12 is so lazy, it's as if she has trouble remaining vertical. He will go into the living room and lay on the couch, then she will go to her bedroom and lay on the bed, then she will go to my daughter's room and lay on the play mat. She even leans over on the kitchen table because holding herself upright is just too much effort. 

SD is obsessed with horror movies but it's clear that she has not been allowed to actually watch any because duh she's 12. She will describe horror movies but it's pretty clear she's only ever watched the YouTube summaries of them. She still tries to play it off like she is a horror movie expert and how she has seen every single one. 

I know way more about celebrities than I care to because that is the other thing that SD will not shut up about.

She also seems to be swinging wildly on the political scale. Her opinion on the president and the election is entirely opposite of what it was the last time we saw her. She was bitching about how it's one political party is at fault for everything and both times now she has assumed that we are whatever party that she doesn't like at the moment. 

SD is a critic of everything. The show we're watching, the actor on screen their makeup their hair the food we're eating an item of clothing everything is critiqued like she is some paid reviewer. It's her favorite hobby but it is so snotty and ugly.

if she isn't critiquing something that she sees it's pointing out things that she wants. I want those shoes I want that car I want this I want that.

It's not all bad though. My husband has not been hesitating to call her out on this annoying behavior whenever she starts doing it. She got in trouble for drinking all the juice boxes she got told to take the toddler hat off and best of all he called her out for arguing about things that she knows nothing about. He told her to read before she opens her mouth. Awesome.

Of course whenever somebody doesn't let her have her way she immediately threatens to never come over again. She already barely comes over so this is a hollow threat and my husband doesn't even care about it anymore. 




MissK03's picture

I have noticed that these kids are growing up to think the have all these rights and says in everything but, when it comes to basic stuff (ex: picking up after themselves) that's asking wayyy to much from them. 

SS16 was arguing "his point" all weekend about going back to school. They have been remote for a month and half but went back yesterday for hybrid. So Monday Tuesday in school the rest of the week home. High school gets out at 12, come home, and back online till 2. Middle school is full day and they go eat lunch at the high school when they get out. 

SS16 didn't want to go back because his gf and some of his friends opted out. Well, we went them in school soooo you're going.. and it's only two half days a week. 

So, they think they have a "say" in whether or not they attended school but (like I stated above) god forbid you ask them to pick up some of there stuff. And he's the good one! LOL.

I was also shocked about how many kids where all about the election. SD13 is on FaceTime with friends constantly. One is my uncles step daughter, her friend, and a girl that used to live in our state but moved and they are still close via FaceTime. The arguing I was starting to hear I was like uhhhh. Granted this I'm sure is driven by parents but, damn let them be kids. SD stays out of drama like that so positive for us.  

SS17 is king of "you treat me like a child" but is so lazy in the house/school it ridiculous. If you want to not be treated like an adult then don't act like a child. Pretty basic stuff. 

SeeYouNever's picture

So what you're telling me is this is just the beginning and it continues for all the teen years! I guess I knew that already.

It was hilarious when my DH reminded SD12 that she can't vote and she is uninformed so she should keep her political opinions to herself.

I get you on how they want a say in everything but no responsibility. They want to choose what's for dinner but they don't want to help make it or help set the table or clean up. They want to decide what activities we do but don't help set her up or clean up. They want us to buy things for them but don't want to earn money or even bother understanding costs or the value of money. And my SD is very guilty of wanting to decide her own custody schedule and holding it against my DH when her suggestions don't work with his work schedule or our lives. at this age they care so much about what their peers think about them but they still have hardly any empathy or consideration for an adult. An adult might as well just be their slave at their service to make any of their whims come true.

advice.only2's picture

Preteens are obnoxious, I never liked any of my kids when they were preteens...I would tell them go in their room and come out when they turn 20 lol.

It's good your DH is saying stuff to SD and not letting her get away with the behaviors. I have a feeling SD isn't really parented all that much which is why she feels so strongly in her opinions and her ability to control and manipulate conversations and visitation.

SeeYouNever's picture

You're right, SD has a lot of adults in her life that should be parental or authority figures but are.more interested in being her buddy. 

BM is not a bad mom but she outsources everything she can. My husband used to think that she was being a good mom and giving SD all of these opportunities but we have come to realize that all of SD's extracurriculars were less about SDS enrichment and more for childcare. She was in a lot of evening activities so BM could use the time to go on dates. 

Sdx the way she does because BM's parents by throwing money at the problem rather than putting in the effort to do actual parenting. The result is a snotty entitled SD that thinks the world revolves around her.

Dogmom1321's picture

Oh hellllll no. Being annoying is one thing. Spreading germs to my baby is another. Also, using items that AREN'T yours. Remind her that the baby (or you) don't go in her room and start randomly using her stuff. She needs to show the same respect. Next time SD is lounging all over the couch and is sooooo tired, tell her she obviously needs to go take a nap in her bed then. 

Ugh. My SD is 10 acts like she is going on 20. "Knows everything" and loves to argue. But totally wants to be babied. "Will someone pack my lunch for me pleassssse." Um no, you need to learn responsibility and are perfectly capable. 

Similar situation here too for her visits. Everytime she "gets in trouble" for not doing homework, etc. She immediately asks DH "Can I call my mom?" BM plays into the whole "you're a victim" thing and SD eats it up. It's so obvious she prefers BM. Lately, DH has been letting her stay longer at BMs if she asks. Not hurting our feelings.