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Deeply Regret Helping Him

BlueOrandas's picture

Hello all. I have been a lurker here for a good year. Step mom, kinda, for 2, but only on weekends. 

I have a weird situation, one I wish I would have not influenced to be this way. My FH has 2 kids, ss4 and sd6. His BM cheated on him, kicked him out, and kept the kids from him for roughly a year. They were 1&3 I believe. I met him years later, when he got a day and a half, if that, a week. 


So last year in may, BM said she was moving cities because of her abusive husband (the one she cheated on FH with) and my FH would have the drive an hour out and back to get them. He was stressed and freaking out, cause the part of the city is terrible. Bad schools, bad neighborhoods, etc. He asked if he should get a lawyer, I said yes. 


Every other time in court, he got screwed over.was paying 1k a month in CS, even though he didn't make as much as he did when the order was made, he was paying for her love child, and couldn't afford to live himself. So the lawyer made it so if she left, he got the kids and she got them 1.5 days a week.


She ended up staying until Halloween, and called him 7am to come get them cause she was leaving. I work part time, because I'm disabled. Guess who had to take care of them? He spent >5 hrs a day with them when he got off work. I had to get them up, fed, one off to school, pick her up, deal with his son all day, who is a monster. An absolute monster. But I'll make another blog later about that.


So we've had them full time 3 months. I am exhausted. They gang up on my son, destroy my house, don't have manners, the boy gets up every other night and sits crying in his room or bathroom cause he pissed himself, his leg itches, his blanket fell off the bed, etc etc. And my room is right next to theirs. He is across the living room (he moved in with me last summer, I have too much crap to have had him move in my room). So I have to wake up to deal with it. I wake him up as well, but damn.


I was sick literally all November SD6 had a weird cold and gave it to me. Then I had a stomach bug that was going around BS8 school. Then the rest was a stress induced illness. I was feeling a bit better, bit still had stomach pains up till Christmas. She had them 4 days, brought them to FH parents house cause we were at a Christmas party. She had the NERVE to ask to use the bathroom, he stupidly let her in and she made it weird as hell. I felt so disrespected. I told him later how I felt, he got upset. 


So I've been cooking for him and his kids, cleaning, listening to their BS at night, putting up with them causing trouble for my son, breaking my stuff, making my house a mess (marking on walls, carpet, getting mystery blood on my couch, etc) but they reached an agreement and he gets them every other week. I deeply, deeply Regret telling him to get a lawyer. It has affected my relationship with my son because now I have to spend more time taking care of his kids and not being able to leave with them cause he only has 2 car seats, wasting MY weekends off with BS8, my relationship with FH, cause now we're both always stressed and I'm angry, sad, hurt, in last place, a maid, mom, cook, referee, etc for his kids, my work performance has suffered because I'm always stressed and tired from waking up all night to crying, I'm unhappy. I'm really, very unhappy. I'm so glad when they leave, bit I get sick thinking about them coming back.

I wish still he only had them once a week again. I regret helping. I regret letting them move in, I regret all of it. I am seriously considering breaking up with FH, because of his kids. I love him to death, but I can not be this unhappy for years to come. I needed to rant, and I've read similar stories. But please, someone say something to me, cause I feel like a monster. 


Aniki-Moderator's picture

Oh hon, you're NOT a monster. What you are is overwhelmed. This is too much for you. What would your FH do if you were not in the picture? He would need to find alternate means of childcare. And that is what he needs to do NOW.

Your child is YOUR priority. It is terribly unfair to your little boy that you have to spend so much time on children who are not your problem. 

Tell you FH he needs to hire a nanny or babysitter ASAP and a housekeeper and extract yourself from this nightmarish situation. {{{hugs}}}

BlueOrandas's picture

Thabk you, if he didn't have me, he wouldn't have them. Ive missed work because of snow days/no one being available to watch them. I feel bad because I have 100% custody of my son and know how much I'd miss him if he was gone, and want FH to be able to be part of his kids lives as well. I'll have to tell him to find a sitter though, cause my mental health is suffering.

SteppedOut's picture

I really don't mean this harshly, but it sounds like you are more concerned with him spending time with his kids than he is (based on his effort). 


ndc's picture

The problem is not that, when he asked you if he should get a lawyer, you said yes.  The problem is what your boyfriend did once he got custody of his kids.  Or, more precisely, what he did NOT do.  And that is parent his kids.  YOU should not be the one doing everything.  He should have his younger child in day care.  He should discipline them so they don't behave like ferals in your house.  He should buy as many carseats as are needed.  He should be getting up with his child at night.  You're acting as a free nanny, cook and chauffeur, and I'm sure that is not what you expected to happen when you agreed with him that he should get a lawyer.

In your shoes, I'd cut my losses.  Tell him to move out with his kids.  Tell him this is not what you anticipated and not what you want.  Put yourself and your son first - that's how it should be.  The fact that you told him yes, he should get a lawyer when he asked you if he should does not make you a slave to him and his kids forever.  Move on.

BlueOrandas's picture

Thanks for your input. I had NO idea it would be like this, or that the lawyer would make the moves he did. Everyone is telling me I know what I got into, nope. No idea. I will discuss more tonight with him, such as daycare and extra car seats. He does diciplines them, SD is a good kid most of the time, but SS is not. Like ever. And BM allows them to act like feral animals at her house. FH was not allowed to punish them when they acted up when they were together, and then when they split if one of them ever said daddy spanked them or put them in the corner, shed FREAK and keep them from him. He's starting to get over being afraid of doing what dad's need to. I am thinking about bringing up that he should move out if things don't change, though, for sure. Cause I can't do this for 14+ years. 

Exjuliemccoy's picture

I'm sorry. Many of us have been the architect of our own suffering. We wanted to be supportive, to "do the right thing", only to find we've screwed ourselves royally and are miserable with the results. However, you do have autonomy and agency. Why are you allowing this to go on?

I was a warrior martyr for my man. I fought by his side to vanquish the evil BM2 who was keepng his youngest daughter away from him. We drained our savings to win visitation. And when a very damaged YSD wanted to live with us at fourteen, I facilitated all of it. It was five years of H@ll, with me overfunctioning and being the only one parenting. I thought the kid deserved to have a stable life and a chance at normal, but in hindsight it's obvious that my sacrifices changed nothing. Never forget, nobody appreciates a martyr until they're dead.

The only responsibility you have is to your child and yourself, and you are failing both of you in order to carry someone else's burden. You're not even married to this man (good!), so for you to be acting as his Instamommy is even more ridiculous.There is no shame in admitting that you made a mistake and the current arrangement isn't working for you. So sit down with this non parent and draw some damn boundaries. Tell him he has to make other arrangements for childcare; that it's affecting your health, negatively impacting your child, and isn't good for his kids, either. 


BlueOrandas's picture

You know what? You're right. I never thought about it that way, and it's true. I want to help him so bad, that I'm running MYSELF into the ground to do it. I know I can't care more than he does, but I do because I'm an empath. I am going to talk to him tonight, after I write down what boundaries we need to have in place, and how to implement them. If there is no change or lack of effort on his part, he will have to move out. I can't keep doing this, my mental health is deteriorating, and my son feels like he's being left out or behind because of them. I live my son more than anything, so things ARW gonna change. Thank you. 

Exjuliemccoy's picture

The hard truth is you can't fix him and you can't save him. No adult human can save another adult human; we each are responsible for ourselves. You say you "want to help him so bad", but what he's asking you to do isn't helpful. It's enabling him, and it's detrimental to both his kids and your own.  FWIW, this happens a lot in steplife and is why it's so important to keep your own counsel and not rely on the judgement of anyone except yourself.

You are the only adult who wants what's best for your bf's kids. Everyone else is running their own agenda and passing the buck. Another hard truth: those kids aren't yours to save. They already have two parents, and what happens is part of their journey as a broken family. So focus on what IS in your purview: your child's wellbeing, your own needs, and bringing peace and stability back into your life.