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bioandstep2009's Blog

Can't wait for school to start (vent)!

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In the summer, it's nice to have a break from dealing with homework, test grades, going through school paperwork etc. This summer, my DD12.5 has been at her extra curricular sport every day, most of the day. She has loved it! My SS11.5 has been mostly at BM's. During school, SS11.5 lives primarily with us and sees BM every other weekend. The summers, we reverse roles and he sees us every other weekend and lives with BM, his stepdad and his three stepsiblings. It makes for a nice break for both DH and myself.

SS11 Lying...I Don't Seem to Care!

bioandstep2009's picture

Hmmm, so I think my SS11 lied to me....again. He was hounding my DH last night for some money to buy a toy from a friend. I heard DH tell him to basically stop hounding him. This morning, SS11 wakes up my DD12 early (before her alarm went off) begging her for the money, offering to sell her crap from his room etc. No deal was struck there either. This afternoon, SS11 comes home from school, asks to go to said friend's house to "get something" and returns with the toy. So naturally, I asked where he got the money from.

The "One Up"

bioandstep2009's picture

Maybe BM was just really excited... or maybe she felt like she just had to "one up" us. I'm leaning towards to latter as she has done this before. We have had a family trip planned to the Caribbean for several months. SS11 needed a passport so we got that taken care of since January. Aside from the trip being for a family wedding there, it's also a place where I have a lot of family and I visited every summer as a child (I am also from the Caribbean so have family all over the islands).

Looking forward to the weekend....

bioandstep2009's picture

Every other weekend (EOWE), SS11 goes to BM's. This has been the arrangement now for the last 2+ years. DH and I have been together for 4 years now, living together for 3 years. DD12 lives with us full time and sees her father occasionally but not very often any more. This weekend is......the scheduled EOWE Biggrin For the entire weekend starting today, I get to enjoy some peace and quiet.

BM Excuse Maker Extraordinaire

bioandstep2009's picture

Shaking my head.... must get this off my chest. So recently, we had some issues with SS11. He was being difficult and was not doing as he was told. Don't know what changed over the past month to trigger this but DH and I had pretty much squashed this behavior almost a year ago. In fact, any recent bad behavior has been directed at BM on the EOWE at her house so much so that she has had to call DH to ask if DH could talk to SS11 about listening and doing as he was told.


bioandstep2009's picture

I'm hoping to get some feed back on this topic. DH and I would like to start giving SS10 and DD11 (STB 12) an allowance. I've read articles that say it should just be money you give them to teach them how to manage money, not tied into chores and others that say it should be tied into performing chores around the house. Both DH and I would like them to earn their allowance so in other words, we don't want to give them money for no reason. Some say that tying allowance to chores will make the kids think that they shouldn't help out around the house without expecting compensation.

BM sucks!

bioandstep2009's picture

I don't know WHY I seem surprised whenever she decides to be difficult or makes stupid and problematic decisions about SS10. I should come to expect this from her. It seems as though DH and I get about 4-6 weeks of an apparently normal, sane and cooperative BM. The texts and phone calls are kept to a minimum and she fades into the background. Once that 4-6 week time period is up, and she realizes that she has faded into the background, she says or does something to bring herself back into the forefront. It's annoying...

small victory over dinner

bioandstep2009's picture

For the last 2 years, SS10 has been gradually getting better about eating what we give him. However, he's still picky and doesn't like trying anything new. My DH and I love to cook, and love trying new and different things. My DD11 loves trying new things and is NOT picky at all, never has been. So earlier this week, I cooked dinner. SS10 sees me in the midst of it and asks, "What's for dinner?" so I tell him,"We're having X".

Being a stepmom is hard

bioandstep2009's picture

You know, I was flattered and hurt at the same time over something earlier this year. It was Mother's Day and SS9 made his usual card/poem thing for BM in school. He asked the teacher if he could make one for me, his stepmom, but the teacher said no Sad At least he thought of me (for once)... Anyway, same teacher sends two copies of a poem he'd written and in a note, says that one copy is for BM. I don't know why I felt so...excluded but I did.