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BambiGirl's Blog

We told Children's Services.......

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DH and I told Children Services not to call us until they have the psychological report of SD (that lives with us) since she has PTSD and the other SD is still with BM we are getting pissed.

I think that's reasonable, but the doctors office is not complying I think they are confused. There are two different Children's Services involved because of our locations. They sent the report to the CAS where we live but have to send it to where BM.

We are consistently worried about the mental state of other SD.

It seems only urgent to us.


Bm's out of the picture now, so why do I feel so bad?

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DH has been talking about getting BM out of the picture for a while now. She's been an energy sucker the entire time we've been together.

I am upset because I have lost some dreams of mine because of her terrible influence in our lives.

Healing is so painful.......I thought I would be happy, but I realized my intentions were impure, I wanted to show her that no matter how times she controlled my husband by waving the kids in face like a carrot, in the end I was going to win!

Children Services are being unreal!!

BambiGirl's picture

When I got home yesterday there were two letters from CAS, one for DH and one for SD!!!!!!! In January, the last time SD saw her mother she hit SD and SD told CAS that and they didn't believe her. By the looks of things they are doing their investigations like this...we tell them something...they ask BM and if she says no that's it. Nice.