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New here.... something amusing

B's picture

New here, and this is my first entry - woohoo! Smile

DH and I had some time to ourselves today and went out to do some shopping. While at the store I came across the perfect bottle of wine to send to his Ex - Gold Digger chardonnay!! We both had a good laugh in the middle of the store - a very needed laugh too.


steppie1999's picture

And you bought that where??? LOL!!


B's picture

Thank you! Smile
I found it at Grocery Outlet of all places... we got a good laugh out a few of the labels they had. Gold Digger, Screwed, Smashed Grapes - they had several amusing ones.!

Dreamer's picture

I have got to find a bottle of that!!!! I'll even mail it to her for mother's day! Then the girls will have something for her. }:)

Don't fear the thorns among the Roses, but be greatful for the Roses among the thorns