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atmywitsend27's Blog

SO broke up with me

atmywitsend27's picture

To be honest I seen it coming. He left in the middle of o it argument and didn't come back. 
Part of me is scared. My family live all over the country and I have no one to help me. My daughter is mine and due to her weak immune system can't be in a daycare or at school. My son is only 1. Both of my children's fathers work different schedules. But I don't think I love him.

Little psychopath?

atmywitsend27's picture

My SD10 was talking to herself(she was playing a video game) should I kill them or bury them? I like to bury them to slowly torture them until they die.


Also earlier I asked my daughter "where's my pretty girl" and she tells my one year old son "she was talking to you, you need to answer her, why are you such a failure" 

Can't wait for my SD to go HOME!

atmywitsend27's picture

First, my SD 10 mom never lets us have her on the actual holiday. We had to fight for Easter this year even though her mom already had taken her to 2 different easter egg hunts. We didn't feel like fighting her (even though it's court ordered she doesn't follow it) and just took her from Saturday to today (Christmas Eve)

