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astepmom's Blog

The skids aggravate PMS

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The worst combination in the world has to be when I have PMS, the skids come over, and then DH commits some sort of minor parenting glitch. That makes me CRAZY! I hate it. There should be a special exemption in the Parenting Time Guidelines to give us a free pass on parenting time once a month. Blah!

SS12 annoying behavior

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My two SSs are pretty normal boys I think. They think all the usual gross stuff is hilarious. But the one thing that is driving me crazy right now is that SS12 won't keep his pants on! He wants to sit on the couch, eat dinner, walk out in the living room, watch tv and basically flash his underwear all the time. I try to avoid giving him much attention over it, I just say calmly, "Go put some pants on before you leave your room." DH sort of goes a little crazier and makes a big deal about it. He yells and gets noisy. He thinks it's really inappropriate.

vacation w/ skids

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Just got back from a great trip w/ skids and my family! Try as she might, BM was not able to find really any way to mess it up. What a success! The only thing that she did was keep them out of school on Monday so that she could keep them home w/ her for re-programming...after we had carefully pre-planned and scheduled six months in advance the two days that we were having them miss. But DH emailed their teachers to apologize that they didn't return on Monday and explain that it hadn't been his decision.


astepmom's picture

Going on vacation for a wedding next week! Yea! The BM will only send nasty stinky shoes with holes in the bottom for the skids. We're trying to decide if we should buy shoes for them to keep at our house? Our budget is tight, so I don't want to waste money on something that won't get used much. But I bet they would be really happy if they had something to wear that wasn't nasty.

Survival of the holidays

astepmom's picture

I am so relieved that the holidays are complete.

The Skids were as good as they are capable of being. The BM did not send a single stitch of clothing with them, so DH was dealing with the one spare pair of underwear that we had, for their four day visit. But other than that little show of non-motherlyness, she really wasn't able to infiltrate our fun at all. I love it when that happens.

Court Orders...ugh.

astepmom's picture

As part of a child support modification that my husband just had done, the judge ordered that the skids are allowed to bring their stupid cell phone with them to our house. We can still take it away as soon as they enter the house, since all they do is use it at inappropriate times and call their BM when they get in trouble, but we have to babysit it for her all weekend.

I don't understand that. If we're not going to let them use it, why do we have to even mess with it? Stupid!