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Arisca's Blog

I don't know how to leave...

Arisca's picture

I was in complete denial thinking that my DH would finally man up and get professional help like he said he would...especially after he beat my 14 year old BD Sad
Its been a month since the incident and nothing. I've sought out help but he's not doing anything. I've asked him to leave and he said no that I could leave an go back to my mothers house. I know its his way of controlling me because he knows how hard it is to find an apartment with 4 kids.

Learning the hard way...

Arisca's picture

I think as parents...Bios Steps it doesn't even matter I believe we all just want the best for all of our children...we don't want them to have to learn the hard way.

But I'm realizing that sometimes learning g the hard way is the only way for them to actually learn. What we try to save them from maybe they need to experience so they can appreciate your efforts.

IDK I'm venting...

Can my family be saved :(

Arisca's picture

I feel like I am dying on the inside! My daughter 14 (previous relationship) and my husband just don't get along. They argue and fight. He has been in her life since she was 4 but so much has happened through the years that now that she's older it's getting worse. She can be a handful...always cranky, has an attitude problem, is very disrespectful and while her behavior is unacceptable she is still my daughter and I love her. Its my job to continue to discipline her.