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anita...sigh's Blog

SD14 has moved back in, let the Games Begin

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Ahhhhhhhhhhh, the sweet screech of BM in the morning is such a wonderful thing. DH has sent two emails to BM asking for her input and concerns with SD14 and she is not responding to her email. She did; however, get SD17 phone DH last night and try and ream him a new a$$hole, he was sad, but not surprised, so BM is ramping up the PAS again.

First thing this morning, there's BM on the phone screeching at DH about letting SD14 run away from her issues, etc, etc, etc. He just said "Whatever" and hung the phone up on her :jawdrop: Alright DH.

SD14 wants to move back !!!!!!!

anita...sigh's picture

OMG, just when my life is becoming sane again, more drama acts up from the BM camps. SD14 walked on on us over a year ago to go and move in with her mother because we were soooo awful (chores, bedtimes, clean clothes, school, you know the generally abusive things we get accused of) and BM had no boundaries and thought it would be just peachy to have her live at her exhusband (she moved out to live with lesbian spouse but "Maintains" a room at the old residence, just a ploy to keep excessive child support coming her way.

PEW and the Dog

anita...sigh's picture

I can't take anymore, I have to write a fanasty email or I will explode. A little background, (some of you may know some of it) I have three SDs 19, 17 and 14, who are exposed to a lot of PAS. SD19 is "special needs" (BP, BPD, FASD, etc) and has a 2 year old child. She was living with us but when she qualified for income assistance and started paying us rent and food after three months, mommy dearest caught the scent of money in the air and with oodles of promises manipulated her into moving back in with her (last time it lasted two weeks).

BD15 Blew It Big Time

anita...sigh's picture

I have had the worst few days. My BD15 pulled a flip blade rambo knife on a boy at school and chased him. Fortunately, someone intervened before she reached the kid! This girl is an honour roll student, doesn't drink, smoke, do drugs or skip school. She is an accomplished artist whose artwork is on display at the school office.

Eckkkk!!!!! Xmas is coming!!!

anita...sigh's picture

My story is complicated, crazy BM with personality disorder who engaged in PAS to turn SD16 and SD14 against us. SD16 beat me up one year ago, never felt remorse. I was investigated by CPS and the police, no fun!! They were with us 50/50 but moved to their mother's permanently approx. 9 months ago. This was against our wishes. BM has no boundaries and the kids are just a paycheque. They do not even live with her. The kids have been horrible and nasty to me and my DH. I have watched them break his heart.
