OT - VD & Ash Wednesday
What an interesting combo. I know quite a number of people who give up something for Lent. But today is VD and one of the most popular days to go out to eat. That should be a fun balance for some.
Do you and your SO go out for VD or stay in?
Do you give up anything for Lent?
My DH and I prefer to stay in. Some of you know that I luuuuuuuuuuurrrrrrvvvv to cook, so I'm all over creating a fabulous FORN (food p0rn) feast for us. Dessert is a must and my DH's favorite is either cherry pie or cheesecake.
As for Lent, I'm not Catholic, but I usually do try to give up something simply to prove to myself that I can. The sands have almost run through the hourglass and I need to make a decision. (I'm okay until I leave work!).
Happy Hump Day, VD, and Ash Wednesday!!
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Stay in, we never go out, we
Stay in, we never go out, we both can't stand eating in public places purely because I'm not sure if the dishes are clean and once again we have a Cholera break out.... (rubbed off on SO)
Did I give up anything for Lent - yes my sanity.... and a clean house, bleach now 3x a day and not only 2 cause of the twins
Dinner will be bangers and mash.... we have Directors visits and head office thus very busy since Monday and one compulsory dinner out lol, I bough SO a chocolate,
Aniki - as long as you do not give up on drinking, smoking and sex, you can give up what ever, I'm going to give up excersising }:)
Acra, I'd give up drinking
Acra, I'd give up drinking and sex like I'd give up breathing!! I'm actually thinking about giving up chocolate or bread. ~gulp~
I don't eat bread and not
I don't eat bread and not allot of chocolate, why not simply give up Lent }:)
I'm not super holding my
I'm not super holding my breathe for VD considering how DH went about it this year... Two years ago he was deployed during it, and last year we were driving across the county... But this year I was told basically it's for the Skids... He claims he has "something planned." and I hope that's true... (I've been leaving cheesy pickup lines EVERYWHERE since the start of the month and left a card with more of them and some other things he likes for it...) But I'm not going to hold my breathe. I think I'm mostly at peace with that
(mostly, the other part of me is still bitter he's turning a holiday about ROMANCE into another reason to blow money on the skids... Who while I love... I didn't even get my wedding day... Haven't ever been on a trip with DH... And he just sits here throwing money at that... Okay might still be bitter. LMAO)
I don't think I've ever celebrated lent... My life is already down to the necessities... I'm definitely not giving up the gym or tacos... So that puts me in a predicament... Can you give up kids for lent?... LMAO
PA, giving up skids for Lent
PA, giving up skids for Lent would be wonderful!!! In fact, that's something I could continue forever. LOL
I got DH a card and let him
I got DH a card and let him sleep in. I'm going home early to make fabulous chicken and beef fajitas and I want to get a workout sesh in. We aren't big holiday people so we'll be content.
As for Lent/ Ash Wednesday, I was raised Catholic but don't currently practice. DH prefers Prorestant services. It really bothers me that people "give up" things for vanity such as sweets/ alcohol to lose weight. I know it isn't my business, but I personally feel like the true meaning of Lent is exploited- as in for personal reasons, not to show true sacrifice but I could be wrong.
I love dogs, I don't give up
I love dogs, I don't give up something to try to lose weight. I do it to prove to myself that I have the willpower to do so. Since my willpower is practically non-existent, Lent is truly a struggle for me.
I'm also working on my
I'm also working on my willpower. A lady in the office brought in frosted molasses cookies today and I couldn't say no }:)
We stay in. VD falls in the
We stay in. VD falls in the middle of our birthdays, so we do plenty of celebrating.
Not Catholic and don't give anything up for Lent, although there is plenty that I should!
Hereiam, we stay home, too.
Hereiam, we stay home, too. My DH is not a fan of eating out - he prefers my cooking!
Lent cracks me up.
Lent cracks me up. Self-denial. Yeah, let's give up our gluttony for something and be gluttonous with something else.
Ipsofacto, in my case, that's
Ipsofacto, in my case, that's not how I'm looking at it. I've given up TV and spent more time reading. I've given up computer games/surfing and spent more time doing jigsaw puzzles or sewing. For me, it's trying to reduce a bad habit - ANY kind of bad habit - and be productive in a positive way.
SO mentioned going out for
SO mentioned going out for VD. I asked if he had a reservation. He gave me a blank stare. Around here, the restaurants are packed on VD. Either you got your reservation a week ago or you're waiting forever at a place that doesn't take them. Not my idea of a good time. SO hasn't a clue. In other words, we'll be staying in, and that's what I prefer anyway. We're not religious, so Lent isn't a factor.
Ndc, McDonald's probably
Ndc, McDonald's probably won't require a reservation.
I manage a fine dining
I manage a fine dining restaurant and I'm utterly amazed at the people who think they can still get a reservation the day before. We have about 3 slots left and they are all after 9:30, and when I told someone that yesterday he says, "You don't have anything at 8:00?" Jesus dude if I had an 8:00 I wouldn't tell you our only times left are 10 or 10:15! The decent times went to the people who called WEEKS ago, not the dumb asses calling at the last minute! Seriously, why are people so dumb?
Even non-reservation
Even non-reservation restaurants get crazy. Years ago, my then-H took me out to dinner at 4pm. There were 2 tables left. At 4pm!!
Do you and your SO go out for
Do you and your SO go out for VD or stay in?
It really depends on what we have going on and DH’s work schedule, as he often works until 7 or 9pm. Tonight is a stay in night. I’ll just make us a yummy dinner and get the kids to bed early.
Do you give up anything for Lent?
Not religious - Nope.
Momjeans, I will be spending
Momjeans, I will be spending VD alone. DH leaves for work when I usually leave for home (not today as I'm working later). He gets home about midnight - when I'm already asleep. So me, myself, and I will have something tasty for dinner, watch a movie or read a book, and hit the sack about 9-10. Singles Awareness Day for married folks!
Oh, this sounds divine. Enjoy
Oh, this sounds divine. Enjoy your evening!
I'd rather spend it with DH,
I'd rather spend it with DH, but that's not an option. I got him a card and some candy and put it in his recliner.
Dinner... fish and a nice chardonnay? Salad and a nice pinot grigio or sauvignon blanc? Steak & shrooms cooked in rosemary, garlic, and red wine? Hmmmm.....
Maybe I'll watch The Expendables. "My shoe is bigger than this car!"
I've never understood this
I've never understood this modern version of lent. Fish is meat. :? Giving up chocolate to please the god? I say we go back to sacrificing chickens and goats. }:)
beebeel, I'm a Finn and a
beebeel, I'm a Finn and a Lutheran. No giving up meat for me and I'd commit hari kari if I had to give up fish!!! The reason I'M considering giving up chocolate is because I've been eating too much of it. It's a willpower thing for me - a time to try and prove to myself that I can do it. I simply chose to do it during Lent because it's easily trackable and I can commiserate with others.
The way my youth pastor
The way my youth pastor explained it: land-animal-meat was a luxury item, but even the poor could get fish from the river. Giving up meat for lent was meant to represent giving up your luxuries. So for us in the modern world where fish is not the ‘poor man’s meal’ that spirit of sacrifice during lent is missing. For us in the modern world an appropriate sacrifice would be something like cable or dining out or soda etc. something that is not a need but is a little luxury in your life.
So, that’s the aspect of Lent I tend to follow. I’m giving up TV for Lent.
Edit to add: Currently non-denominational, but was raised old-school Lutheran. AKA as Catholic as you can get without forced celibacy. My church growing up still honored the pope and the saints, but it was an honoring of “Good and faithful servants” rather than an honoring of “Holy Men” if that makes sense
Thank you, Peridwen!!
Thank you, Peridwen!!
I haven't done lent in years.
I haven't done lent in years. I might just give up men for funsies.
LOL, mommadukes!
LOL, mommadukes!
I'm still recovering from Fat
I'm still recovering from Fat Tuesday...Hurricanes and King Cake...oh my stomach and head...lol. We are staying in and making spaghetti. I normally give something up for Lent, this year I am giving up washing dishes! Our dishwasher broke three weeks ago and we are finally getting a new one installed tomorrow! I vowed after week one I would never wash dishes again.
Advice, I have never had a
Advice, I have never had a king cake. Or a dishwasher!! If I gave up washing dishes, we'd be in world of hurt. You lucky, lucky woman!!!
King Cakes are a glorified
King Cakes are a glorified cinnamon roll, but oh so good, and it's always fun to try and find the baby.
Don't they have icing and
Don't they have icing and sugar sprinkles, too? Does the baby mean you have to do the dishes for the rest of the year? (JK!!)
It does, but it's like a
It does, but it's like a giant iced cinnamon roll. Lol no way, the baby means you have to host the next party...nobody in our family got it, but we host it every year regardless.
Usually we go out for VD, but
Usually we go out for VD, but we're broke this year. I have a couple of lovely steaks in the fridge though, and a nice Cabernet too.
As for Lent, I grew up Catholic (don't practice now) and as a kid I did all the "giving up" things as required. But as an adult, I just don't "get" how giving up Snickers bars or your favorite restaurant for a couple of months is Christlike. I have conversations about this with friends (some now former friends) and they swear their sacrifice is sufficient. Ok for them, but that kind of sacrifice seems appropriate to an 8 year old, not an adult.
I'd much rather DO something than give up something -- volunteer more hours, buy coffee for the guy behind me, leave a ridiculous tip for a waiter. I guess that's "giving up" some of my time and money, but it's also doing something kind for someone else and far more impactful than leaving the Snickers alone.
Merry, I like that idea - to
Merry, I like that idea - to give up free time to do things for people in need. I don't have a lot of money, but do make a point every Christmas to adopt a family in need.
For me, it's a test of my willpower (of which I have little) and trying to create healthier habits.
Merry I like the way you
Merry I like the way you think. I think doing something kind or helping someone in need is a perfect way to show compassion. I wish more people did this.
Merry, I don't know about
Merry, I don't know about Lent, but for Baha'is, fasting is an opportunity to detach from material things and re-focus on the spiritual life.
Fasting, yes. I can honor
Fasting, yes. I can honor that. What I'm talking about is the practice of personal sacrifice during Lent. I don't believe giving up a Snickers bar is a meaningful sacrifice.
The people who argue with me say that it IS sufficient because giving up something they love is symbolic of Jesus dying on the cross. Seriously? Not having a candy bar is a pretty small symbol.
I try not to be judgy about it, I really do.
Unless you eat that candy bar
Unless you eat that candy bar every single day because you have food issues/addiction. I will never judge anyone on what they give up when I don't know the reasons WHY. For example, if you put a bag of fun-sized Snickers in front of me, I'm okay AS LONG AS I DON'T EAT A SINGLE ONE. If I eat one, I'll eat 3-4. And that's MY secret.
We go out to dinner for
We go out to dinner for Valentines Day. We went last night because DH is working late tonight. The restaurant was packed. We shared a bottle of wine and had a nice dinner. No gifts, just time together.
For many years I would give up something for lent. But my beliefs have changed as I explored more religions. I don't give up anything anymore for lent.
Queensway, I consider time
Queensway, I consider time well spent with a loved one to be a most precious gift!
Do you and your SO go out for
Do you and your SO go out for VD or stay in?
Do you give up anything for Lent?
Normally we stay in and try to go out another night around VD where there is less people. Crowds don't amuse us-they panic us.
Am I giving anything up for Lent? Well not for lent, but apparently now I have to give up tequila!! FML!
Bananaseedo, my DH and I are
Bananaseedo, my DH and I are the same way - we do NOT like crowds. I get claustrophobic in crowds!
I will be home for about an
I will be home for about an hour and half after work before I have to leave for carpooling duty and sitting in a hot, muggy, smelly wrestling room and then I wont be home until about 9:30 after dropping off all the little rugrats who all seem to live on opposite sides of town
. The hour and half I am home I am sure I will be cooking dinner, doing dishes, chores. When I get home tonight I will be to tired for anything other then going right to bed.
However, DH did send me flowers to work yesterday. And BS will be at his dad's this weekend so we will have lots of time to celebrate this weekend
While we do celebrate Valentine's Day we just go with the flow of the day and whatever is planned.
I do not celebrate Lent.
A hot, muggy, smelly
A hot, muggy, smelly wrestling room.... ~swoon~
And not in a good way! LOL
I always tell Hubbard not to
I always tell Hubbard not to get me flowers because this time a year they are so expensive. He always writes me so deeply beautiful letter I look forward to every year. I have no idea what I’ll cook for dinner. Last night I made chicken and black bean tacos and the night before I made Thai curry. And I’m more interested in the cuddling after dinner anyway.

I absolutely LUUUUUURRRRVVV carnations - and they are cheap!! That spicy smell...
I good with love letters and
I good with love letters and sex
My DH is a man of few words
My DH is a man of few words and does not express himself well. He selects cards that say what he's unable to easily articulate. I'm AOK with that!
That is very sweet as well.
That is very sweet as well.
WTF, it truly is because I
WTF, it truly is because I know he spends time finding just the right card - not just grabbing any ol' one. I'll keep him. <3
I have to work tonight til
I have to work tonight til pretty late (restaurant manager) but I'm off tomorrow so DH and I will go out then. It will hopefully be a little less crowded than tonight, and we're not going anywhere real fancy, just our favorite local Mexican place where we had our first kiss. I got home late from work last night and DH had a sweet card and a box of chocolates waiting on the dining room table for me. We had both ordered token gifts for each other and exchanged them the day they came because neither of us ever has the patience to wait for stuff like that.
Just J, Mexican sounds
Just J, Mexican sounds delish!!
I am Baha'i, so I fast for a
I am Baha'i, so I fast for a month in March. However, due to health reasons, I can't fast from food. The last few years I went off-line and enjoyed it. Think I'll do that again as I'm already kicking sugar and caffeine (as best as I can...)
For Valentine's, DH and I told each other we loved each other. Like we do approximately 2,837,138 time per day anyway.
It's not so special, except for the chocolates which I am trying not to eat.... sigh.
Moe, I cannot fast from food,
Moe, I cannot fast from food, either. :/
We are going to Sunday bunch
We are going to Sunday bunch coming up- gave up going out on the actual day a long time ago. One of our favorite restaurants started brunch so we'll try it out on the 18th.
This year I am giving up chips and French fries- a woman my age shouldn't eat them anyway! I gave up bread one year and got positively stabby. No pizza, no sandwiches- yuck.
No.Pizza. ~runs screaming~
~runs screaming~
Nothing for Lent as I don't
Nothing for Lent as I don't practice.
We aren't doing anything today for Day but Monday is a holiday here so we are going to an aqua club to enjoy drinks in the pools, saunas and hot tubs, followed by dinner and a trip to the local casino. Looking forward to date night; it's been months since we had one.