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anicole's Blog

Fabulous Day :)

anicole's picture

Sooo, since my first entry my bf and I had a bit of a blow out. I've always heard that keeping your feelings bottled up would drive one insane. I feel like I was heading toward major depression, but last night the bf and I had it out. Amazingly, it was wonderful. I think partially because we never fight. He pointed out that I get on SD for every little thing, which to an extent, he's right. I do. She is 4 and I should lighten up a little bit. I just feel like if I give she's going to take more than I'm actually giving. She's famous for it.

The Big Vent

anicole's picture

Well this is my first blog. I hear its a great stress reliever, or at least a temporary one. I joined because I was googling information on step-parenting to help me cope with our current sitation and found this site. I met my boyfriend about a year and a half ago. He makes me so happy and our personal relatoinship when it comes to anything but the kids is great. Of course we have our differences, but they're enjoyable differences. He has a 4 year old little girl and a 10 year old son. I hate the way I feel about them. I feel like the world's worst person.