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And the other issue

AliceP's picture

We don't have the skids on Halloween their mom is going through a religious thing so they aren't celebrating the way we like to lol....So the other issue.. my brother and his EXwife have one son and I try and get him together with my kids for family events, it's hard because she doesn't like us and we don't like her but anyway My girls were having a treat making party and we wanted London to be there, made all the arrangements and i called to see if I could pick him up and like all events in the past, her dad surprised her and wants to take them to lunch. She asked how long it was running but I cut her off ana said that's fine I think she felt guilty because she offered him to us for trick or treating at the mall so that was a plus. (Her and my brother were goinng to take him trick or treating together... WHY??? That is not reality so why fake it?) So we told her what time, my bro picks him up she doesn't have him ready at all. We got to spend 15 minutes of the hour we were alloted with him because my brother had to dress him, paint his face and feed him.