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AliceP's picture

My state of WA has a link to the most wanted dead beats

I was surprised that there were a lot of of woman on there too. Maybe we are moving towards better equality with this system.


twoviewpoints's picture

My state has ran a 'deadbeat' page for quite a while. Yeah, lots of deadbeat females among the males. When ours first showed up I was amazed at the amount of money some of these parents were behind. For years my state was like close to last in country to go after 'deadbeats' or even worry about enforcing usual CS expectations. We've taken a very hardcore approach towards CS over about the last 7-9yrs now. Long overdue.

AliceP's picture

My cousin had a baby at 16 the father was 14. He never had anything to do with the baby till she was 16. He never paid child support my cousin, never was on assistance so there was no case automatically opened for child support. She had a son with another guy and that guy was abusive towards her and when she left he took her to court for the boy. And the boy really wanted to live with his dad. Even with the courts involved she wasn't told to pay child support. She still takes him shopping every other weekend and to the dentist and helps out in non monataary ways but I thought it was odd she wasn't given 50/50 and wasn't ordered to pay.

tryingmom's picture

Texas has a "deadbeat" page too.

My ExH was $48K in arrears (CS and medical insurance) when they finally found him to appear in court. 21 months it took to get him there. It was his wake up call, he got a job, made his payments and arrears. It took a long time for justice for my son. Judge made a big deal out of divorce happens but there was no excuse good enough for child support to not be a priority for either parent. ExH made a huge deal about visitation, wanted his visitation to be reinstated, ummm, no one withheld visitation. ExH moved about 4 hrs away and never showed up. The Judge just looked at him and asked if he had any other non-issues he'd like to bring up, yup, he didn't want to lose his ability to have a concealed handgun license.....REALLY??? The Judge took that as a threat and told him that he wouldn't be allowed and that they'd put it in the "system" that once he had paid all his arrears he could apply. What an ass, he could have just said no.

AliceP's picture

And the one with a pound of make up on that is listed as an adult entertainer......I think I can guess where things went down hill for her. lol