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aimlesstech's Blog

Woke from a dead sleep

aimlesstech's picture

I have been dating my boyfriend for 3 years now and only stay overnight with him on some weekends since we both have 17 yo daughters. Mine is ok with the relationship and his is not. I have routine visitations with my daughter every other week and his comes and goes whenever she pleases. We stay at my place on weekends when I have my daughter but if his daughter shows  up at his house he has to leave. She demands that he come home when she decides to mysteriously show up.

Need a direction

aimlesstech's picture

I am absolutely new to blogging but am in need of help!!!!  I am not married to my loving significant other nor do I live with him.  We both have daughters who are 17 and about to graduate next year.  We have talked about the move in when they head off to college.  I have a 26 daughter living on her own and he has a 20 son that is living at home.