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Admin's Blog


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Several of the members of ST have worn Dawn's patience so thin that she's close to giving up. Yeah, several members have now been blocked from the site, some blogs have been deleted and many, many comments have been removed. Some members were removed because they were actively involved in a fire storm of postings and there was no other way to put out the fire then to block the users involved...even if they weren't the instigators. Unfortunate. Some will be restored, some will not. We'll have to review the aftermath.

Dawn's Grandmother Passed Away Last Night

Admin's picture

Good morning StepTalkers. I just wanted to let you know that Dawn's Grandmother of 95 years passed away last night. It wasn't completely unexpected, but it has affected Dawn. I'm doing my best to comfort her, but I thought it might help for Dawn to get some support from her friends on StepTalk.

Dawn and I will not have time to monitor StepTalk as much as usual this weekend due to funeral planning and the funeral itself. Please behave while we're gone. Wink
