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007Lostit's picture

SD came home the next night. Should have seen the smirk on her face when she walked in the door. The reason she left....was because her dad and her had a conversation that morning before he left for work. She was telling him that she was going to have this guy come and pick her up and they were going to a hockey game....the rule always has been that we meet any friends before they do stuff with them. He told her no, because he had not met this "boy" yet, and he would be at work. That is why she got pissed and left.
Over a boy.

The tension, drama, and fighting that occurred that day and into the next was horrible. Yes, DH blamed me. That is how I saw it, heard it, and felt it. He still claims that he wasn't, and that he was just angry and he was just lashing out etc. I even had my teen son come in to my room and blame me for her leaving! Now that really hurt. He tells me that I am unfair to her....I tell him, "how am I unfair to her?" he says, "because she has tried to reach out to you", dumbfounded, I ask him, "well since you are in your room most of the time, how do you think she has reached out to ME?" He says, "she did your craft stuff with you, and she started reading the books you like"....I explain to him, "I am the one who asked her to do crafts with me, and I am the one who initiated the books." How does a kid get all this so twisted????? Those things he mentioned all came from ME reaching out to her, and those things were also way over a year ago.

Apparently she called my son when she was gone. Because he texted the "friend" she went to stay with (he is in drama club with her) and he told her he felt like a bad brother! The girls mom was concerned, and told SD to call him and let him know she was ok. !!+&$#@$ What?!! But this concerned mom could not call DH and let him know that they had his daughter and she was safe etc????!!! My son, thinks he is a bad brother to HER?! How about to the two real siblings he has???? I am beginning to think that is why she joined drama in the first weasel her way in with him. It worked.

She is here to stay. Again. I don't know how much longer I can handle shit. I only just realized in the last few days, just how depressed I have really become. These issues have been ongoing for so long, and so many years, that I was just existing and I reached my breaking point. I have become angry. It has not been ok for me to feel anything for so long, or it is inconvenient, or it is ignored. I lost my ability to cope with the ongoing stress awhile back. I question my own sanity at times...wondering to myself...does she really do all this stuff? Or is it me? Am I overreacting, am I being unfair, am I being ridiculous?
That is how it has gone for at least three good years. I am so lost, and hurt, and sad. I don't feel like I can pull out of this by myself.

I told my DH that I would rather be dead than live in this hell anymore. He swears things will be ok. HOW? He has failed to do anything about her behavior up to this point....she already got her way by running away and you don't think she may try that again if she doesn't get her way???? I am sick and tired of being the bad guy. I was better to her than her own mother, and this is the thanks I get! She bad mouths me to complete strangers (so not the first time) and she comes out smelling like a rose. Every time. I don't even let my friends come around my home because of her. She inserts herself into conversations etc, and acts like she should be there getting to know them. She acts like she is so busy cleaning my house when others are around, and won't lift a finger to do that when no one can see her. I hold my friends at arms length because I don't want to have to explain the step child situation to them, because most people don't understand. Even when I tell them that she had a hand in ruining a 22 year friendship. I picked her over my friend of 22 years. I forgave her and not my old friend. I figured, well she is the kid, and my friend was the adult. I won't let that happen again, so I keep them at a safe distance.

I have to put myself out there again? I have to try again? I don't want to. I can't.


007Lostit's picture

Thank you. I like your suggestion for what you would do if it were your son. It is sound advice. Unfortunately I have been in such a bad place I don't feel like talking to anyone but the two little ones these days. My interaction is so limited now.
Therapy may be needed. I have not decided yet. I wanted to put some distance between the incidents and see if I started to feel better about it all. So far, no. So far it just feels worse.

I have given Dh the control..I did report to him what was going on etc...that is why he ended up blaming me...he felt that was all I was doing. My expectations of SD have dwindled to nothing. I don't expect her to do anything anymore....she has pulled all of her little charades and crap for so long. I am most "happy" when she is not around, like at school or work. I feel at peace during those times or like I can breath at least. It is not a lot.

I don't do anything by myself. If I get to go out then DH comes along. I am here to take care of the kids and the house. Yes, I need breaks, and a vacation. I don't get them. My shower is my big break. But even then the chances of the littlest one walking in on me are pretty high lol. I spend a lot of time awake in the wee hours now because it is quiet and peaceful. But then I have to put up with all my inner dialogue nowadays.

007Lostit's picture

And what do you do when, I am still expected to pick her up from school and take her to work etc?

007Lostit's picture

Thanks. I read as much as I can for escape. I have heard about the book stepmonster, may have to look into that one. Wonder if Barnes and Noble carries it...

oneoffour's picture

You cannot be expected to take care of someone who dislikes you. Why punish the girl with you picking her up and dropping her off when you make her life so miserable?

Now is about the time you tell your DH "Honey, your daughter thinks I am horrible to her. So the best thing is for you to be her one and only parent. So in future you need to arrange everything for her. I am no longer her step mum but her father's wife. I am sure she will much prefer you to me anyway. And I am so busy with the little ones."

"Blah blah blah blah"

"Yes, yes. I know. Someone else will have to drive her around. I am no longer available. She doesn't like me and she doesn't have to like me. I would like to think she was at least polite but I upset her too much. So I won't speak to her and she won't havwe to speak to me! She will be much happier then!"

See, the problem is when these parents expect us to run around after their fatally character-flawed children AND be Carol Brady to their Munster-like behaviours. Doesn't happen in the Real World.

Concentrate on the little ones. SD is a done deal. I would get furious when my OSS would lie to his father and let him down over and over again. But nothing I could do would make me any better but to let it go. HE was not a reflection on me, I aren't his mother! And so with your SD. You aren't her bio mother and cannot be held responsible for her whack-job behaviour.

So she wants to pretend to be "The Good One". Rip into it kid. Be has helpful and nice as you like. I am not driving you anywhere or buying you anything or helping you do whatever your tiny estrogen enhanced brain decides. I am not legally obliged to do anything for you. I am married to your father not you!

It isn't personal. She would treat any other woman who married her father like this. So back off, hands off. Make it seem like you are tired of making her life a living hell and driving her away. And how busy you will be with the little ones. Your DH will be BEGGING for your help inside a month. Guaranteed.

sandye21's picture

oneoffour, Thank you, thank you, thank you!! Last week my SD 36 and her husband yelled at me because I "Make them uncomfortable". This has been a standard line to Daddy since she was 16 when I nicely asked if she would pick her bed blankets up instead of leaving them on the floor for the dogs to lie on. I just LOVE it! From now on no contact, "Don't want to make her feel uncomfortable." LOL LOL

007Lostit's picture

Thank you oneoffour! I love all your advice. I should use it. DH has me taking her to work again. I hate it. She even asked me for a ride to some thing she supposedly has going on tomorrow evening, before her dad gets home. Excuse me??? I thought I was the reason you ran away? That, and your dad telling you no to a boy. (no idea where said boy is....she has not spoken of him since her 'date')

I feel like my DH took away any parental authority I may have had. Even over my oldest.

I have to do something, to save my own sanity.