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ToxicTroll losing job, money stress and other updates

CLove's picture

Well, after several weeks of staying home because her doctor told her she must, she is finally getting the boot from her job.

This is from her brain injury from a few years ago. She told DH that she is getting a 30k severance, and they are letting her go in November, and she is losing her insurance. The settlement is still in the works, though, so she wont be in the streets by any means, now or in the near future.


just Need to vent

Mommiedearest66's picture

since the last time I was one here I took a step back from trying to be involved, disengaging, it honestly only made the situation worse. DH and I fought about how I don’t care how everything seems fake and the like. So I went to ca last weekend and SD was also gone with BM for the weekend because they had a trip planned. So DH had an entire weekend to figure his side out after we fought about this stuff. But we let SD go with BM This way we could have SD for Halloween since it’s during the week. 
