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OT - Eff Off Friday

Aniki-Moderator's picture

Friday at last! This has been a loooooong week. Again. 18 days 'til Christmas and I have so much to do between work, medical appointments, and personal stuff that I need to make To Do lists every day (including a planned route so I'm not doubling back driving places). Admittedly, I'm ready for December 26th!

Eff off to:


OT - Eff Off Friday

Aniki-Moderator's picture

Friday at last! It's been....interesting this week. Trying to shoo 'annoying' out the window. 

Eff off to:

  • People who think you are too stupid to follow instructions. Hey, poophead! I can do this 53 times and the result is the same: it doesn't work!!!!
  • Cold sores due to stress. My lip looks like I went 4 rounds with Rocky.
  • Skid weekend and I haven't yet made plans to be out of the house. I'm exhausted and those cold sores might not be solely due to stress.
  • A YUGE eff off to my soon-to-be-ex insurance company. 

OT - Eff Off Friday

Aniki-Moderator's picture

Let's jump right into it:

  • Eff off to drivers who just HAVE to squeeze into the 3 foot space in front of me....when there is NO ONE BEHIND ME.
  • Eff off to people whining about the cooler temps and the inevitable upcoming snows of Winter. Don't like it? MOVE.
  • Eff off to a certain coworker who seems to think I sit around day after day just waiting for him to give me something to do.
  • Triple Eff Off to sanctimonious shi'theads who piously spout platitudes about which they know NOTHING.
